MrMadguy, on 04 September 2016 - 02:02 AM, said:
Simple thing. There is no way to counter speed/size/range advantage. And this is complete imbalance and bad game design. Simply because players won't play games, where they are doomed to lose. Because game stops being game, when you lose your ability to play it and your chance to win. Secondary objectives exist in games exactly to prevent this situation. You have to get closer and expose yourself too, if you don't want to lose match due to secondary objectives.
You may think, what you want. I won't play game, if I doomed to lose it. I won't allow Light abusers mock me. This is my choice. You are nobody here to tell me, that I'm wrong.
I would refuse to pursue this "Run away and hide" jerks and simply quit match not to waste my time, but: 1) This is against rules 2) I would lose my rewards it this case - i.e. waste my time anyway. So the only possible solution to this problem - not to play this game at all.
Its funny, the word "abuser" only comes in when Lights are concerned . Nobody called/calls the KDK-3 who racks up 1500 dmg and 6 kills an "Assault Abuser", everybody "OOhhhhAhhhhs" and claps hands . Could as well say he is an "AssaultHardpoint-" and "AssaultSpeedabuser"....
Its is VERY simple to counter a lone, ranged Light in Skirmish when you have several 'Mechs still alive on your Team . If you havent gotten around to figure it out yet...*doh*. I neither have the will nor time to try and explain to you . Just do not pretend it would be "unfair", or "abuse", or anything along the Lines to play a 'Mech/Class to its strength and win cos the enemy hasnt figured out how to counter you .
It as been stated many Times in this Thread, I will repeat it : What you are campaigning for is gimping an ENTIRE CLASS . The least played, mostly least paying, very likley hardest to play/master Class . MOST of its 'MECHs are borderline viable at the Moment already .
And just because a handfull of VERY gifted and skilled Light Piots can pull off an improbable turnaround occasionally ( Id guess the rate is MUCH less than one in a hundred Games ), you want to GIMP the entire Class...
Which, btw., would be I think the 4th MAJOR gimping to the ENTIRE CLASS - or at least a LOT of its Mechs - within 8 weeks or so . Knifefighting has been "mostly" killed by resize and quirk nerfiesta for many Pilots, and even with experience, the Games where you really do good playing this Style are really, REALLY rare .
Now YOU want to to kill ranged fighting, cos of a few "1 in several hundreds" tunraround Games . Honestly, I think the Game is better off with you not playing it XD, if THE condition for you to want to play it is making those magical turnarounds impossible .
If you hate Lights cos you cant stand loosing to them, ok . But please stop campaigning for making the enitre Class even LESS viable and usefull as it already is .
p.s.: I asked 4 really simple questions in my Post you replied to . I would have expected some kind of consideration and reply to those questions of you . Instead, you simply avoided them . Why ?
Edited by Besh, 04 September 2016 - 02:31 AM.