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Your Wallets: What Will It Take To Re-Open Them?

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#21 Juodas Varnas


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Posted 03 October 2016 - 11:24 AM


Hatchetman would too.

Why? Because they'd actually add something new to the game, instead of being just another combination of hitboxes+hardpoints.

#22 Simbacca


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Posted 03 October 2016 - 11:28 AM

Here is my list (but not full) - some are easily done, others would take considerable effort.

=Fix PSR and Match Maker
=Eliminate map and mode voting
=Change the dynamic change of day to fixed. So there are 4 times of the day - this would definitely help older computers (no need to constantly recalculate shadows and shaders as the sun moves around)
=Eliminate weapon modules - instead have weapon brands (to keep things simple the base weapons we have now would be a weapon brand - so no need to make changes to mech offerings)
=Fix quirk system
=To deal with the power creep problem - pin point accuracy. Can have it that 2 hardpoints which is chosen by the player (MGs given exception as they have cone of fire) are pin point (for those fast shots) while the rest - which can be fired at any time may not hit the exact spot due to not yet having converged on desired point.
=Bring Machine Guns back to their glory - the time when the Arrow Hero Mech was released.
=Fix Jump Jets - like they used to be. To prevent abuse - JJ acceleration will be based on the number mounted. So if a I mech only has 1 JJ - it will jump slow, but if it mounts 3 then it jumps a lot faster.
=For simple information warfare - only light mechs and scout mechs (by lore) can spot for LRMs.
=HUD - an actual indicator to determine if weapon doors open or closed.
=In MechLab put in background blurbs about each type and variant of mech
=Dynamic location for resource capture points and bases on existing maps - what way existing map assets are better utilized. Remember on the old Forest Colony map that there were two version of where the resource caps were?
=And to mix things up - drops can be 8v8 or 12v12 - randomly chosen by server.
=Pilot trees that are akin to World of Warships. And this actually can give PGI a chance for additional revenue. Everyone gets 4 free pilots (who can pilot any mech in player's collection) and be specialized as player sees fit. If player wants more pilots - then pay MC for more. And more PGI revenue - players can customize said avatars.

:::Faction Warfare::: <-Would be be nice.
=Use QP maps - which would also mean new mission types.
=Mini-Campaign mode for a planet (consisting of no respawn best 2 out of 3). Thus each campaign would have a logical map set (Polar Highlands then Alpine Peaks then Frozen City for example).
=Loyalists/Mercs/Lonewolvs - each has advantages and disadvantages.
=In game economy for whole game determined in faction warfare (which means bringing back repair and re-arm. But which path one chooses see above)
=Each planet - holding it and by whom affects economy - cost of mechs, upgrades, items, etc.
=And probably a means to allow players to choose: ISvIS, IS vs Clan, Clan vs Clan - so as to keep the population on the server up.

Edited by Simbacca, 03 October 2016 - 11:42 AM.

#23 Hunka Junk


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Posted 03 October 2016 - 11:31 AM

Actually above everything else I said previously:

If there was a way to decentralize the servers and let the community develop their own modded content, that would be the best thing to ever happen here.

#24 Zolaz


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Posted 03 October 2016 - 11:33 AM

More Battletech and Mechwarrior ... less Paul, Bryan, and Russ' "vision" of their Big Stompy Robit game.

#25 Ghogiel


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Posted 03 October 2016 - 11:34 AM

If I thought it was realistic in any possible way, I'm going to say for Community map design to happen to be unconventional. But you did say realistically... so.. I'm at a loss there.

#26 Tristan Winter


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Posted 03 October 2016 - 11:35 AM

  • A properly developed Solaris. Not with different phases, where phase 1 is totally incomplete and we have to wait ages for phase 2 and phase 3. But a properly developed feature, delivered instantly and then upgraded over time.

    Solaris, with Duncan Fisher (after all, MWO has no timeline, so we might as well include the character from 3065 or whatever it was), proper arena maps (not just recycling existing maps), proper Solaris sound effects and a roaring crowd.
  • PVE. I would prefer a single player campaign a la MW2:Mercs, like Russ talked about. I'm not sure I would actually open my wallet for PVE coop wave survival mode or anything like that, because it would feel pointless to buy a mech pack that doesn't actually give me something new. I would pay for a campaign though. However, I would be VERY reluctant to pay unless the single player PVE content was not available offline. If my right to play PVE offline disappeared the day PGI decided to shut down the server, I would not be pleased. I'll happily (!) pay $100 for a good Mechwarrior single player campaign a la MW2:Mercs. But I won't rent it for 2-3 years before the servers shut down.
  • Melee. If I could buy a Hatchet-wielding Axman and a katana-wielding Hatamoto-Chi, my Battletech Adam Steiner collection would be complete. I've dreamt of owning and playing with an Axman since 1995, I remember drawing that mech when I was a kid in the 6th grade. I would happily pay $80 dollars or whatever the ridiculous price would be for an Ultimate Collector's pack.

Edited by Tristan Winter, 03 October 2016 - 02:20 PM.

