Conversation about quirks, and the current state of balance as a whole.
Drunk Canuck said:
It is a bit frustrating how Russ seems to think that the state of Clan Mech's as a whole is acceptable, especially when most don't even see play at all due to all the nerfs to the entire tech base. Sure, keep pushing all those Clan Mech's further away from viability, meanwhile continually ramping up power creep else. Either some of the Clan changes need to be removed (which has hurt the majority of Clan Mech's) or the IS power creep needs a punch in the ****. Even with the so called "balance pass" last patch, where quite frankly IS isn't terribly OP but there are outliers still, but Clans haven't had a single ******* bone thrown their way once. Take a good look at the CW map and tell me if Clans are standing much of a chance anymore.
End rant