Phoenix Hawk Has Arrived!
Posted 03 March 2016 - 01:54 AM
Posted 03 March 2016 - 02:53 AM
Yeonne Greene, on 02 March 2016 - 07:48 PM, said:
Wrong way to interpret it.
We are the flock of sheep. The Vindicator was a wolf to our in-game performance and wallets, savaging them both.
Ergo, since the PXH looks to be very similar in potential to the VND, it is also a wolf in sheep's clothing.
Eh, i think its going to be amazing tbh. Well, one of them anyway - the PHX-2 can have ECM, 6xJJs, 14 DHS, XL330 and 6xML, all arm mounted for easy aiming - with that engine it will run at 130 kph and jump as well as the Shadowcat.
I just object to paying $35 for one mech, so ill wait for cbills.
Posted 03 March 2016 - 03:08 AM
ASaltyScrublord, on 02 March 2016 - 09:19 PM, said:
I'm quite confused by this who "having to fork out another ~$60AUD every month" part? In what way do PGI force you to buy their mech packs? Every single chassis pack has cost $20 in order to get the main mechs and not a single one of these packs has been a required purchase in order to enjoy the game. If you are buying them then you are doing so because you want to play the mech and not because you will be at a disadvantage for not doing so. The higher level packs for all of these packs are basically just for collectors and are completely unnecessary in order to enjoy the chassis.
If you don't want the mechs, or you feel they are overpriced, then just don't buy them. However crying about something that has absolutely zero negative effect on you is just acting like a spoiled entitled brat.
I agree that these mechs are not required to enjoy the game but for a collector like myself who wants to support the game it has become too difficult to justify the increasing prices. 2 years ago a collector's edition mech cost $30, now it's $40. If the consumer is to be labeled as "acting like a spoiled entitled brat" for refusing to bow to a 25% price hike then we are living in the wrong economy.
Posted 03 March 2016 - 03:30 AM

I think the 20$ pack is always a good cost/benefit only with the early bonuses, the rest doesnt worth the extra price, you can always wait the reiforcements to come for cbills and buy the hero later if you like the mech style.
Posted 03 March 2016 - 06:02 AM
i notice the "guardian ECM suit", new ECM ?
Did i miss infos plz
Posted 03 March 2016 - 06:33 AM
Bluttrunken, on 02 March 2016 - 09:12 PM, said:
Bad play from PGI. I already opted out of the IIC mechs because they hid excellent variants behind the Early Adopter screen(even though I could have bought them before the deadline).
I was 100% sure I'll get the Phoenix Hawk. I'm not so sure anymore now.
Keep in mind. TEMPORARY paywall. If you want to be among the first to use them then you pay for them. Otherwise, you can wait for reviews and choose to buy individually for either MC or C-bills when the time comes.
Folks get bent out of shape because they want the mechs, don't want to pay what PGI is asking and DON'T WANT TO WAIT. The last is not PGI's fault. Overall, the pricing for this pack is the same as the previous ones.
As for all the variants and heroes ..
The phoenix hawk has a ton of timeline appropriate variants ... so they decided to put more in than usual and offer them as optional extras.
As for the heroes .. the fluff mentions two notable pilots
- Shin Yodama piloted a Phoenix Hawk for much of his early career in the DCMS, including the Clan Invasion. [48]
- Sir Paul Masters used a Phoenix Hawk when the Knights of the Inner Sphere were formed. [49]
Paul Masters also drove a Phoenix Hawk in the Battletech book "Ideal War" ... however, the only connection to the designation "ROC" that I can find appears to be the publisher of the book

