Gas Guzzler, on 16 August 2016 - 10:00 AM, said:
cLPLs + cERMLs is not so good that you are forced to use them. If anything, its the IS laser boats that have been outperforming lately. cERMLs lost their potency with the range nerf, and cLPLs, while great because of their range, when matched with cERMLs essentially just gives you mid range poke with a loong duration. They do synergize with each other in that they are both lasers with similar burn times, but not in their range. No ghost heat, but you also don't get that much out of your cLPLs if you want to use your cERMLs, and that 6 laser alpha creates 44 heat... that's a lot. That is 3 ER PPCs worth of heat essentially. But anyway, you aren't forced to use them in the solo queue. You can use autocannons or ER PPC Gauss, or PPCs and AC5s, or SRMs, or any other combination of weapons that work well with each other. They are really not dominant at all. Just to emphasize, you are NOT forced to use them. ER PPC Gauss on a Timber is both better and more fun. There are other mechs that I have listed before that don't utilize laser vomit but I'm tired of repeating myself. I AM forced to use them on the Executioner, because if I want to even hope of "hitting" like an assault with that mech, I have to bring lasers.
There is no PvP game that caters to casual players.. they will always lose to the people who take the game more seriously which will spoil the fun for them. Can you think of any good PvP games that are good for casual players? Maybe the ones that split the queue into casual and competitive... but... too many buckets for MWO. Competitive here just refers to the competitive mindset players, not necessarily the ones that play in tourneys and stuff, but the ones who are there to min max and give themselves the best advantage they can.
Bonus question: I don't know about a rule but it would be weird to have different game mechanics like that... I don't know though.
That was the example and your answer queues me to aks again do you think it is good for the game to have those synergies in ranges or in speeds of in anything making two different weapons function equally? Like cAC5 and CERPPC? And other examples you mentioned?
As for the competitive, as you said, they will use any edge they can get. Thus the competitive play will always be like this patch 'meta' is this. You cannot base the dakka meta creep in all the game on behaviour of selected top group. Those people know how to lead. This does not apply to the casuals (well, effectiveness of c-AC in T2 is the same as of the cLBX, so why bother, really, ACH can run face to face into two dakka DWFs, stop, turn and run away with hands and legs attached, seen that). So, back to inital dakka question. Will PowerDraw swing the balance in general PUG game badly to the dakka build as those build require a better aim? I doubt this.
Bonus: competitve games (torneys or other form of local event) do have strictier rules than just the game. The may go on defined map with defined limitations on what can be used (sometimes headshots are switched off, sometimes health limits are set differently, sometimes some weapons are removed) and what is deemed to be cheating (while that can be legimate game mechanics elsewhere, like getting into specific maps aread), thus many games really have their own rules for casual play and for competitive play. This usually goes in from of different servers with different rules, but still. So why here in MWO the competitve is a measure of all things?