Huehuehuheuheuhuehuehuheuheuhuehuehuhe GOT US, so SO clever. And here some of us were thinking it would actually be something new, like new content, a major game change, unit decals, anything but another mech pack. Silly us, I guess all we can really expect from "announcements" are mechpacks nowadays.
Like, I'm not opposed to filling out the Clan mechs with heroes, that's fine, but the "joke" was not worth it. It just got our hopes up for something different than a mech pack. I haven't checked out the hardpoints yet, but the camo's really do look great.
All the hero mechs offer somethat that other omnipod sets can't, which would be pretty cool if they didn't cost real money. But when you look deeper, these new build possibilities don't offer anything that anther mech can't do better. Example? You can do a 3x ASRM6 Nova now! Yay! But wait.....why not just spend $5 more and get three Huntsmen, which will do missiles MUCH better than the Nova, go the same speed, and have more build possibilities?
Because of the way Omnipods work, it really feels like you're paying $15 - $20 for ONE more hardpoint (two at most), and that's it. Want to build a Warhawk with one more ballistic? That'll be $25. (And, backing up aforementioned point, a Timber or EBJ can do 3x UAC5 better anyway.
Next let's talk about the packs as a whole, the title says "Clan Hero Collection" but this is NOT a collection, this is a bunchof individual chassis that you can't buy together.
Now, let's establish that there is NO reason to preorder these. There is zero incentive, no CBill pack, no decals, no Warhorn, nothing. And if previous mech packs are any indication, you'll be able to buy these at any time in the next 2 years. Wait until they come out on Smurfy, theorycraft your build, THEN buy.
/some salt
tldr: cutefox is the only cool one. the rest are just paying for one or two extra hardpoints
Edited by xeromynd, 30 September 2016 - 10:22 AM.