You have a serious issue with this auto penalty garbage.. I'm using an older PC, and sometimes it takes me me a while to drop in the match. Sometimes the match has been running for 3-5 minutes before i can get moving. So after i finish a game i get this matchmaking error. Now i didn't leave early, i didn't hit any of my team mates yet it keeps giving me this every single time i drop. If your goal is to get people to stop playing MWO then by all means keep this up and many will quit playing.
Now i have to wait 10 minutes before i can even look for a match. this is unreasonable please do something about this. If the game continues to operate like this i will stop playing it all together.
I rarely post on the forums, i'm not making this up, I'm a founder from back in Pre-open beta. This is worse than having to play Caustic valley 100 times in a row. At least back then i could get in a match.
The last time i posted i asked for Faction Warfare and if it came to fruition i said i would buy the clan mechs. You created faction warfare (great) so i purchased clan mechs. please dump this auto penalty or fine tune it so honest players are not penalized for doing nothing wrong yet run on slow systems.
Many thanks and kind regards,
Edited by Wargassm, 16 June 2016 - 05:10 PM.