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Patch Notes - 1.4.84 - 20-Sep-2016

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#101 Aramuside


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Posted 21 September 2016 - 09:01 AM

View PostJaidenHaze, on 21 September 2016 - 08:33 AM, said:

Why cant i buy NG C and D Omnipods? I own the variants :/ Any ETA for a fix?

When the C-Bill variants come out if these are reinforcements - its been like that for a while. (Yes its irritating)

#102 Odanan


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Posted 21 September 2016 - 09:37 AM

View PostJaidenHaze, on 21 September 2016 - 08:33 AM, said:

Why cant i buy NG C and D Omnipods? I own the variants :/ Any ETA for a fix?

Probably only when those omnipods (and mech) are available for C-Bills.

#103 Arkhangel


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Posted 21 September 2016 - 10:19 AM

View PostxX PUG Xx, on 16 September 2016 - 09:10 PM, said:

I hate to say it but the IS Light and Medium 'Mechs are not so great for FP Scouting (again), oh dear.

Just means we end up with better pilots than you "Skillcrow" users. Actually wiped out a full lance of Stormcrows in my Yen-Lo the other day.

You Clanners actually have other mechs, you know. The Shadow Cat, Viper, Hunchback IIc, Nova, even the Cheetah are all solid choices for scouting. you guys just seem to think the Stormcrow is some kinda I-Win button. Which I've watched cost Clan teams quite a few scouting matches.

You get so blindered into killing the IS team half the time you can't even make it back to the Dropship, or if you do, it's with a tiny scrap of intel instead of what you could have taken if you'd just used something that was a little faster. Even with the Huntsman showing up you'll still have the same problem. Diversify what you pilot.

And as for IS Mechs that still perform well in Scouting, Centurions, Hunchbacks and Ravens are still pulling their weight. Though, again, that's likely just because overall IS has better pilots than Clans do, and I'm not meaning that as a dig. You just attract crappier pilots because they think Clan Tech'll make up for them being..well.. crappier pilots. Which is likely why my Yen-Lo-Wang managed to wipe out an entire lance of Stormcrows on a scouting mission.

#104 Aramuside


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Posted 21 September 2016 - 10:42 AM

View PostArkhangel, on 21 September 2016 - 10:19 AM, said:

Just means we end up with better pilots than you "Skillcrow" users. Actually wiped out a full lance of Stormcrows in my Yen-Lo the other day.

You Clanners actually have other mechs, you know. The Shadow Cat, Viper, Hunchback IIc, Nova, even the Cheetah are all solid choices for scouting. you guys just seem to think the Stormcrow is some kinda I-Win button. Which I've watched cost Clan teams quite a few scouting matches.

You get so blindered into killing the IS team half the time you can't even make it back to the Dropship, or if you do, it's with a tiny scrap of intel instead of what you could have taken if you'd just used something that was a little faster. Even with the Huntsman showing up you'll still have the same problem. Diversify what you pilot.

And as for IS Mechs that still perform well in Scouting, Centurions, Hunchbacks and Ravens are still pulling their weight. Though, again, that's likely just because overall IS has better pilots than Clans do, and I'm not meaning that as a dig. You just attract crappier pilots because they think Clan Tech'll make up for them being..well.. crappier pilots. Which is likely why my Yen-Lo-Wang managed to wipe out an entire lance of Stormcrows on a scouting mission.

From memory xX Pug Xx fights IS as I saw him a couple of times last week?

Also not many streak crows in FW that I saw and definitely not in scout mode....

Edit: rather doubt you soloed a 4 man of stormcrows unless they were heavily damaged......

Edited by Aramuside, 21 September 2016 - 10:43 AM.

#105 metallio


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Posted 21 September 2016 - 11:20 AM

View PostAramuside, on 21 September 2016 - 10:42 AM, said:

Also not many streak crows in FW that I saw and definitely not in scout mode....

I don't play FW unless there's an event on and mostly not even then, but I'll play scout sometimes just because...and it's a rare, rare match that doesn't have a crow in it, and most of the time they come over the hill with a TAG glowing and a second later missiles inbound. Maybe they're not streaks, but when I'm cooking along at 170kph in a light and I'm dead before I can even start to look for cover I'm going to believe they had a lock.

#106 Capt Jos


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Posted 21 September 2016 - 11:21 AM

View PostAramuside, on 21 September 2016 - 08:49 AM, said:

Whys that?

Not seen any drop at all on my end so curious as to why you'd have that. I have every graphic selection maxed.

Obviously you don't have a 4gb ram machine on low settings. Even then it takes forever to load, and even more so since the decal update. FPS is terrible on my machine, but even more so now that decals have been added. Just would like some way to make it more performance friendly for those of us with low end machines.

View PostArkhangel, on 21 September 2016 - 10:19 AM, said:

Just means we end up with better pilots than you "Skillcrow" users. Actually wiped out a full lance of Stormcrows in my Yen-Lo the other day.

