Bishop Steiner, on 25 August 2016 - 09:26 AM, said:
because you don't separate the wheat and the chaff by what you can accomplish against potatoes?
I have little use or patience for the Epeen crowd, but for distilling what stacks up against what, that's where one looks. Yes, many of the players are really just glorified twitchers, but you also have those who do set the trends and meta there, and they do so by knowing not just the Black and White of the game, but the shades of grey in between.
does that tier 1 thingy say i play against nothing but tier 5's there bishop? it sure looks like it by your judgement or you are literally calling everyone here a potato.
Oderint dum Metuant, on 25 August 2016 - 09:28 AM, said:
The Victor is terrible, it is outclassed by other Assaults, it is outclassed by a number of heavies just under its tonnage...there is pretty much no sane/logical reason to take one.
there is if you actually know more than just hide and poke gameplay or only boating mentality. am i insane? yes. i am.
and i am fine playing this game with insanity since too many people cant play well against it.
Bishop Steiner, on 25 August 2016 - 09:34 AM, said:
This makes me sad, as before the JJs nerfs the VTR WAS my chassis of choice with nearly 1000 matches in it.
It's funyn he points to the JJs as something special...despite the fact the JJs pretty well suck on the VTR. You aren't surprising anyone above tier 4 or so with having JJs on an Assault Mech. Especially as painfully slow as those work.
I believe the Potato Farmers Guild of Germany is putting such a resolution before the EU as we speak.
to me it actually looks like you are mainly playing with potatos or just dont know what to do with a victor if not simply running within the large deathball. you totally deserve to get that ST shot out mate. its the last thing i want to be in with my victor. within the own team.
im actually surprised you just do the deathball while i thought you learned more about playing mechs than just sitting inside the team. but surprising enemy mechs works very well with a victor, dear bishop. but you wont do that sitting around amongst the other deathballers.
propably the reason why you are bad with them. if its not meta you cant seem to be good with it eh? thats pretty much what you just wrote down.
and thanks to the quote, that last thing you wrote..... damn dude, you really went low here.