Posted 03 March 2016 - 07:06 AM
Posted 03 March 2016 - 09:20 AM
Or - if nothing else - PGI could have posted just titles of BattleTech novels, so players would know where to find some about Masters and Yodama.
Posted 03 March 2016 - 09:43 AM
Seriously? How?
And how are we expected to feel about it when the whole one-mech-packs were in part justified as a "higher value" alternative to a-la-Carte for people who didn't want to spend the $80usd for 16 variants? And they're charging $85 now for 7 variants of one mech plus an inferior duplicate? With the $85usd pack having inferior value to even the base $20usd pack?
I've opened my wallet for virtually everything for the last 3 years, but I feel like I'm finally being given permission to let it ride. It's like they're saying "You've done enough, you can rest now. We'll charge the new players a premium. They don't know how good of a deal the last three big packs were".
Fair enough, old friends. Thank you. This will free my fun money up (finally) for Fallout 4 ($40usd with free shipping on Amazon at the moment, woo!)
Posted 03 March 2016 - 09:56 AM
Perilthecat, on 03 March 2016 - 09:43 AM, said:
Seriously? How?
And how are we expected to feel about it when the whole one-mech-packs were in part justified as a "higher value" alternative to a-la-Carte for people who didn't want to spend the $80usd for 16 variants? And they're charging $85 now for 7 variants of one mech plus an inferior duplicate? With the $85usd pack having inferior value to even the base $20usd pack?
I've opened my wallet for virtually everything for the last 3 years, but I feel like I'm finally being given permission to let it ride. It's like they're saying "You've done enough, you can rest now. We'll charge the new players a premium. They don't know how good of a deal the last three big packs were".
Fair enough, old friends. Thank you. This will free my fun money up (finally) for Fallout 4 ($40usd with free shipping on Amazon at the moment, woo!)
I paid for it instantly and there is one and only one reason. I have been asking for it and I have to have it. It may be the very last mech I buy, but I WILL have it.
Posted 03 March 2016 - 09:56 AM
Posted 03 March 2016 - 09:58 AM
snow0815, on 03 March 2016 - 09:56 AM, said:
Judging by the history of this game's prices...Yes.
There will always be megawhales that buy these packs at virtually any price, which is why the prices will never go down. The reason PGI does it is basically "because they can."
Edited by FupDup, 03 March 2016 - 09:59 AM.
Posted 03 March 2016 - 10:02 AM
FupDup, on 03 March 2016 - 09:58 AM, said:
There will always be megawhales that buy these packs at virtually any price, which is why the prices will never go down. The reason they do it is basically "because they can."
Yeah this game does have an older playerbase, which tends to have more income - and if you are the type to play a lot of online games, by and large you have a cheapish lifestyle. Lots of disposable income.
Thats said, and ive bought most of the packs so far, but not all - im not buying this. I judge each one on what i think it will give me (and i messed up on clan wave II, that wasnt worth it), and this is $35 for 2-3 decent mechs, none with a cbill bonus. Not worth it -> wait for cbills. ill buy PHX-2, PHX-1B and PHX-3S/PHX-1K when they are out and skip the uninspiring variants.
Edited by Widowmaker1981, 03 March 2016 - 10:06 AM.
Posted 03 March 2016 - 10:02 AM
Some people have more time, some people have more money, and some lucky bell-***s have both.
Posted 03 March 2016 - 10:04 AM
FupDup, on 03 March 2016 - 09:58 AM, said:
There will always be megawhales that buy these packs at virtually any price, which is why the prices will never go down. The reason PGI does it is basically "because they can."
The problem isn't that prices don't go down. They go up while content goes down. And early adopter rewards also become less. Once upon a time you would receive extra mechs. And 2 hero mechs. Seriously?
Edited by snow0815, 03 March 2016 - 10:06 AM.
Posted 03 March 2016 - 10:10 AM
Jetfire, on 03 March 2016 - 09:56 AM, said:
I paid for it instantly and there is one and only one reason. I have been asking for it and I have to have it. It may be the very last mech I buy, but I WILL have it.
I apologize. I should have stated "How can anyone RATIONALLY reconcile..."

You're a collector most likely, or your nostalgia is steering your wallet. But strictly comparing one product to another product in context of the game, it's a terrible value proposition and it actively flies in the face of one of Russ' direct justifications for releasing mechs one at a time like this. In addition to being a rather blatant money-grab where they are literally just mining your nostalgia and the nostalgia of similar folks. Which I think is fine, if done at a fair price.
Basically what I'm saying is this company needs to give Henry Winkler his leather jacket back if we ever want to see the happy days return to MWO.

Posted 03 March 2016 - 10:13 AM
Mawai, on 03 March 2016 - 06:33 AM, said:
Keep in mind. TEMPORARY paywall. If you want to be among the first to use them then you pay for them. Otherwise, you can wait for reviews and choose to buy individually for either MC or C-bills when the time comes.
It's not only about the timed exclusivity, it's also about being able to get the mech without grinding the cBills for it. My mech roster is 50% packages, 50% grind but I would have bought this one if PGI would have made a reasonable deal.
I don't have trouble spending money on mechs, I have trouble spending money on bad deals, which the PXH is atm. That's the whole point. If you want to support that, that's cool, but I was excited to see the PXH pack go online(I love mediums) just to be disappointed as soon as I saw was PGI is doing there: trying to coerce as much money as possible from loyal fans.
Posted 03 March 2016 - 10:18 AM
1) Older average player base typically means more disposable income.
2) Older average player base typically means less free time ... family, work, other commitments ... so buying mechs you want
is faster and makes the game more fun to play
3) Some folks like to collect things and online content can be one of those things ... so if they can afford it, they pick up the packs because they like them.
4) If you consider MWO a hobby then it is FAR CHEAPER than many other hobbies out there. Some folks like hang gliding, sailing, motorbiking, radio controlled vehicles, golf, downhill skiing, going out to movies, hanging out at a bar (hopefully with friends

Posted 03 March 2016 - 10:19 AM
My big deal is im poor and want the base pack for the three mechs so i can master them and all the extra stuff i will get. But not having a variant that has the c-bill boost is kinda crappy.
so should i just get the 3 now and the extra stuff or wait till they come out for c-bills?
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