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Phoenix Hawk Has Arrived!

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#101 Weyen


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Posted 02 March 2016 - 05:44 PM

View PostKaveli, on 02 March 2016 - 05:27 PM, said:

I don't think people are being selective. The Urbanmech was never a good deal. It makes more sense to compare it to more recent mech releases too. Which if you do... it's a bad deal.

It depends what package you're looking at. The $20 for a Phoenix Hawk is currently the best deal in the game (tied with the other $20 deals like the Urbie). If you just want to master the Ebon Jaguar, that's going to cost you $55 at a MINIMUM, almost three times as much. The only packs that are even remotely close in terms of value are the Resistance and Origins packs and you don't get to choose the mechs you're buying (Don't want another light mech? Too bad, you have to buy one anyway). If there's any mech you can buy for less than $20, I can't find it on their store.

The $85 pack seems excessive, I'll grant, but who cares? It's just PGI fishing for whales. I'll probably buy an addon or two piecemeal after the release (starting with the reinforcements pack, because I personally just find MASC to be more fun even if it's not super powerful) if the base chassis is fun. And if it's not, then I've at least lost WAY less money than I would have blowing $90 on the pack with the EBJ.

#102 Karl Marlow


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Posted 02 March 2016 - 05:46 PM

I think I'll get the standard and Roc. I like the reinforcment mechs but not for 20 extra dollars

#103 Lorian Sunrider


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Posted 02 March 2016 - 05:59 PM

I adore the **** out of this mech and I've bought the standard version. I would consider buying more if the standard wasn't nearly $30 Canadian.

Thing about these packs that are nice is that you can always add a hero later if they become a favorite mech.

As for the reinforcements, the missile hardpoints almost made me cave but I figure I'll just wait for c-bills.

#104 Trilobiteer


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Posted 02 March 2016 - 06:07 PM

Yeah I've bought every top tier pack for both clan and IS but I think this is where I stop. It's just getting ridiculous having to fork out another ~$60AUD every month for the newest collector's pack. It's time to stop selling Mech packs and start adding more maps, better community warfare and improving the graphics and optimisation. Maybe if the base pack was say $15 and the collector's pack $25 I'd probably buy it but as it stands the price is just too high. $40USD means around $60AUD for me and that's simply too much to spend on just one style of mech let alone committing to spend the same amount on the other 3 similar packs that will surely follow in order to complete the "set". So thanks guys, it's been fun but sadly this is where I get off, from now on I think I'll just stick to my good ol' Catapult and save my money for other games.

#105 GreyNovember


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Posted 02 March 2016 - 06:34 PM

Great. Everyone who wanted one got what they wanted.

Then they'll mothball them after mastery because they're IS Shadowcats.

#106 Milocinia


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Posted 02 March 2016 - 06:35 PM

Even if they are a bit substandard (looking at Res I and II (in my opinion)) I would rather go back to the pack format than something like this, rather than paying through the nose for a 45T mech no matter how iconic it may be.

Regardless of how "good" value the Kodiak may be with regards to tonnage vs $, this just doesn't translate here. There's not even any extra work per se for the extra PHX variants once you have the base model created! The base pack should consist of all 5 of the basic mechs, then I could stomach the extra optional cost for the hero robits.

I would rather have a bit less "care" attributed to each new mech design in exchange for a return to the pack format but with added extras.

I stopped whaling at the IIc pack. I bought the MAD and WHM because they are good mechs and also among the highest thought of out of the newseens. I skipped the roflman because I saw it as a waste compared to the Jager. I will buy the Archer after release if it turns out well because it also looks cool. Kodiak? I preferred the MWO clan omni format, not keen on MWO clan battlemechs. The Phee? Nah forget it altogether.

I'll pick it up on cbill as and when I feel like it.

This is one former whale who can no longer be turned, no matter how sexy the gundam is.

And also while I'm at it Russ and Paul, cast your minds back to pre-clan when the SHD was a very highly thought of mech and when a pathetic build like mine could wreak havoc in the hands of a player who had a brain behind him, not an automated cranium space that can only go "durr meta comp" and build mechs in a certain way http://mwomercs.com/...forgotten-ones/

You're starting to push my limits altogether now PGI.

Edited by Milocinia, 02 March 2016 - 06:41 PM.

#107 Spheroid


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Posted 02 March 2016 - 06:36 PM

Pass. Woefully inadequate number of energy hardpoints.

#108 stealthraccoon


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Posted 02 March 2016 - 06:42 PM

Hahaha, I bought the Ultimate pack - I will probably find three of them that I like.

I have an big boy job for just these occasions, to blow hard earned money on something I don't need!

We asked for this, don't go whining because it's not dollar menu prices, we all know what we signed up for :)

#109 El Bandito


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Posted 02 March 2016 - 06:48 PM

Ah nostalgia. The moneymaker for PGI.

