Dee Eight, on 20 April 2016 - 01:33 AM, said:
Blame it on lore, folks want these choices and folks have bought these mechs.
I am a mediocre player plus a hair. I do this by only getting mechs that do well consistently. This is not my Seal Clubbing, it is me trying to do my best to create a win. I personally hate the fact that new players will buy the cheapest light mech with a std engine with zero upgrades and then get put on my team because they are no longer in t5.
The difference in the output is vastly magnified when there are fewer folks to carry the non-meta builds. Every mid quality player can improve by switching to better mechs, but they can not improve as quickly by trying to compensate without the meta builds.
Not trying to diss on the various mechs or folks enjoyment of them, but the 4v4 is just going to make it that much worse. Basically play to win, because fun mechs will not be as fun.