You Clanners actually have other mechs, you know. The Shadow Cat, Viper, Hunchback IIc, Nova, even the Cheetah are all solid choices for scouting. you guys just seem to think the Stormcrow is some kinda I-Win button. Which I've watched cost Clan teams quite a few scouting matches... And as for IS Mechs that still perform well in Scouting, Centurions, Hunchbacks and Ravens are still pulling their weight. Though, again, that's likely just because overall IS has better pilots than Clans do, and I'm not meaning that as a dig. You just attract crappier pilots because they think Clan Tech'll make up for them being..well.. crappier pilots. Which is likely why my Yen-Lo-Wang managed to wipe out an entire lance of Stormcrows on a scouting mission.

That is very true. Don't spam Stormcrows; use something like a Shadow Cat with streaks or projectiles. I wish that most players would try to play well as opposed to just playing for fun.

Edited by Capt Jos, 21 September 2016 - 11:28 AM.

#107 Zolaz


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Posted 21 September 2016 - 11:45 AM

View PostAno, on 17 September 2016 - 04:43 PM, said:

Yeah, on the decal front, the loreheads must be starting to smile. There's a lotta CBT unit graphics in there now.

Just like everything else in MWO ... doesnt require any skill to get. Just open up your wallet.

#108 Falconer Cyrus


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Posted 21 September 2016 - 12:22 PM

Crash, crash, crash...

#109 AlphaToaster


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Posted 21 September 2016 - 12:42 PM

View PostColonel ONeill, on 17 September 2016 - 02:12 AM, said:

And it will not change anything.

I like how the Attackers spawn is closer to the gate now. Should be a lot easier to spawnfarm or Omegarush. At least they didn't add more trees! Posted Image

That's exactly what happened. The W key is now more powerful that PGI ever imagined.

On Attack, gratuitous use of W allows the Attackers to enter the gate by the time the defenders have reached the buildings up just inside the gate in the center area.

On Defense, the W key got us to the gate as it was being opened. Not sure if attackers waited or what. We flooded out the gate as it was opened and we immediately found ourselves on the 2 hills in the center, just outside the gate, staring down into F8's drop zone. The 2 other lances in H8 and G8 had to approach down the valley bottlenecks, advancing towards elevated positions. "Defenders" could pivot and cover both approaches from the same spot they could farm out the F8 drop ship.

Standing underneath a drop ship as it lands, players can shoot out the legs of mechs before they're dropped into combat or even gain control of their mechs. So with that kind of mechanic, starting further away would be better, not closer.

#110 M i s t y


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Posted 21 September 2016 - 03:08 PM

Moving the spawn points 1 grid closer to the gates has made it easier to farm them on Emerald Taiga when you are defending . Attacking is a lot easier to now , open the gates and walk in before the enemy has a chance to make a firing line near the gates . So thank you PGI for making the matches on Emerald Taiga twice as fast to end them ;)

#111 MovinTarget


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Posted 21 September 2016 - 03:37 PM

View PostMistydove, on 21 September 2016 - 03:08 PM, said:

Moving the spawn points 1 grid closer to the gates has made it easier to farm them on Emerald Taiga when you are defending . Attacking is a lot easier to now , open the gates and walk in before the enemy has a chance to make a firing line near the gates . So thank you PGI for making the matches on Emerald Taiga twice as fast to end them ;)

...all part of their master plan to increase ttk...?

#112 xX PUG Xx


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Posted 21 September 2016 - 04:39 PM

View PostAramuside, on 21 September 2016 - 08:49 AM, said:

Whys that?

The vast majority of Scout matches devolve into close range brawls so standard PPC's are not ideal due to range restrictions and high heat, while the XL engine in the Crab has it own obvious drawbacks alongside the high heat LPL's. SPL or SRM SCR's will eat them for breakfast :(

#113 xX PUG Xx


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Posted 21 September 2016 - 04:47 PM

View PostArkhangel, on 21 September 2016 - 10:19 AM, said:

Just means we end up with better pilots than you "Skillcrow" users. Actually wiped out a full lance of Stormcrows in my Yen-Lo the other day.

You Clanners actually have other mechs, you know. The Shadow Cat, Viper, Hunchback IIc, Nova, even the Cheetah are all solid choices for scouting. you guys just seem to think the Stormcrow is some kinda I-Win button. Which I've watched cost Clan teams quite a few scouting matches.

You get so blindered into killing the IS team half the time you can't even make it back to the Dropship, or if you do, it's with a tiny scrap of intel instead of what you could have taken if you'd just used something that was a little faster. Even with the Huntsman showing up you'll still have the same problem. Diversify what you pilot.

And as for IS Mechs that still perform well in Scouting, Centurions, Hunchbacks and Ravens are still pulling their weight. Though, again, that's likely just because overall IS has better pilots than Clans do, and I'm not meaning that as a dig. You just attract crappier pilots because they think Clan Tech'll make up for them being..well.. crappier pilots. Which is likely why my Yen-Lo-Wang managed to wipe out an entire lance of Stormcrows on a scouting mission.

