Kael Posavatz, on 17 September 2016 - 09:05 PM, said:
Instead they will go 'Oh look, a missile boat, I'm gonaa kill it', at which point you are swiftly down a mech and not particularly helpful to your team at all.
I actually tend to use this to my advantage. Throw a few LRMs out, and I have people charging me. Then, they fall into my teammates (if they are nearby, which they should be unless they ditched me when I wasn't looking) and into my direct fire weapons.
LRMs can be used as a lure, among other tactics. I also find LRMs to be very helpful as an approach weapon. As I close into direct line of sight, I have LRMs that can support an ally. I kinda believe in the statement "you should never be alone", and this doesn't always mean "bring a friend". With LRMs, I can be some distance away sometimes and you still aren't "alone" because I can help.
It's all in how you use them really, and what you expect to get out of them.
Jumping Gigolo, on 18 September 2016 - 07:47 AM, said:
"Guys why the f**k are we pushing out?" - says the untouched LRM maddog who clearly have no idea why you need to push out with your 1st wave damaged mechs when you got a big kill lead in Hold mode.
For the record, I'm not impressed with you quoting some players in game, and then seeming to think that is the best LRM users have to offer. You keep quoting people and situations that show a real lack of skill with the game and tactics.
I could provide screens of great matches to prove my point, and it would be as meaningless as a screen of a bad match or a quote from someone complaining.
So, please. Stop. Your stupid quotes of what people have said in match are irrelevant to this discussion. Besides to troll and try to get some people angry. Your pseudo events or even real events of how bad some people play has no relevance to this thread either. Otherwise, I could regal you on the players with small lasers who are trying to snipe at 1000+ m away... Must mean small lasers are bad, right?
Jumping Gigolo, on 18 September 2016 - 08:08 AM, said:
question to the non-lurmers:
1.) How many times have you seen a lurm player (either from your team or the enemy) is the last man remaining..with 2-3 more mechs remaining when everyone is already permadead?
2.) Have you been in very close Counter-attack/Hold drops where the score is like 46-46 or 47-47. How will the match probably end if the last guy/s in your team is/are 2x lurmers when the remaining enemy/enemies are brawlers?
I am an LRM user here, but I'll take a wack at it.
1. I've seen it, and shaken my head at their LRM bloated builds. Not a single backup weapon, or an assault with a single MPL. I don't mind LRMs, but hiding in the back and begging for locks is the least practical and least effective way to use LRMs.There are other, far better, ways of using LRMs. Then again, the SPL users who snipe at 1000+ m...
2. Actually... no. I can't really recall being in a match that close before. Especially if we have dedicated boats sitting far away from the team begging for locks (and in my opinion not utilizing their mechs nor their LRMs to the best capability that they can be used in). They are often too far away, and don't have enough of an impact to let the game be close. Now if they had diverse their build, or even just was 100- m away from the fight they could have done a lot better and maybe...
I will say I have seen an LRM boat win a close QP match before, due to cleaver positioning, movement, and great use of getting their own locks... Then again I've also recently saw a match where I observed a Cat with 5 LRM5s and a single SRM6 be the last mech alive because... He wasn't using his build very well. He kept shooting buildings with his LRMs, instead of the target out in the open. He kept shooting his LRMs within 180m (until I informed him it was doing no damage within that range). And, he didn't support his two remaining allies and instead went after a target on his own... getting too close and having to rely completely on his single SRM6, against an LRM Stalker with 4 med lasers and I think some SRMs as well...
It's all in how you use it. Like any weapon, there are ways to use them, and ways to not use them. Sniping with small lasers? Seen it happen. It does not confirm any arguments to how horrible small lasers are, nor direct fire weapons.
AKA: Just because people are using the weapon poorly doesn't confirm that the weapon is good nor bad.
Jumping Gigolo, on 18 September 2016 - 11:58 AM, said:
Just stop whining in-game and blaming your teammates (especialy if they dont survive enough to hold locks for you). Just quitely lurm and if you get roflpugstomped just keep quiet during the feed frenzy.
Say this to the non-LRM users too then. I've seen them tell me how much the team was a failure and how we all where "idiots"... When he charged by himself and died very painfully and quick.
Your argument is sorta invalid. The insults get tossed both ways here, but a lot of people.
"Just stop whining in-game and blaming your teammates (...). Just quitely lurm/Laser/Gauss/Ballistic/SURM and if you get roflpugstomped just keep quiet during the feed frenzy. "
MischiefSC, on 17 September 2016 - 08:32 PM, said:
I'll never forget the quote. I was dropping with 9 other people in a good premade team, one of the pugs had an LRM boat.
'You're killing them so fast most of them are dead before my LRMs even get there!'
I've heard that line with non-LRMs. "You killed them so fast, I couldn't even get line of sight!" So... It's not just with LRMs, and if their LRMs took that long to get there, they probably where too far back...
I'm gonna reinforce what Moving Target said before... "Can this thread just die already?" The arguments are starting to fall into troll territory...