Source Mystic, on 26 September 2016 - 11:26 AM, said:
Well if you just want a game where lpl gets best average dps , range, burst and best heat in the game. Lets just continue to play LPL warrior no changes are needed.
If you want a actual dynamic system that encourages different builds and actually forces people to think if they have (X) I need (Y) If they have (Y) I need (Z).
This this system encourages team play even more. and would cause people to try to create synergy in their team in their formations to fill in the short comings of builds by using two three or entire lance to counter as well.
Attack targets that your build is strong against and avoid targets that you are week against. I would rather have a stable system that needs less to no nerfs or management. I advocate Point vs counter point rather than 5 weapons that hands down are best in almost every situation.
So what we are really are talking about is a game that balances itself because weapon values are equal for that type of weapon. Ether sustained dps , burst /max damage over a shot period of time or a place in-between where standard lasers should go.
So you have to adjust tonnage on the one weapon that has been the meta forever. Please that is just laziness and I do not even want to hear about lore and weapon values . THIS GAME is not lore it is pgi's re-imagined batteltech mech warrior. And in such it needs to be balanced for a online fps not a dice and paper rpg.
It is a little late for them to be true to the original game.
I for one vote for a system that makes people think and one build is never the meta because you can just use a build to counter it. because each weapon type has a weakness and a strength. This kind of balance is what this game needs for diversity of builds and to get away from meta's that are simply dakka ,lpl and mpl .
I for one are sick of the meta cycle of :
1 Over-quirk mech or weapon
2 Mech /weapon becomes most efferent weapon in game
3 It Becomes meta
4 Everyone migrates to those builds
5 Everyone complains about above builds and weapons
6 Pgi Not only nerfs the mech or said weapon but guts it..... causing the next best to be the meta for the entire cycle to play out again.
Diminishing values in a closed system does nothing but brings down the entire system
If weapons were actually balanced against each other correctly. If someone said this (insert weapon or mech here ) is two strong and needs to be nerfed. The response would be well use this (insert diferent mech or weapon here.) Then try playing like this and gave some tactics with the build.
Pgi' would have a lot less game management issues if they adopted this system then they could work on new elements maps and things that people get excited about instead of fighting a system that can never be balanced.
The above point vs counter point system is better than the meta cycle that never has balance because values are always changing and in 90% of the time drastically nerfed causing more imbalance.
But you keep advocating a game model that advocates a limited meta that favors a hand full of weapons that can not be countered except to use the same weapons Against them.
Choose Meta and a few weapons and mechs that are hands down best in all situations at all times
OR a game that has balanced weapons and mechs that can counter each other encourages diversity teamwork and forethought. And also discourages complaining and gives pgi more time to give us what we actually want new weapons new maps and new elements to play with and expand how we play.
Does this question even have to be asked ?
Is the larger font and bold typefacing supposed to make the words less asinine?
You literally have no idea what I'd do with the LPL since I've never rendered my opinion on the matter. But what I can tell you is that the ideas you've expressed in the quoted post are terrible.
Let's start with your rock-paper-scissors concept here. Great for an RTS, absolutely ridiculous here. How, exactly do you propose to set up a match were a rock-paper-scissors dynamic actually works when you are essentially in a random mech, assigned to a team with other random mechs, against a team with random mechs, and playing what are ostensibly random maps and modes? How do you expect such a system to actually WORK?
Moreover, everything you've said about weapon balance here makes absolutely NO sense. I'm sorry, it really doesn't. Your rationale here is... LPL is better than other large lasers (which it absolutely SHOULD be), so make it worse. But now that it's not worth the investment of extra weight, heat, and crit space (you've made it perform at the level of the weaker, lighter, cooler, and smaller large lasers), your suggestion is to also make it weaker, lighter, cooler, and smaller.
That's pretty terrible.
What is the point of creating two identical weapons? And you can't say "but we're going to make them function differently later." I've already got a ready reply for you... NO. Simply making the weapon function differently, all other stats being the same, won't make them balanced. Just ask the LBX. If you want to make the LPL a DPS weapon, for instance, the stats will still have to reward players with increased damage over time as a trade off for lower initial damage. Trying to produce the same damage differently isn't going to balance the weapon.
Edited by ScarecrowES, 26 September 2016 - 02:31 PM.