The point of my post is that for new players restricted to the use of Trial 'Mechs, these are not ideal. Both are XL engined, the standard PPC's are hot and range limited. Meanwhile the LPL would be a good choice for most situations in Invasion / Counterattack matches but in Scout it is too low a DPS and too high in heat for the brawl that most if those matches devolve into.

Oh and I'm a Merc, so have PLENTY of experience running both techs and MANY different 'Mechs and builds in FP.

#114 MovinTarget


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Posted 21 September 2016 - 04:49 PM

View PostxX PUG Xx, on 21 September 2016 - 04:39 PM, said:

The vast majority of Scout matches devolve into close range brawls so standard PPC's are not ideal due to range restrictions and high heat, while the XL engine in the Crab has it own obvious drawbacks alongside the high heat LPL's. SPL or SRM SCR's will eat them for breakfast :(

I would love to have some crabs for breakfast, please arrive on the battlefield pre-seasoned with butter and Old Bay. I'll take care of the steaming.

Edited by MovinTarget, 21 September 2016 - 04:50 PM.

#115 Duncan1dah0


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Posted 21 September 2016 - 06:22 PM

With all sincerity, gratz PGI on a no-drama patch. Good work. I work in IT and I know you hardly see thanks when everything goes according to plan and there are no issues that mess with users.

Good job and thank you.


#116 Aramuside


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Posted 21 September 2016 - 10:52 PM

View PostCapt Jos, on 21 September 2016 - 11:21 AM, said:

Obviously you don't have a 4gb ram machine on low settings. Even then it takes forever to load, and even more so since the decal update. FPS is terrible on my machine, but even more so now that decals have been added. Just would like some way to make it more performance friendly for those of us with low end machines.

That is very true. Don't spam Stormcrows; use something like a Shadow Cat with streaks or projectiles. I wish that most players would try to play well as opposed to just playing for fun.

Makes sense now - my commiseration as I'm not sure I could face this game without at least seeing every mech looking nice as we slowly trudge across maps. Posted Image

Scout mode is a 4v4 mode in faction warfare where you're collecting information from beacons scattered randomly around the map and/or trying to kill the other 4 man (55 ton max mechs). People generally mean that when they refer to scout mode as there isn't really a scouting element in the main game except to locate and track enemies on large maps - even then generally a scout mech will have decent armament as they're usually not much use currently otherwise (plus the "scouting" rewards are awful). I'd love it if the truth were otherwise as a primarily medium and light player but I'm not holding my breath (out of 139 or whatever mechs not a single one is a mastered or even elited assault). Posted Image

Afraid a shadowcat with a bad payload is a bad shadowcat and in no way implies the pilot is good.... Posted Image

I've always wanted to pick those up and was going to treat myself to the Clan Wave 3 pack last month but then energy draw testing started... Posted Image

#117 Aramuside


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Posted 22 September 2016 - 12:23 AM

View PostxX PUG Xx, on 21 September 2016 - 04:39 PM, said:

The vast majority of Scout matches devolve into close range brawls so standard PPC's are not ideal due to range restrictions and high heat, while the XL engine in the Crab has it own obvious drawbacks alongside the high heat LPL's. SPL or SRM SCR's will eat them for breakfast :(

its interesting as in the event about all I saw were SRM brawlers (Griffin 2N's and Shadowhawks) and usually std engined from how much damage they could soak. I ended up switching to my Viper and just grabbing information then evaccing as we were getting wrecked so badly by four mans but that was a harsh introduction to the mode. ;)

#118 Uncle Totty


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Posted 22 September 2016 - 12:54 AM

View PostDuncan1dah0, on 21 September 2016 - 06:22 PM, said:

With all sincerity, gratz PGI on a no-drama patch. Good work. I work in IT and I know you hardly see thanks when everything goes according to plan and there are no issues that mess with users.

Good job and thank you.


I can no longer apply decals to my mechs, so it did not go well for all of us.

Edit: Never mind. Fixed it.

Edited by Uncle Totty, 22 September 2016 - 02:06 AM.

#119 Ano


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Posted 22 September 2016 - 01:28 AM

View PostZolaz, on 21 September 2016 - 11:45 AM, said:

Just like everything else in MWO ... doesnt require any skill to get. Just open up your wallet.

Oh, come on.

Decals (entirely optional visual customisation that does not affect performance in any way) is exactly the place you'd expect and want them to make money.

#120 MarsThunder


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Posted 22 September 2016 - 02:27 AM

> Command Wheel options can now cycled through by using your Mouse Scroll Wheel. Using the mouse wheel,
> in combination with releasing the Command Wheel key to confirm your highlighted option, will help to improve
> the speed with which the Command Wheel can be used.

How could I cancel a command selection after I have selected any command with a mouse wheel?

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