well, after seeing a lot of 2/2/2/2 suggestions with quite narrow tonnage ranges, i am still very much against it.
1. keep it simple. let the team decide what it wanna play. the fewer regulations the better.
i like mrbc rules, but it is in the end pretty complex with different dropdecks on different rounds with different maps.
although the average mwo-player is a very smart and dedicated guy, such complex rules might not be very good to understand from a promotional perspective in marketing the game outside its current player base.
2. as much as i can see where the x/x/x/x thinking is coming from, this is based on the assumption that an unregulated deck will consist of a deck of (mostly the same) mechs, which that team thinks is currently the most powerful mech (e.g. "all oxide" or "all timberwolf deck" or maybe "4 oxide / 4 timbers" or whatever).
so far i have seen no deck that would be unbeatable. there are very creative commanders out there who will outsmart those decks, even though is may take an very unusual deck. since skill...
A very regulated deck with no chassis doubling, class restrictions and tonnage restrictions will (against its own goal to promote diversity):
A. narrow down the overall diversity, since i can not choose from all mechs
B. prevent unusual, unexpected dropdecks (i.e. high risk - high action - fun to watch)
C. likely bring in the same (supposedly optimal) x/x/x/x deck in every round, just now within the limitations
D. might appear to make the chances more even, although not more fair. this limitation is only supposed to hamper the elite teams in their way smash less skilled teams. which in the end will fail, you know, since skill....
(btw i am not in an elite team)
as a conclusion (to having a x/x/x/x dropdeck with narrow tonnage restrictions)
from a sports/competition perspective, it may even the chances a tiny little bit
(but then you should have the same fixed preset deck for all the teams anyway)
any given restriction will not promote diversity, but just narrow choices.
it increases the chance that a specific dropdeck will appear more often or maybe all the time
it will not change the skill of the players
i will stick with my original suggestion (which is restricted enough): 300-520t with no other restrictions
Edited by AngelusDD, 06 April 2016 - 11:14 PM.