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Occupied city (Roleplaying-story telling)

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#161 Damion Wolf


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Posted 02 January 2012 - 12:29 AM


Okay, I'm tired of waiting for this guy to respond to my PM. I'm going to jump on in. Let me know if you guys are alright with this.

Name: Duke "Spook" Corvus
Gender: Male
Description of character:

Six foot tall, one hundred eighty pounds. Brown eyes and black hair. His skin is tan and his features are clearly Western American.
Affiliation: Freelance 'Mech Pilot

Duke was travelling to Outreach. This planet was simply a conveniant stop along the way. He was having his MAD-2R transported along the way. When the DCMS attacked, it was sitting in one of the storage depots on the space port. The building was half caved in during the attack and it was assumed that nothing useful could be salvaged from it. Duke knows exactly where it is and how to get to it but doesn't have a way off planet anyway. So until an opritunity to escape presents itself, he is stuck here.

His Marauder is painted red from the feet up to the waist and black from there onward. His family crest is painted on the torso.

#162 Orcinus


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Posted 03 January 2012 - 07:23 PM


Tucked into a dark alley in a forgotten corner of Bonette.
The right arm was missing, the loose actuators exposed to the rain.
Burns and craters from glancing laser and missile shots peppered the body.
The paint was faded and peeling off, though the reds and blacks could still be seen.
As well as a large pink stripe that ran along the left arm, emblazoned with remnants of black writing: はな

A small dog ran by, paused, and proceeded to take a leak.
The stream landed among the rocks around the left foot.
Upon finishing, the dog simply ran off again.
Outraged at the beast's audacity, the rest spot did nothing.

A short time later, when the rain let up some, a few heads peeked into the alleyway.
In the past weeks, children had utilized the alley, and its sole inhabitant, as a playground.
The armor plating was covered in chalk as some honed their artistic talents.
Delighted to have such friendly company, the playground did nothing.

When DC patrols came too close, the children would hide.
The 35 tons of metal (lessened by the missing arm) provided plenty of places to hide.
Hidden in the shadows, they would bide their time while the soldiers looked around.
It helped that some of their more intrepid members took it upon themselves to better conceal their hideout.
In the process they served to protect the secret hidden amongst the rubble.
Ever vigilant and determined to protect its companions, the secret did nothing.

And so it continued to wait.

#163 RogueSpear


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Posted 04 January 2012 - 01:26 PM

((Anyone know where Brendon is? Would really like to know if I'm good to continue in this thread, or if I should join/start another))

#164 Kevin Kirov


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Posted 04 January 2012 - 02:00 PM

No idea, i think we might be taking a 'New Years Break.' Unoffical tho

#165 Kevin Kirov


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Posted 08 January 2012 - 10:08 PM


#166 Vincent Vascaul


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Posted 09 January 2012 - 01:47 AM

I have more planned but I am actualy running a dark age TT game based on the storyline I had in mind for my player

#167 Orcinus


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Posted 09 January 2012 - 09:20 AM

Well, if this thread is dead or on hiatus, maybe we can get another session started until this gets running again.
I'm not very good at managing, however, so if someone else could get it started...

EDIT: I can't spell... again.

Edited by Orcinus, 11 January 2012 - 08:49 AM.

#168 guardian wolf


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Posted 09 January 2012 - 11:58 AM

Let me know if you guys want one, I'll get it started right now.

#169 Damion Wolf


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Posted 09 January 2012 - 02:10 PM


Well, I'm here to role play damn it. So yeah. If somebody wants to start another (or restart one that died) then I'll join.

#170 Orcinus


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Posted 09 January 2012 - 06:41 PM

Well, for the time being, guardian wolf has graciously started another thread:

I'm still brainstorming a character, so it may be a while before I post there.

#171 guardian wolf


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Posted 10 January 2012 - 07:28 AM

Thanks for posting that Orcinus, was just about to post that link myself.

#172 RogueSpear


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Posted 11 January 2012 - 04:26 AM

I've already bounced over, but more than happy to continue here too :P

#173 Orcinus


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Posted 17 January 2012 - 05:16 PM


There was only fire.
The black and red Jenner stood and watched.
A large pink stripe adorned each of its arms.
Two Stingers and a Hermes II stood ahead of it, also watching.
The recon lance had been patrolling when they saw it.

There were three Firestarters and one Urbanmech.
They had already made short work of the building.
Nevertheless, the Urbanmech’s AC/10 continued to pound away.
Meanwhile, the Firestarters kept close watch around the perimeter.

