Occupied city (Roleplaying-story telling)
Posted 12 December 2011 - 08:21 AM
He's wearing a faded trenchcoat that used to be black, and under it the tatters of a green uniform with obvious spots where patches and insignia have been stripped off. His wet boots squeak as he strides up to the Empty Stein's bar.
"Water," he says to the barkeep.
The man returns with a glass of icewater and a stern look.
"Oh, no, sorry I meant bottled water. I try not to drink the local stuff."
"What's the matter," the man growls, grabbing a bottle from the fridge under the bar, "local stuff not good enough for ya, Offworlder?"
"No, no, no, it's not like that. Trust me, you ever spend a month pukin' your guts out with the Canopian Flu, you'll think the way I do."
He throws down a 10 C-Bill note on the bar and chugs the water greedily.
Jason looks over at the man at the bar next to him.
"A little early to be hittin' the hard stuff, isn't it?"
Posted 12 December 2011 - 10:46 AM
The wad of C-Bills was securely hidden in an interior pocket of her coveralls, with just a single 10 Note for a drink and appetizer at The Empty Stien. It was one of the few places she felt comfortable enough to visit regularly. Her Japanese ancestry had ended many friendships, and closed many doors since Occupation that only her mechanics' skills managed to overcome... and only sometimes. The sullen hostility she saw in the faces of too many people when they looked at her made Eiko acutely nervous - fortunately, the Empty Stein's staff weren't among them. In thanks, she had performed minor maintenance on the staff's groundcars, and refused payment when offered.
Eiko stepped into the dim light of the Empty Stein, and one of the bartenders, seeing her smiled and waved her over. 'Kon'nichiwa, Eiko. The usual?' She returned his smile with one of her own. Bryan the Bartender was always very deferential when she came in, and she appreciated him greatly. The Empty Stein was one of the few places she actually heard Japanese spoken - and just to her. 'Te kudasai hai,' she said in response with a slight bow as she took off the poncho. She sat down at the bar, feeling a bit more at ease. The bartender returned with a single distinctively-designed bottle - the truncated pyramid was embossed with the word 'PHARAOH' - it was her favorite brew. He also carried a plastic bowl of potato chips and dip. She pulled out her 10 C-bill note and set it beside the serving tray. Bryan looked down and frowned at the bill, but Eiko pushed it at him assertively. Bryan had attempted to refuse her payment more than once - he knew how close to the razor's edge of poverty Eiko walked, but she had insisted. He took the bill without comment and went over to the register. 'So,' he said casually, 'how is business at Durand-Nakamura Automotive?' Eiko smirked tiredly. 'The work is hard, but at least there is work.' She was always careful not to mention money - in these desperate times, the wrong person overhearing her...
Edited by VEDRFOLNIR, 12 December 2011 - 10:50 AM.
Posted 12 December 2011 - 03:06 PM
But what was it?
A few more men came into the bar - former militia minute-men who had been cast out of the local milita and now had no place of work. There were six of them in all, with rugged faces of ungroomed hair and short hair that has become too fuzzy for it's own good. Trench coats of fine leather and cloth, boots that came to the knee and ended in a steel tip came stomping in with water that clung too their being. Taking seats by the fireplace in the center of the room - a large flame pit it was, a few feet raised on a pedistal and with a chimney that lead outward - they took up seats and ordered some beers as well as fish and chips. And so they, with voices booming and loud as can be, talked of the resistance bombing the harbor's boats and merchant ships as to deny the Combine the vital cargo it carried. The harbor's casualties were the result of DCMS that had been held hostage and left on one of the ships. They told of men - armor black as the night and visors that reflected the glow of the moon and rain so significantly it seemed to be illuminating light. They also told of something else, something that was rare now that the militia had been put down: A Shadow Hawk, painted Black, Green and Red and armed with the latest weapons from the Helm Memory core had totalled and obliterated a Lance of lighter 'mechs.
Relating their stories in such exhuberance, one could not help but listion. As they spook, the low thuds emerged from the clamour of the rain and talk. But something was amiss - it came BEFORE the lightning.
