The border skirmish comes to an end as the Capellans hope to salvage some self-respect after two consecutive weeks of losses.
Even as both the Capellans and St. Ives militaries near the point of total exhaustion, both sides strike out at each other. The Capellans hope to save some face in the face of both a routed invasion and loss of one of their own planets, Necromo, to the forces of St. Ives only a week ago. In turn, St. Ives Military Command hopes to deplete the Mech forces of the Capellan Confederation as much as possible to force them to pull back and rebuild, thus buying the St. Ives Compact much need time to secure their own borders.

In the final scenario of the St. Ives vs the Capellan Confederation campaign, the Capellans must win more battles than they lose in order to keep what little respect they can after having been defeated by the St. Ives Compact over the previous two weeks. This scenario will consist of five rounds and the teams will be fixed throughout the scenario. The technology level will be restricted to Tech Level 1, except for where noted otherwise. Balance will be achieved by giving the losing team an extra five tons per Mech in the next round. Four hero Mechs will also be available to the St. Ives and Capellan Confederation sides. The St. Ives will have access to the
St. Ives Blue Vindicator and
Bumble-Bee Catapult. The Capellans will have access to the
Yen-Lo-Wang Centurion and the
Ilya Muromets Cataphract. Only one of each hero Mech can be on the field in a given battle. Will the Capellans face total defeat again?
The Campaign
Mode: Domination
Time of Day: Random
Average Tonnage: 25 tons per player
The Capellans have landed a fast strike force of mostly light Mechs on the planet's primary satellite, Brazen Heart. The destruction of the copper mines there is only a secondary objective. The primary objective is to engage and destroy as many of the St. Ives Militia Mechs as possible. The St. Ives forces have deployed a screen of fast Mechs to engage the Capellan Mechs before they can do serious damage to the industrial equipment on the moon.
The St. Ives Forces can choose to defend one of two mining locations. Either way, the Capellans will attack whichever location the St. Ives forces make their stand at:
Mission 1:
Map: Caustic Valley
This location is primarily used for copper ore extraction and sent elsewhere for refinement.
Mission 2:
Map: Terra Therma
The facilities here make use of the abundant ambient heat to extract the copper from the ore shipped here and refine it.
Mode: Capture
Time of Day: Night
Average Tonnage: 30 tons per player
*Vestallas is home to several vast vaults of treasure, both cultural and monetary. The Capellans hope to destabilize the St. Ives economy, which is based on the currency stored in the vaults of Vestallas, by raiding one of the two largest vaults on planet. Much of the art stored in these vaults are of significance to the proud Capellans. Regaining possession of these priceless items will do much to boost sagging morale in the Confederation. *
The Capellan Confederation team will have their choice of raiding one of the two following vault locations:
Mission 1:
Map: Crimson Strait
While some notable works of art are known to be stored here, the vast majority of the treasure here is monetary in nature.
Mission 2:
Map: River City
While there are some notable reserves of currency here, the primary goal of this mission would be to regain works of art significant to the cultural identity of the Capellan Confederation.
Map: Tourmaline
Time of Day: Random
Average Tonnage: 50 Tons per Player
Indicass is home to significant reserves of raw materials. Ceres Metal Industries has invested a great deal in developing the planet for resource extraction. The Capellans may not have the military might to completely capture to or destroy the industry on the planet, but they can attempt to apply what forces they do have to destroy a segment of the planet's industry.
The Capellan Team can choose to disrupt one of the following aspects of the planet's industry:
Mission 1:
Mode: Capture
Five depots of shipments of refined materials is awaiting pick up. The Capellans can attempt to destroy and deny the St. Ives Compact access to this war materiel.
Mission 2:
Mode: Domination
The main HQ and communications base, if destroyed, would cripple the efficiency of the mining and production on planet for years.
Mission 3:
Mode: Assault
Rather than assault the industry directly, the Capellans can choose to directly attack the militia of the planet, and if successful, leave open the possibility of a more significant attack on the planet. The Capellans must take care to not leave their own mobile HQ vulnerable, however.
Map: Forest Colony
Time of Day: Random
The St. Ives Military Command, having heard rumors that a high ranking Capellan noble would be on planet, have taken the initiative to attempt to assassinate this person. While the odds of the Chancellor himself being the rumored noble is quite low, the chance to land a blow on the perception of the near divinity of a member of the Liao dynasty is too tempting of a target.
The leader of the St. Ives force, piloting a
Zeus ZEU-6T, will have a choice of one of the following missions to locate the Liao noble. Incidentally, the leader of the Capellan force will also be piloting a
Zeus ZEU-6T of their own.
Mission 1:
Mode: Capture
Average Tonnage: 35 Tons per Player
The St. Ives force can attempt to locate the Capellan noble in one of five suspected locations in the area.
Mission 2:
Mode: Domination
Average Tonnage: 45 Tons per Player
The St. Ives force can attempt to locate the Capellan noble in the largest installation in the area.
Mission 3:
Mode: Skirmish
Average Tonnage: 55
The St. Ives force can assume that the Capellan noble they are looking for is piloting none other than the Zeus ZEU-6T spotted amongst the Capellan militia Mech forces. Destroying the Capellan Zeus, and the attendant guard, will ensure the demise of the Liao noble.
Map - Polar Highlands
Mode: Skirmish
Average Tonnage: 65 Tons per Player. There is no bonus for the previously defeated team in the last round.
Harloc is notable for very little. However, due to its proximity to the Compact, it has fallen under the gimlet eye of the St. Ives forces looking to score an additional victory over the Capellan Confederation. It is interesting to note that both sides will employ at least one Raven RVN-3L,
a stealthy Mech brimming with lostech and suited more for spotting for indirect fire than front line combat.
Where To Join In
Matches will be organize on the CJF TS3 server. The address is, no password. The start time will be at 9:30 pm EST, though we might have a couple of warm up matches while we wait for stragglers. No sign-ups required, all are welcome!
Q:Where can if find information on the different tech level loadouts?
A:Tips and information on the stock Mech matches can be found on the official forums here.
Q:Do I need to build the Mechs myself?
A:No, there's an option in the private lobby that temporarily resets your Mech back to the stock loadout. HOWEVER (!), you do need to have a valid build on your Mech. That means, it needs an engine, enough heatsinks, and at least one weapon. If your Mech has a red icon in the Mech Lab, it's missing something.
Q:Do I need to own the Mech to play with it in a stock match?
A:Yes. If you're missing Mechs for a tech level (see the forum link above), you can take a trial Mech and their champion build will be reset to the correct stock build.
Q:Are there any restricted Mechs?
A:Other than those noted above, only Tech Level 1 Mechs will be used.
Q:Will this be streamed for me to watch?
A:You can watch it from my point of view here: