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Ppl Who Qq About A Light "holding Up The Game"

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#21 Sethliopod


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Posted 03 September 2016 - 06:48 AM

For every 2xERLL light last man who wants to fight on their terms, there are ten one/zero-guns left, run & hide power-down wieners who really want to maintain their kill/death ratio.
So you have to cut a little slack to the QQ'ers when it's not clear in which category that last man falls.

On the other hand, it's their dime, one can always quit that match, and never, ever report their location.
Plus, those rare matches where the last light wreaks havoc sure are memorable!

#22 Mechwarrior Buddah


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Posted 03 September 2016 - 06:54 AM

View PostSethliopod, on 03 September 2016 - 06:48 AM, said:

For every 2xERLL light last man who wants to fight on their terms, there are ten one/zero-guns left, run & hide power-down wieners who really want to maintain their kill/death ratio.
So you have to cut a little slack to the QQ'ers when it's not clear in which category that last man falls.

On the other hand, it's their dime, one can always quit that match, and never, ever report their location.
Plus, those rare matches where the last light wreaks havoc sure are memorable!

well all the "...and survive" achievements just make them think this is a valid tactic

#23 Supersmacky


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Posted 03 September 2016 - 09:55 AM

Was in a match about 6 months ago like this. I came down to a 2 ERLL Raven from our team versus 2 Atlases and some heavy (I can't remember) from the other team. Granted, one of the Atlases was fairly beat up, but still combat effective. The rest of my team had gotten caught in a bad position and crushed fairly quickly. So, there was something like 11 minutes left on the clock.

The Raven used every once of his skill and capitalized on every mistake the enemy made at that point. It came down to the last 30 or 45 seconds and I think he even lost a leg, but he beat them and won the match.

It was a pleasure to watch, for me, and restored the idea that not all Raven pilots are cowards that just hide and ineffectively snipe then run away when the rest of their team is dead.

What did a lot of people from both teams do in chat the whole time? Gripe and complain about how the Raven was dragging it out and should just run out and get it over with "like a man" (LOLz).

I say all that to say it is fine with me to sit back and watch if the 'last guy' is making a fight of it and still trying to win. Even if he fails, as long as he was trying. Commentary from 'dead' players on how the guy still alive should be doing/playing are just LOLz to me.

#24 C E Dwyer


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Posted 03 September 2016 - 10:07 AM

View PostMechwarrior Buddah, on 02 September 2016 - 08:28 PM, said:

I was just in a game where a 2x ERLL Spider almost won the game for us when everyone else was dead, and he pulled 3 kills to tie up the game 11-11 in the last 5 mins of the game. It came down to him vs a Kodiak, and the match was to 53 sec before the kodiak got him. That was an amazing game to watch.

What were the enemy doing? QQing in all chat the whole time that they should be reporting the guy or we should be calling out his grid square and when the guy finally went down, one guy was like "was it worth it?"

That was the best match Ive seen in a long time, and all some people could do was complain -.-

It was an AMAZING match. If youre not here for that why are you here?

There are some sad gits in the world that failed and expect better players to lay down and die, because they are not as good as the person they are critising

#25 MrMadguy


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Posted 03 September 2016 - 10:49 AM

View PostTeer5, on 03 September 2016 - 06:34 AM, said:

Technically that would not work.

On most maps you can't engage someone who is way faster than you, such as the said lights. Lights would win most of the time, and they would avoid most engaging, until only they are left.

But taking that idea, and assuming a way to implement it.

Does not lights have right to play till their own end as well? Lights when last, can use their speed and specially ECM and long range weapons(when they have such), to their advantage. But they need to build up the distance first.

Sometimes they can even win. Most times just to score more damage.

Yes, the downside is, sometimes people just hide. But they do that with mediums and occassionally with larger mechs as well.

For that, is the enemy team to denounce the last one. They can see better what he is actually doing and make the evaluation.

Ehhh. Sorry. I've made mistake. Not +75 sec for every enemy player alive - +75 sec for every player in your team alive. I.e. 15 minutes engage timer for all players alive (whole match - it's necessary, cuz on some maps it can take 5-7 minutes to engage for the first time) and 75 seconds engage timer for last man standing.

