GweNTLeR, on 21 August 2016 - 01:10 PM, said:
and why it would be better, exactly?
- Why better? Because light newer stay at one place. Speed bar always jump between 70-100% of speed. That makes them always capped to 20-25 energy points pool... so, why dont already give them only 20 pints and force them split alpha in two with less heat penalty? Isn't it what you want - don't get whole 30 damage at time? Even so - many of light mech have max firepower = 13-18. They already have no affect even if you add complex process to calculate energy pool from your speed... Want make game work even slower? Seems yes.
GweNTLeR, on 21 August 2016 - 01:10 PM, said:
NEVER said it was a light-only measure. Read my orginal post.
- At full sped with low engine or only one possible - some mech just nonmoving targets. Take from them power? And what about loosing part of torso or leg? You have 100% speed but it less speed you have before. See problem in your calculation? Or that mechanic turns off when you loose your leg? Or torso? I read it...
GweNTLeR, on 21 August 2016 - 01:10 PM, said:
I know that pretty good, and? Run as much as you want, just don't shoot as much as you did before.
- Split your alpha in two groups 10+10 damage and do damage further without that restriction. Same alpha with little delay. Oh... we can do it right now. And again - we still have heat issue. Locust hot as hell and heat go off pretty slow.
GweNTLeR, on 21 August 2016 - 01:10 PM, said:
I won't even comment that.
- Just ok...
GweNTLeR, on 21 August 2016 - 01:10 PM, said:
Actually, raven-2x fits 3 LL quite fine and kills everything with them quite fine. I played 3L with 3 LL and even an urbie with 3 LL, and always scored fine. So no.
- Yeah in cost of speed and overheat. Also, with fixed 20-25 energy pool - it can fire only 2 LL or get penalty after fiering 3 at once. See? Not need to chain pool to speed - chain it to mech class. And yes... all that mech was nice frag when I see them on radar or when they come close to be killed by SSRM. Yeap.
GweNTLeR, on 21 August 2016 - 01:10 PM, said:
cool story, tell this to firestarters and ACH and adder
- I just run tests with light mech with max possible alpha equal or higher than 30 energy pool. Most of them die from overheat or forced to split alpha to get less heat. Even so - heat go of slow. After full 3 alpha you die or go off game for 4-6 seconds. Disagree? I welcome you to PTS in few duel rounds.
Edited by Tiantara, 21 August 2016 - 01:30 PM.