Stefka Kerensky, on 16 June 2016 - 07:15 AM, said:
I'm sorry Evilcow..... all your points are good, but.....
There is a problem.
pgi ceo stating "we don't need suggestions from playerbase, we perfectly know what to do".
In dat frealing last townhall.
Meanwhile......wanna buy a mechpack
Yup. That statement and the corresponding attitude is I think the biggest problem facing this game. I'm totally not kidding. I think that attitude mixed with the "you should be thanking me for making this game" really turned a lot of people off. I mean it continues to be cited by plenty on these forums for why one's "wallet is closed". I wonder how many long time players took it as a 'final straw' and just left?
A company pres. telling its customer base that their input is not needed would be bad enough, but telling a community who has an actual record of giving PGI the feedback necessary to fix their screw-ups is beyond stupid.
Remember when the flammer "fix" first came out? Russ: "working as intended, etc." It took the community raising hell to get the fix, fixed.
P3 release? Russ: "totally bug free". So, how about that drop deck reset function? I wonder who identified that little "feature" (obviously not a bug). Pretty sure it was the community members. Why was the long tom damage reduced? Random decision or did community feed back have something to do with that?
How about the upcoming Rescale of the mechs?...I guess were getting that because it was a priority for Russ for the last 4 years (I think he even said something like that on twitter). Community had no influence on this at all? I think not.
These are just some recent examples where you can search the forums or twitter and show that this community has the drive to try and help the devs make the game as good as it can be. That the community really does want to help and has shown that it can and does. Yet, we are told our views and input are not needed because PGI knows better.
If PGI knows better why does the community keep having to help them fix the f-ups in their game? (see above for recent examples).
Working as intended indeed.