And this WILL WORK. Lights will have to engage with enemy team - not force enemy team to go search them around whole map. You should understand, why it's so necessary. First of all, team, that has more 'Mechs alive - winning team. And according to rules winning team is entitled to secure it's victory. I.e. they are not obligated to go searching for last Light 'Mech and risk to lose as the result. They are entitled to stay together at secure spot on the map. It's Light pilot, who is obligated to engage with them. The only thing, that prevents them from doing it - is the fact, that last Light 'Mech holds them as hostages and forces them to play his unfair starvation tactic game, otherwise they'd waste their time. I.e. other players have to perform potentially suicidal attack on this Light 'Mech pilot in order to simply try to prevent him from wasting their time. I.e. it's "I'd better die, than sit in this match for whole 15 minutes". And this is against rules. Lights are currently the only 'Mechs, that can execute starvation tactic, cuz they have speed and size advantage. This advantages can't be countered by any other 'Mechs. And advantage, that can't be countered = unfair advantage. That's why starvation tactic is considered OP in all games in the world. It allows weak player to kill strong ones only via using more time and maximum surviving tactic. All game modes in all games are built around simple rule: you're passive and avoid engagement = you lose. Even in MWO if you just hide and avoid engagement in any mode - you lose. But not Skirmish. Skirmish is broken and must be fixed. This fact makes Lights imbalanced vs other 'Mechs. And this imbalance - is one of the reasons, why I don't play this game any more.

P.S. Your videos, where one Light can kill half of enemy team, only prove, that problem must be fixed. Cuz the reason, why it happens, is not skill - it's imbalance and exploiting of unfair starvation tactic. Also starvation tactic = 100% selfish rambo-style gameplay and complete lack of teamplay.

Edited by MrMadguy, 03 September 2016 - 11:21 AM.

#26 Coolant


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Posted 03 September 2016 - 11:19 AM

I sometimes enjoy watching those types of games, but not near as much as I enjoy playing, and if there was a respawn game mode we would be playing a lot more than watching.

#27 Isolani


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Posted 03 September 2016 - 12:35 PM

Stay and watch if the last light looks good, quit out if not. Truth is, for every 1 time you see a light sniper pull off an amazing win, there are hundreds of games where the last light just derps around for 5 extra minutes, scrapes people for a few extra damage, then dies in a 6 vs 1.

#28 Ratpoison


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Posted 03 September 2016 - 12:52 PM

Cry and report all you want, your tears only make me run faster. Posted Image

#29 Dracol


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Posted 03 September 2016 - 12:54 PM

From his tone, MrSadguy was a slow boat pilot when he played. Never play to an enemy's strength...basic wisdom for most people. Light vrs assault, 1 v 1, the best chance a light with long range weapons has is to use what has been called "starvation tactics". Implement a system that removes that and another light playstyle is gimped.

Edited by Dracol, 03 September 2016 - 12:54 PM.

#30 Yellonet


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Posted 03 September 2016 - 01:10 PM

Attention span deficiency.

And another reason to disable all chat.

#31 Moonlight Grimoire


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Posted 03 September 2016 - 02:13 PM

For people QQing about lights holding up a game, guess what, play a mode with a secondary objective that forces them to face you or lose. You know like Assault, Conquest, and Domination. Yes a light can run around caps on Conquest or get to your base before you can get to theirs, but, it makes you have to make a tactical choice of where to go and try to predict which way they will move to try to win instead of the light only having to worry about not dying until time runs out. This is primarily why I dislike Skirmish because people qq exceptionally hard in Skirmish because the only objective is kills and when someone goes and hides it prolongs the match. Making it so there is no draw situation forces the hand of one team or the other to respond to what they are doing in order to win.

An Engagement Timer will do nothing but put more pressure on a single player to do well, 15 minute matches are already short enough, let them take their time to do the best they can, if you hate people running the timer and cowering don't vote for Skirmish, vote for something that lets you win without killing all so it is a non-issue.

#32 Sethliopod


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Posted 03 September 2016 - 02:43 PM

MrMadGuy, could not the other team simply use lights/mediums to chase down these other lights?

#33 Requiemking


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Posted 03 September 2016 - 03:17 PM

View PostMrMadguy, on 03 September 2016 - 10:49 AM, said:

Ehhh. Sorry. I've made mistake. Not +75 sec for every enemy player alive - +75 sec for every player in your team alive. I.e. 15 minutes engage timer for all players alive (whole match - it's necessary, cuz on some maps it can take 5-7 minutes to engage for the first time) and 75 seconds engage timer for last man standing.

