TheArisen, on 26 July 2016 - 04:04 PM, said:
We don't need the Flashman, it's just a BK 2.0. Also, the Valkyrie is totally outclassed by the Javelin in every way.
Flashman comes with a 375 engine. Black Knight comes with a 300. The Flashman is innately faster than the Black Knight and could be made faster still, being a Sphere 75-tonner which could actually outspeed the majority of Clan heavies. There's space in the game for that.
The Valkyrie is an LRM-centric light 'Mech - garbage in MWO, but at least
unique, and a potential missile-centric chassis in a weight class which does not really have any missile-centric (Sphere) chassis yet. The Javelin may well be a better overall choice, and would fill a very similar niche, yes. My youth pines for the Valkyrie, an old favorite of mine, but in either case the Javelin and the Valkyrie would fulfill a role currently occupied pretty much exclusively by the MC-only Oxide. It may be a quite narrow role, but it's a role.
The Wasp/Stinger do not fulfill any role that is not currently filled. They are slower and more poorly armed than the Locust. They are less maneuverable/jump-capable than the Spider, with few variants able to outshoot Spiders. They do not carry ECM. They do not carry unusual weapons for their weight class. Their canonical role in lore is "throwaway stopgap option/budget militia 'Mech" - a role which does not translate to MWO,
and which would also be occupied by the Locust and the UrbanMech even if it did.
There is no room in MWO for the Wasp/Stinger. Frankly I don't really believe there's room in HBS' BattleTech for them either, beyond simple fluff.
Mechwarrior1441491, on 26 July 2016 - 04:11 PM, said:
Release them in the same mech pack.
Commando needs radar quirks. +25% should do the trick. With advanced sensors it would actually have a use.
The Wasp and Stinger, if kept separate, would each require a full 'Mech pack's worth of price outlay - art, modeling, designing, balancing, all the fuss. Releasing a double-pack with the two of them in it would be more palatable to the playerbase, which (rightly so) doesn't want to pay Kodiak prices
twice for a pair of twenty-ton Sphere garbage 'Mechs. Doing so, however, is a clear and obvious loss for Piranha. A Wasp/Stinger double pack would cost Piranha twice a normal 'Mech pack's worth of resources, and would sell very poorly due to the Wasp and Stinger both being useless.
Combining the Wasp and Stinger both into a single MWO-style Wasp or Stinger with extra variants in a jumbo-size 'Mech pack would make more sense, but would also trigger the lore grognards who're pushing for these scrapheaps in the first place since they don't actually want these 'Mechs in MWO, but are pretty much strictly looking to get the models done for HBS' BattleTech. Going off lore to try and make a single chassis which might come somewhere within radar range of mediocre goes against their actual goal of "get ALL the Unseen into HBS' BattleTech, no matter how putrid they are!"
As for the Commando? It's intended as a strike 'Mech which recons because it has to, not as a recon-centric 'Mech. Unfortunately it can't really fulfill its purpose in a game where you need 20+ tubes of SRMs and 4+ tons of SRM ammo to qualify as an SRM strike 'Mech. The solution is a rework of the engine system to allow for builds with less than ten heat sinks on exceptionally tiny 'Mechs like the Commando, which is sadly also a thing that will trigger lore grognards.
Outside of this? Putting recon quirks on the Commando dilutes the Commando's identity (such as it is and what there is of it), whilst also stealing from the identities of
actual reconnaissance 'Mechs such as the Spider or Raven, which should have priority for Information Warfare-centric quirks and upgrades.