Countdown To The Kodiak Release 1 Day Left!
Posted 14 May 2016 - 02:04 PM
Posted 14 May 2016 - 02:10 PM

Posted 14 May 2016 - 02:21 PM
Posted 14 May 2016 - 02:27 PM
Posted 14 May 2016 - 02:28 PM
Maybe they gave away some Clan secrets and lost their trial.
@topic: best part about the classic MW2-vid: even twenty years ago, twisting damage like a boss

Posted 14 May 2016 - 02:28 PM
Jep, on 14 May 2016 - 09:25 AM, said:
because the first IS Mechs came in 2012 while the first Clan Mechs were introduced in 2014, since then there have been more Clan Mechs released than IS
You can do 9 lasers on a Timber Wolf,
please point me to the 11 laser grasshopper you are referring to, I cannot find one capable of carrying more than 8, also the Timber Wolf is 75 tons, heavier than the 70 ton Grasshopper, and most people, foolishly in my opinion, seem to want to stick just the 1 Jumpjet on a Timber.
the Grasshopper has 3 slot heatsinks to the Timber's 2 slot heatsinks, they both can do about the same as a laser boat if that is what you want
Posted 14 May 2016 - 02:30 PM
PraetorGix, on 14 May 2016 - 02:27 PM, said:
Orion IIC and Highlander IIC are confirmed to get some quirks in the near future. But atm I'm too lazy to get Russ' comment on this topic he made on twitter. Just sad that official stuff is STILL posted on twitter and not mentioned on the official webpage. Maybe they change this behaviour if we nag another three years about it...
Posted 14 May 2016 - 02:48 PM

Posted 14 May 2016 - 02:51 PM
McHoshi, on 14 May 2016 - 02:48 PM, said:

OP link will be fixed, in the meantime it's here:
Edited by Bombadil, 14 May 2016 - 03:02 PM.
Posted 14 May 2016 - 02:56 PM
There you go

Posted 14 May 2016 - 03:55 PM
Posted 14 May 2016 - 03:56 PM
PraetorGix, on 14 May 2016 - 02:27 PM, said:
Russ specifically said they were quirking some IIC mechs "very soon".
Posted 14 May 2016 - 04:27 PM

Posted 14 May 2016 - 07:25 PM
Posted 14 May 2016 - 07:28 PM
Sigilum Sanctum, on 13 May 2016 - 07:38 PM, said:
I'm actually quite calm, you're the one writing an essay trying to defend yourself.
"I logged in to tell you how completely out of touch you are."
"Just because you're ****** lore loadouts..."
"You should really do some consistent research before you blow your mouth off with a really ignorant statement."
First quote doesn't lead to anything but to negativity.
Second part uses a censored curse world... not necessary at all and a bit of a blind comment.
Third part makes outlandish claims.

Sorry that through the use of internet words that you came out as anything but calm or positive.
Wintersdark, on 13 May 2016 - 09:43 PM, said:
The Laser Vomit timberwolf vs. AS7-S brawler.
I think the disconnect here is Nightshade's thinking of this in the context of a 1v1 in a pubqueue match. It's not like that.
An Atlas in a full brawling team is totally different. Sure, the peek and poke laser vomit side gets a couple licks in, but the brawlers - the whole team - rushes. Said Atlas can easily eat a few heavy vomit alphas, spreading a decent portion to arms (where it doesn't matter in the slightest). Up close, then, the peek and poke laser vomit team is heatcapped and looking at tiny sustained DPS output while the brawlers drop the MFing hammer.
How things work out in organised play is nothing like how they play out in pubqueue matches, nothing at all.
That could possibly be part of that. In organised play anything can go anywhere (such as those 12 man Nova flamer teams... -shivers-). Things get a lot more wild when people use high levels of organization and if you check back to my original comment I did mention stuff here as well as how assaults are typically rare in the comp/meta scene in all but matches just for fun or in 12 man teams (which to elaborate it allows the team to work around the problems, prevent lossing their assaults in nascar, uses the direwofls range or the atlases brawl to maximum efficiency, etc)
Spreading is questionable in the atlas unless they changed it's Damage model/ hitboxes recently, Because it is easily to hit it's head (which sticks out a bit and is 100% CT) from when it is rolling .Most people I know (and including myself) usually aim for the head to minimize the effectiveness of Armour rolling. There is a few other locations that's easy to hit no matter what orientation the atlas is facing (unless it's fully facing away) as well. To be quite honest I never had an issue with an armour rolling atlas and in my atlas I normally do not role my armour as I can often kill or cripple the enemy before my first role.
Bows3r, on 14 May 2016 - 12:22 AM, said:
If you doubt what I'm saying about the "meta" and if you doubt that a reletively significant comp scene does exist (ignoring the 100k+ PGI hosted tournament), then do me a favor. Go to the site linked above, and look around, if you want. I would highly recommend looking at the drop video's for each Division A team in each region, as those are the best teams in the game for their respective region, and looking at the 'mechs in each drop.
To be quite honest, I can't navigate that website well at all. I thought i was heading to a section of videos but it's only stat boards and then also screenshots of the score board and stuff of the matches here
(which i should mention I saw the atlas only 3 times in the dozens of screenshots, the Mauler, Victor, and Direwolf are all a lot more common and the atlas though having a steady 600-ish damge game give or take 50, It is often equal to the enemies timber wolfs and direwolfs (however direwolfs have a much higher range of results, some games having 150 damage).
Maybe I didn't check every single stat board and I also haven't checked the videos .
But most of them show that the atlas is rarely used compared to the mauler, black knight, timberwolf.
This info doesn't really contradict or fight against my statements so far. So far everythings in line with what I have said sort off. But to be honest 20 matches isn't a big enough sample size (30-100 is more like it and if I want to be more certain 1,000 sample size would help)...
Well if you want me to help collect data, you can grab your screenshots (and I mean all screenshots) from a comp game no matter if it's lost or defeat so i can build up statistical information if you wish. I am more then happy to spend my free time crunching the numbers and working the averages...
Yes I swear I have a life and a Girlfriend.
No I do not carry a graphics calculator and a pocket protector with pens and markers.
Stop judging me