And this WILL WORK. Lights will have to engage with enemy team - not force enemy team to go search them around whole map. You should understand, why it's so necessary. First of all, team, that has more 'Mechs alive - winning team. And according to rules winning team is entitled to secure it's victory. I.e. they are not obligated to go searching for last Light 'Mech and risk to lose as the result. They are entitled to stay together at secure spot on the map. It's Light pilot, who is obligated to engage with them. The only thing, that prevents them from doing it - is the fact, that last Light 'Mech holds them as hostages and forces them to play his unfair starvation tactic game, otherwise they'd waste their time. I.e. other players have to perform potentially suicidal attack on this Light 'Mech pilot in order to simply try to prevent him from wasting their time. I.e. it's "I'd better die, than sit in this match for whole 15 minutes". And this is against rules. Lights are currently the only 'Mechs, that can execute starvation tactic, cuz they have speed and size advantage. This advantages can't be countered by any other 'Mechs. And advantage, that can't be countered = unfair advantage. That's why starvation tactic is considered OP in all games in the world. It allows weak player to kill strong ones only via using more time and maximum surviving tactic. All game modes in all games are built around simple rule: you're passive and avoid engagement = you lose. Even in MWO if you just hide and avoid engagement in any mode - you lose. But not Skirmish. Skirmish is broken and must be fixed. This fact makes Lights imbalanced vs other 'Mechs. And this imbalance - is one of the reasons, why I don't play this game any more.

P.S. Your videos, where one Light can kill half of enemy team, only prove, that problem must be fixed. Cuz the reason, why it happens, is not skill - it's imbalance and exploiting of unfair starvation tactic. Also starvation tactic = 100% selfish rambo-style gameplay and complete lack of teamplay.

You seem to foget the golden rule of Light mech combat, something that EVERY Light pilot knows. That rule is, quite simply, NEVER FIGHT FAIR. Those last few minutes in a game is where Lights shine, because for the most part, they can't carry enough firepower to do lots of damage, so they wait til late in the match, and then score kills. Forcing your engagement timer on them screws over every Light mech in the game.

#34 Mechwarrior Buddah


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Posted 03 September 2016 - 05:03 PM

View PostCathy, on 03 September 2016 - 10:07 AM, said:

There are some sad gits in the world that failed and expect better players to lay down and die, because they are not as good as the person they are critising

they even tried to get us to rat out his grid square, but all they got from our side was a lot of "shhhhh"

View PostMrMadguy, on 03 September 2016 - 10:49 AM, said:

Ehhh. Sorry. I've made mistake. Not +75 sec for every enemy player alive - +75 sec for every player in your team alive. I.e. 15 minutes engage timer for all players alive (whole match - it's necessary, cuz on some maps it can take 5-7 minutes to engage for the first time) and 75 seconds engage timer for last man standing.

And this WILL WORK. Lights will have to engage with enemy team - not force enemy team to go search them around whole map. You should understand, why it's so necessary. First of all, team, that has more 'Mechs alive - winning team. And according to rules winning team is entitled to secure it's victory. I.e. they are not obligated to go searching for last Light 'Mech and risk to lose as the result. They are entitled to stay together at secure spot on the map. It's Light pilot, who is obligated to engage with them. The only thing, that prevents them from doing it - is the fact, that last Light 'Mech holds them as hostages and forces them to play his unfair starvation tactic game, otherwise they'd waste their time. I.e. other players have to perform potentially suicidal attack on this Light 'Mech pilot in order to simply try to prevent him from wasting their time. I.e. it's "I'd better die, than sit in this match for whole 15 minutes". And this is against rules. Lights are currently the only 'Mechs, that can execute starvation tactic, cuz they have speed and size advantage. This advantages can't be countered by any other 'Mechs. And advantage, that can't be countered = unfair advantage. That's why starvation tactic is considered OP in all games in the world. It allows weak player to kill strong ones only via using more time and maximum surviving tactic. All game modes in all games are built around simple rule: you're passive and avoid engagement = you lose. Even in MWO if you just hide and avoid engagement in any mode - you lose. But not Skirmish. Skirmish is broken and must be fixed. This fact makes Lights imbalanced vs other 'Mechs. And this imbalance - is one of the reasons, why I don't play this game any more.