Posted 12 December 2011 - 04:14 PM
CaveMan, on 12 December 2011 - 08:21 AM, said:
After a long swig of the whiskey, Kavin looks over and replies laughing "Never too early for a pint boss, haha."
Upon seeing Eiko enter and order her meal, Kavin smooths his hair with a gloved hand and winks, yelling "HEY BABE!" at the top of his lungs. Not bothering for a response, he smacks Jason's shoulder and says, in a quieter tone "I know her, she's pretty good" ending it with a wink and a quick laugh.
Kavins attention quickly moved to the newcomers to the bar. He recognized a few of them from when before he was 'dismissed' from the DCMS militia. Interupting their conversation, he yells out at them "What the F is this resistance shy-te and who are they?"
(( I changed up my bio a bit I decided, Kavin was just kicked out of the DCMS militia. not a major change, but just so Kavin seems more like a stranger to the actual resistance members.))
Edited by Kevin Kirov, 12 December 2011 - 04:15 PM.
Posted 12 December 2011 - 04:53 PM
The heavy rain continued, and after a moment of silence it seems that the rain had passed into a drizzle. The rain began to lighten up, the thunder and lightning subsiding but every so often, a low echo would come out but not too the point of shaking the glass. But then, it happened again - the low, now closer the thudding seemed, the very vibrations from it's being begining to shake the windows.
"Well that's odd." Said the bartender as he was cleaning a large mug with a rag. "Weather man said the rain should clear up a tad, but it seems like it is coming back around.."
Posted 12 December 2011 - 08:00 PM
Dop quietly says to himself "I wish I could have a drink." before rolling over and returning to his nap under a soggy piece of cardboard. He shivers, he is cold. He hasent eaten in 2 days. He begins to dream of hot meals and cold drinks.
He is soon woken by booms. Groggy, He rubs the sleep from his eyes. The dream bekons him to return, but something is amiss. He seems a bit colder, even though the temperature has stayed the same. Chills run down his spine with the next thud.
"Thats odd." he says. "That doesnt seem like thunder."
He slowly picks himself off of the soggy, cold pavement and peers around the front of the bar from the alley. He knows what it sounds like, but prays that he is wrong.
His heart races as he looks...
Edited by fuguzawaz, 12 December 2011 - 08:17 PM.
Posted 12 December 2011 - 08:19 PM
One of the men, holding a high powered rifle brought it up to his shoulder and shot off three shots, each hitting it's target at the "face" of the Firestarter. One of the rounds cracked the narrow peice of glass used as the cockpit's window. This seemed to enrage the pilot, who brought an arm up and pointed it's Medium laser at the man, who had stopped to fire more accurate shots. Turning tail, he ran just as the spot he stood before evaporated in an explosion brought on by the laser and flung him into a black mail box. Before the Firestarter could raise the other arm to fire the other laser, one of the men raised his one-shot SRM and fired two shots - each one hitting the shoulder and forcing the 'mech to step back to readjust, buying the men time to run. Quickly turning the other street before the 'mech could shoot, it quickly ran after them, leaving it's mark by stepping on a car just outside the Empty Stein and kicking a motorized bike clear across the street into another building's second story window.
Posted 12 December 2011 - 08:32 PM
Edited by fuguzawaz, 12 December 2011 - 08:37 PM.
Posted 12 December 2011 - 08:35 PM
Sprinting outside raising his laser pistol, he runs into a ragged looking boy. "What's going on out here boy?" Kavin screamed, seeing the body, the crater, and the large Firestarter staring down the street. Grabbing the boy he drags him inside, firing blindly in the direction of the mech.
Posted 12 December 2011 - 08:43 PM
Posted 12 December 2011 - 08:44 PM
Kevin Kirov, on 12 December 2011 - 08:35 PM, said:
"I... I dont quite know!" he stutters "I was just taking a nap when what looked like resistance members ran past my alley. Next thing I knew, a dam-n Firestarter started openinig up on them! Lucky for me, it didnt seem to notice me."
Dop sits on a stool and stares at the floor.
"I've never seen someones body thrown like that before..."