I am not getting any for real money. Once it comes out for C-Bills, I'll get the ECM versions.

#110 Realizer


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Posted 02 March 2016 - 07:14 PM

I'd love to make more purchases in this game, but $85 for a bunch of variants of a single mech is crazy talk. I'll hold out and see what they offer for Clan Wave 4 but if the prices are still insane it won't matter. Give some value in these packs, hell for $85 I can buy a game with all future DLC included. It's hard to convince friends to start playing MWO when they see these prices. So far I've got a few Mastery Packs, and even those left a sting for price paid vs content received.

#111 Y E O N N E


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Posted 02 March 2016 - 07:20 PM

I feel like I'm looking at a Vindicator in sheep's clothing...

#112 Metus regem


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Posted 02 March 2016 - 07:24 PM

View PostYeonne Greene, on 02 March 2016 - 07:20 PM, said:

I feel like I'm looking at a Vindicator in sheep's clothing...

Funny coming from a Wolf....

Still she is as close as I am going to get to the Mech that got me started playing Battle Tech, not my go-to Mech, but sill the first, The PHX-HK-M, Phoenix Hawk LAM.

#113 Navid A1


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Posted 02 March 2016 - 07:25 PM

I'm not buying into these single chassis packs that try to milk out nostalgia anymore.

PGI need to understand that they need to give a break on these single mech pack every month model.
They should do only 2 packs per year. Two 4 mech packs with loads and loads of content. While working on real gameplay content... and maps.
Even whales have a limit.

For now...
Posted Image

#114 Y E O N N E


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Posted 02 March 2016 - 07:26 PM

View PostMetus regem, on 02 March 2016 - 07:24 PM, said:

Funny coming from a Wolf....

Still she is as close as I am going to get to the Mech that got me started playing Battle Tech, not my go-to Mech, but sill the first, The PHX-HK-M, Phoenix Hawk LAM.

I'm beholden to my unit which, for whatever bizarre and horrifying reason, chose to swap from Ghost Bear to Wolf when it was actually supposed to be our turn back on the IS side of things.

At heart, I'm a Davion. All the dakka, bishes...

#115 Realizer


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Posted 02 March 2016 - 07:27 PM

View PostYeonne Greene, on 02 March 2016 - 07:20 PM, said:

I feel like I'm looking at a Vindicator in sheep's clothing...

Although unless you are saying the Vindicator is good, it should be in wolf's clothing. Because it's a sheep pretending to be a wolf.

#116 Y E O N N E


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Posted 02 March 2016 - 07:48 PM

View PostRealizer, on 02 March 2016 - 07:27 PM, said:

Although unless you are saying the Vindicator is good, it should be in wolf's clothing. Because it's a sheep pretending to be a wolf.

Wrong way to interpret it.

We are the flock of sheep. The Vindicator was a wolf to our in-game performance and wallets, savaging them both.

Ergo, since the PXH looks to be very similar in potential to the VND, it is also a wolf in sheep's clothing.

#117 Thell


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Posted 02 March 2016 - 07:55 PM

Just save your money and don't buy this mech unless you are that crazy about the Phoenix Hawk. It's hardpoints are bad save for 2 variants that are just big firestarters.

#118 Isolani


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Posted 02 March 2016 - 07:57 PM

I'll get the base pack + Roc probably. Mostly for nostalgia's sake, Roc might be fun. I don't like the look of the hardpoint locations on most of the variants.

#119 Saber Avalon


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Posted 02 March 2016 - 08:00 PM

View Poststealthraccoon, on 02 March 2016 - 06:42 PM, said:

Hahaha, I bought the Ultimate pack - I will probably find three of them that I like.

I have an big boy job for just these occasions, to blow hard earned money on something I don't need!

We asked for this, don't go whining because it's not dollar menu prices, we all know what we signed up for Posted Image

I have three gold mechs in my hangar and have purchased the top tier of every pack so far and even I'm saying enough is enough. My career is fine, thank you. I agree we asked for the mech, but not the way it's being sold. By comparison to other packs it doesn't have the value and these "packs" keep getting worse. Again, I'm saying this as someone who bought THREE gold mechs, to support the BattleTech/Mechwarrior universe as a long standing fan. Open your eyes buddy, PGI has been greedy as of late and keep pushing to squeeze every last cent out of us. Funny, cause they're Canadian and we no longer have pennys.

Edited by Saber Avalon, 02 March 2016 - 08:02 PM.

#120 ShadowFighter88


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Posted 02 March 2016 - 08:03 PM

View PostLupis Volk, on 02 March 2016 - 02:09 PM, said:

it's $123.59AUD urgh i'll be getting it. there goes my plans for a clan wave pack for the current time.

Just as well I don't have much interest in Hero 'Mechs, should make it a bit more affordable.

... but that Knights of the Inner Sphere paintjob on Roc...

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