P.S. Your videos, where one Light can kill half of enemy team, only prove, that problem must be fixed. Cuz the reason, why it happens, is not skill - it's imbalance and exploiting of unfair starvation tactic. Also starvation tactic = 100% selfish rambo-style gameplay and complete lack of teamplay.

Thank the gods you arent in charge then

View PostCoolant, on 03 September 2016 - 11:19 AM, said:

I sometimes enjoy watching those types of games, but not near as much as I enjoy playing, and if there was a respawn game mode we would be playing a lot more than watching.

Do what I do; when I die, 90% of the time, I hit the escape key. then theres a blue option that says "exit game" I hit that, find another mech of my giant stable and drop. By the tiome I come back, the other mech is freed up and I dont miss any playtime.

View PostRequiemking, on 03 September 2016 - 03:17 PM, said:

You seem to foget the golden rule of Light mech combat, something that EVERY Light pilot knows. That rule is, quite simply, NEVER FIGHT FAIR.

I thought that was a golden rule of combat in general

#35 Requiemking


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Posted 03 September 2016 - 05:20 PM

View PostMechwarrior Buddah, on 03 September 2016 - 05:03 PM, said:

I thought that was a golden rule of combat in general

Not always. Larger mechs can "play fair" (ie sit there and trade damage) bye virtue of their armour and structure. However, Light mechs have neither of these things, so they have to "play cheap" (ie run around, annoy the enemy, and wait til late game to do most of their fighting).

#36 Mechwarrior Buddah


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Posted 03 September 2016 - 05:22 PM

View PostRequiemking, on 03 September 2016 - 05:20 PM, said:

Not always. Larger mechs can "play fair" (ie sit there and trade damage) bye virtue of their armour and structure. However, Light mechs have neither of these things, so they have to "play cheap" (ie run around, annoy the enemy, and wait til late game to do most of their fighting).

Yeah but 90% of the time you DONT want to "play fair" and you should be engaging one guy with at least two of yours

#37 Requiemking


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Posted 03 September 2016 - 05:26 PM

View PostMechwarrior Buddah, on 03 September 2016 - 05:22 PM, said:

Yeah but 90% of the time you DONT want to "play fair" and you should be engaging one guy with at least two of yours

And some people just can't handle that. These people want MWO to essentially become "TurretWarrior Online". And some hate Light mechs some much that they want to gimp them at every opportunity. I even saw one guy who was under the impression that mech quality should scale linearly with weight, and that Lights should be nothing more than "training mechs".

#38 Mechwarrior Buddah


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Posted 03 September 2016 - 05:26 PM

View PostRequiemking, on 03 September 2016 - 05:26 PM, said:

And some people just can't handle that. These people want MWO to essentially become "TurretWarrior Online". And some hate Light mechs some much that they want to gimp them at every opportunity. I even saw one guy who was under the impression that mech quality should scale linearly with weight, and that Lights should be nothing more than "training mechs".

man, Id hope that guy runs up against one of the really scary light pilots

Hell, thats one of the reasons I started playing this game. The ******** from WoT "Brrrring the shot didnt penetrate" doesnt work here

Edited by Mechwarrior Buddah, 03 September 2016 - 05:27 PM.

#39 Requiemking


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Posted 03 September 2016 - 05:33 PM

View PostMechwarrior Buddah, on 03 September 2016 - 05:26 PM, said:

man, Id hope that guy runs up against one of the really scary light pilots

Hell, thats one of the reasons I started playing this game. The ******** from WoT "Brrrring the shot didnt penetrate" doesnt work here

He probably did, and thats what caused him to hate Lights so much.

#40 Johnny Z


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Posted 03 September 2016 - 05:49 PM

Theres a big push to end matches quickly in this game I noticed. Not exactly sure why but I have my guesses. I got so many stories the stuff I seen to catch the last mechs.

I was running for it on Frozen City just yesterday in my Raven going 140. I just finished taking out their last light but I'm still taking missile fire half the length of the map. The team was commenting wondering what on their team was keeping up with me. I turn around and its an Awsome...

Edited by Johnny Z, 03 September 2016 - 05:51 PM.

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