MonkeyCheese, on 14 May 2016 - 01:07 AM, said:
Get back to the Kodiak hype train posts about the kodiak in the "kodiak hype train" thread.
Go argue elsewhere....
I couldn't agree more. I was prepairing to just ignore these messages (in terms of responding, not reading and thinking of them) in an attempt to kill it but then Winter raised great analysis on our discussion and I couldn't resist.
However instead I will take the time here to say that if this conversation wants to continue I do hope that we all take this to the PM's.
But to be quite honest, this conversation mainly spun out of controll.
I want to particulalrly talk about the atlas vs kodiak mimic build part with LRM's. The thing is this went with the previous posts question that a kodiak can do the atlases build on it with ease and better (and it was arguably better if you ignore the quirks atm. you can easily block out that LRM 20 and put another SRM 6 there and problem solved).
Even then if you believe the LRM 20 hindered the atlas it also hindered the kodiak if you believe it's a waste of space or tonnes so it didn't really matter. How did we get from there to here is beyound me... still better then that 5 day arguement I had earlier like 3 years ago about American Pancakes (Flapjacks) vs European Pancakes (Crepes)... there was never a more heated debate in my life than this one.
Livestick, on 14 May 2016 - 01:42 PM, said:
You mean you didn't get it? I'm shocked and appalled.
I never nerdgasmed harder about MW: O over their video ever since the Timberwolf flicking from "MAD...." and ".... CAT" until now.
God damn you PGI and your teasing

Frythepietothemoon, on 14 May 2016 - 02:04 PM, said:
God forbid me from starting another debate about the direwolf.
But in my humble opinion the Direwolf would be better in long range combat and stuff a bit more. For those that love the 5-6 ballistic builds with UAC 5's/ 2's, the Direwolf will be king here for that. Kodiak can also (but not the most practical) can carry more UAC 20's over the kodiak so these fun troll builds are also an advantage here...
and the combined energy and ballistics also come quite into effect here. Direwolf has superior hardpoint count when it comes to this (instead of say, 4 ballistic 4 energy, it can have 6 ballistic 11 energy... not that you can do anything optimal with that, I think 6E 4B would be better or the build I've seen in CW a lot with 5B 4E).
The profile of the direwolf also gives it some advantages but it's kind of hard to compare this omnimech to that battlemech.
To be quite honest to me I consider all mechs great (besides mist lynx... you really need help buddy).
I am slightly sad my fave atlas variants are out of timeline (KDK-V1 and the Kodiak II 1) but I guess these 6 kodiaks is more then enough. I am just going to end up buying extra variants when they are out for c-bills.
Posted 14 May 2016 - 08:27 PM
Posted 15 May 2016 - 01:30 AM
Wintersdark, on 14 May 2016 - 09:56 AM, said:
Did you think the KDK-1 would have quirks? You shouldn't have. I'm deeply surprised ANY KDK's have quirks (but happy some do!) because every other Clam mech - particularly Battlemechs - have launched without quirks.
The KDK-1 isn't any worse of a mech than anyone expected. The others ended up better, but nobody lost anything here.
Thus, no "bait and switch".
thanks for correcting me o a'n#a'L one, your a fountainhead of information.
Edited by Toxicresidue, 15 May 2016 - 01:33 AM.
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