Aramuside, on 15 September 2016 - 12:00 AM, said:
This has to be a troll right? The IS chassis's are so heavily quirked they're scary in an organised group. Now 12 solo vs 12 solo comes down more to range in invasion so on some chassis clan do seem strong. Contrast that to scout mode where the IS 55 ton medium brawlers are very strong. I can't wait to get back to my IS chassis overall tbh.
u got brain damage, C-ERML got more range and damage than ML, in fact, the C-ERML looks more like the LL of IS, but just for 1 ton, and the meds... pfff, Jade falcons raids, with stormcrows with 5 SSRM6, so a noob who cant hit a barn door got 100% accuarcy with every alpha, yeah, "fear"
edit: +10% energy range, dont equal clan range, some mechs got realy poor quirk, and clan weapons got better damage too, no quirks for that, so clans can sit 800 meters away to spam LL, and do full damage (and more damage than a ERLL), they nerf AC-2 cuz the "screen shake is a problem", but isnt a problem if an C-ULTRA AC-2/5/10/20 make screen shake, yeah... "fear"
Edited by Arkaiko, 16 September 2016 - 10:50 AM.