Posted 12 December 2011 - 08:49 PM
Posted 12 December 2011 - 08:50 PM
She leapt over the bar, (decorum be damned!) and could see Kavin dash outside, laser pistol in hand. She ducked down next to Bryan as the various bottles of liquor began singing a rattling staccato from the noise outside the bar. Eiko felt Bryan's arm over her shoulders as he pulled her close. 'Oh please...' she whispered to Anyone Listening. 'Please...'
Posted 12 December 2011 - 08:59 PM
Boom! Boom! Boom! CRASH! The BattleMech stepped on something right outside the bar - probably one of the groundcars she had passed on the way in. The noise was absolutely beyond her abiltiy to cope with it - 'Sore o teishi shimasu!' she cried reflexively. Please, please stop it! She could dimly hear Bryan whispering 'It's all right, Eiko. It's all right...' The sounds diminished as the BattleMech tore its' way away from the bar. Eiko trembled, near tears.
Posted 12 December 2011 - 09:00 PM
Kevin Kirov, on 12 December 2011 - 08:49 PM, said:
"They ran that way." Dop points in the direction that they ran.
"They probably went into the sewers, but ive heard only rumors. I havent actually looked for them yet, besides, I doubt that they would take someone as younge as me..."
Dop has wanted to join the resistance. The thought of fighting isnt exactly exciting, but where else is he to turn? "I have no other future" he thinks to himself "I might as well aid in a worthy cause."
"Do you think they would take me?" he asks hopefully.
Posted 12 December 2011 - 09:08 PM
Turning to the bar, Kavin hears Eiko wimpering. "I thought you would be used to this by now girl?" "I know this has been going on for atleast the 5 months I've been here." The smell of alcohol was ripe on his breath as he leaned in. "If it bothers you so much, I might be able to help."
Edited by Kevin Kirov, 12 December 2011 - 09:09 PM.
Posted 12 December 2011 - 09:16 PM
The Firestarter, recognizing this from what he had been briefed on quickly raised it's arms to fire the only weapons that could reach it, but was too slow as suddenly a barrage of bright red pulses flew across the air with a deep, incessive dronning and high-pitched sound. Five rounds hit the chest, punching large holes while three missed. As this giant 'mech walked closer, one could see the paint job on it's leg - Black, with green stripes. As it fired, it kicked a truck that was out in the open into the pelvis area of the Firestarter, doubling it in a sense and pushing it back.
When it did bring both arms up to fire both it's beams missed the head of this 'mech and left it wide open. Suddenly, eight SRMs came flying out of the chest of this mysterious battlemech and destroyed it's arms and ruptured the chest wide open. It also shook the light 'mech violently, forcing it to fly backwards onto it's back. Defeated. As the 'mech walked over too finish the job it suddenly stopped, turned it's head and started at the Empty Stein. Into it's windows and directly into the scared faces of it's patrons.
Posted 12 December 2011 - 09:16 PM
"I cant take this."
Dop tries to hand it back.
Then, violent thuds and explosions throw Dop onto the floor. He lands on his arm and you hear a loud crack.
Edited by fuguzawaz, 12 December 2011 - 09:22 PM.
Posted 12 December 2011 - 09:32 PM
Then the darkness was lit up by another series of massive explosions, and Eiko grabbed at the door-frame to keep from falling over. She saw the boy fall... and then the hulking mass of the BattleMech appeared, as if by magic, looking down at her.
Edited by VEDRFOLNIR, 12 December 2011 - 09:34 PM.
Posted 12 December 2011 - 09:42 PM
From the light, all could see what it was - a Shadow Hawk, the one that was spoken of by the millitia forces. It seemed to be a complete customazation: The AC/5 seemed longer, like an AC/2 but the arm that held it was the same used on Ultra-Autocannons. It's right arm sported a Large Pulse laser, and the chest seemed to house two Streak-SRM-4s while the left wrist armed itself with two Medium lasers. It also had a long tube extending from it's forehead, presumably a machine gun.
When this final attempt failed too damage or deter it's purser, the Shadow Hawk raised it's right arm toward the cockpit and fired thrice - in a loud explosion the head too the Firestarted exploded into a bright red cloud of misery, along with a deathly howl from it's previous owner. It's head destroyed the Shadow Hawk fell in - ironically - flames too the asphalt with a loud thud.
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