A handful of people had managed to escape the initial onslaught.
The MPs swept up some of them, deaf to their pleas and protests.
The Firestarters’ machine guns addressed the rest of them.

The Hermes and Stingers exchanged brief sentences as conversation.
One of the Stinger pilots made a comment to the fourth lance member.

The response was silence; the Jenner was no longer there.

#174 guardian wolf


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Posted 18 January 2012 - 07:20 AM

Is it ok if I make my character's intro, or do I need permission from the creator of this

#175 Orcinus


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Posted 18 January 2012 - 07:52 PM

I say just go for it.

If Brenden has any objections, I'm sure he'll let you know when he gets back.
If you would rather not risk it, I'm in no position say anything more.

#176 guardian wolf


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Posted 19 January 2012 - 03:59 PM

Name: Draconis
Callsign: Guardian
Description: 6'7", 250 lbs, Brown hair, Brown eyes, muscular.
Affiliation: Wolf's Dragoons,
Bio: Draco joined up with the Wolf's Dragoons, after his family was slaughtered by marauding pirates. He actually was kind of adopted by the Dragoons as they were there when his father sacrificed himself to save a Dragoon, as he warned them of a coming ambush, and was the first to die when pirates opened fire. He was taken in, and raised a Dragoon warrior, learning how to fight with anything he had, from a small knife, to a battlemech. He was also trained in field survival, and is decently good at concealing himself.
(This character is the younger version of my character in the other RP, before he received his new last name, Wolf.)

Draco took off from the end of a hallway, the dropship's alarms blaring. Explosions rocked the ship, as he ran towards the CIC. He got inside, and looked around, everyone was manning their posts. He looked and saw the captain of the ship, he looked wounded, but was as calm as a pond on a clear day.
"Captain, what is our orders?"
"Draco, get those mechs off the ship. I don't care if it's the last thing you do, but get them off the ship. The Wolf Fang is lost, I'm leaving you in command of your lance, and any survivors,"
Black fear seized him, he knew the Combine said death to mercenaries, but they didn't even give them warning, so why should they attack them. Not to mention, the Wolf Fang was his first home, and it was the only place he knew of as home. He knew he was going to have to suck it up, so he gave is first command as acting CO.
"All pilots, to your mechs, all techs when the battlemechs are away, report to escape pods, and abandon ship,"
Draco looked at the old captain, he nodded his approval. Draco saluted briefly in honor of his sacrifice, and then began to run. He made into the ready room, and quickly grabbed his gear, an armored jumpsuit, an assault rifle, and a compact SMG. He slung both over his should and began to climb the rungs into his Warhammer's cockpit. Once inside he started main engine power up. He quickly put on his jumpsuit while the engine was firing up, and heard his lance mates check in. He then placed his weapons in their allotted locations inside his cockpit. He then quickly put on his neurohelmet, and check his interface. All green, he saw the doors begin to open. He stepped towards it, and then the door finished opening. He jumped outside sprinting, and watched as a hail of AA and AAA fire came up at him. It was just like any other drop, and then Draco looked back, and saw the dropship. He watched as the pods launched from the dropship, and then, it exploded. Draco felt a sharp thrust of sadness, and it was quickly replaced by anger. He checked his gauges, and then saw he was in the optimum zone to fire his jumpjets. He heard the roar of plasma as the external jumpjet pods fired and then released after he was about twenty meters above the ground. He hit the ground and a readied to make what he thought would be his last stand. Draco knew not where his lancemates were, but he would honor their memory by killing as many of the Dracs as he could.

Edited by guardian wolf, 23 January 2012 - 07:44 AM.

#177 Orcinus


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Posted 19 January 2012 - 04:05 PM

Did you post your character bio on this thread?

If you're using the same one from your thread, it would probably be helpful if you linked to that one.

Also, I don't know if your character needs any adjustments for a ten year difference. ;)

#178 guardian wolf


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Posted 20 January 2012 - 06:24 AM

Sry, my bad, bio is now posted,

#179 Sloth901


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Posted 22 January 2012 - 03:30 PM

OOC: Guardian if this does continue me and you have to make sure our characters dont meet as they meet as they dont meet untill the clan invasion a few year later :D hence we need some careful planning so they dont see face to face or give eachother their names so the other thread makes sence.

#180 guardian wolf


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Posted 23 January 2012 - 07:22 AM

OOC: That is true, but we could be around each other, but the thing is, I won't remember you, neither you me. But you are correct, it will take some planning

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