#27 Cy Mitchell


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Posted 03 October 2016 - 11:35 AM

My wallet has not closed but my spending has decreased dramatically including cancelling some pre-ordered content. I am still going to spend some money to get the Kit Fox hero and the Stormcrow hero but after that, I see nothing else that interest me.

What I need to see to keep me interested in investing time and money in this game:

1. New Maps
2. New Assault mode that has been promised.
3. A working system to limit all types of Alphas.
4. The implementation of changes to Faction Play including the addition of some maps and modes from QP to make FP more immersive and less one dimensional.
5. BattleTech themed events.
6. Revised scoring system that rewards more than just damage and kills. Complete objectives anyone?

#28 Wrathful Scythe


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Posted 03 October 2016 - 11:36 AM

It's simple.

- More Weapons (a perfect balance will never be archived, so why wait?)
- More Gamemodes (Like 3025 stock or a mode alá rush from Battlefield with enabled dropdeck.)

PGI needs to make me care for this game again, because as it stands now, I won't be around for long if nothing changes. And while I don't hate ED, it is not something I'm hyped for either. It's kinda meh, honestly. I just want new toys to play with. Posted Image

While having pre ordered the Marauder IIC, I don't have any interest in the Bushwacker or the Clan Heroes and don't see myself buying any of those.

#29 Peter2k


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Posted 03 October 2016 - 11:36 AM

Some fps improvements/optimization
At this point I don't care if they switch to a different engine or make better use of what they have

And something to do besides team death match in one flavor or another

Would've like a working CW
But I also would take something with more depth and meaning in QP then just grinding C-Bills

Mech models sure are nice
But to get my Mechwarrior pron fix I'll more or less soon have a better mech commander game on my hands

I don't need to grind through this event or any other
What I need is a solid reason to care beyond blowing mechs up

If they really can't come up with something better to fix CW then reducing Buckets and front lines, then maybe spent the time on more enticing QP options

#30 Bud Crue


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Posted 03 October 2016 - 11:37 AM

View PostZolaz, on 03 October 2016 - 11:33 AM, said:

More Battletech and Mechwarrior ... less Paul, Bryan, and Russ' "vision" of their Big Stompy Robit game.

Vision? They have vision? I don't count Russ's recent: "FP is perfect in every way and yet I can't figure out why no one is playing it so lets combine buckets and make it essentially QP with respawn" as vision. That's more like aggressive ignorance, mixed with hubris and then shared with the customers via podcast rather than "vision".

#31 S 0 L E N Y A


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Posted 03 October 2016 - 11:37 AM

- the official death of energy draw
- some substantial content that actuall attracts and sustains a solid community (vague, I know)
- and I hate to say it, but probably a MadCatII

#32 Red Shrike


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Posted 03 October 2016 - 11:40 AM

What will it take me to re-open my wallet?

Well, the Flea would put a foot in the door, but the only thing that would blow it off its hinges would the CW they promised us from Day 1 and more, with QP as the secondary gamemode.

#33 XxXAbsolutZeroXxX


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Posted 03 October 2016 - 11:42 AM

I would buy stuff if I had money to burn.

At the moment, I don't have that luxury and gaming is a low priority of my stuff to do list.

#34 Wraith 1


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Posted 03 October 2016 - 11:50 AM

Dropping ED and reverting the rescale.

Solaris might do it too.

#35 Imperius


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Posted 03 October 2016 - 11:54 AM

Long Term Goals - Basically I need PGI to say we are doing these and it's our FOCUS.

Engine has been at its limits since closed beta - New Engine (Shoe me you have faith in your product)
Match Replay
Stand Alone Offline PVE with online features - We need new revenue streams other than mechs

Once these have been established we can then turn on FW again adding depth by using PVE assets. Using A.I. to fill slow times and ghost drops. Pilot development that starts in PVE and endgame becomes FW. This helps new users learn the game before becoming fodder.

Short term - I'll spend money and play again but back to my usual off and on spurts and you won't gain back my full support until long term goals are announced.

Mad Cat MK II

Edited by Imperius, 03 October 2016 - 11:55 AM.

#36 Big Tin Man


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Posted 03 October 2016 - 12:04 PM

I don't want this to sound like a giant B-ich at pgi, far from it. MWO is a very beautiful, competent arena shooter and plays very well inside that genre. I have spent way too much money on this game, but at a $/hour of entertainment standpoint, I've definitely gotten my money's worth. No regrets, would do it again. I think a lot of us are just a bit sad on the inside that MWO's epitaph will ready "A wonderful arena shooter that could have been so much more and just never reached its true potential."

That said, my wallet is closed, and will remain so pending a big, big amount of non-mech content.

Having seen the content created by PGI vs. the content created by the community, and my wallet is going to remain shut until they start directly incorporating community content into the game. Doesn't matter how. Paul and Russ just need to swallow their pride and accept there are plenty of Battletech fans here that can to 80% of their jobs and are willing to do it for free, and just accept the help. Player idea's for campaigns/news reports. Player submitted and PGI blessed Comstar initiatives directing FW. Player created maps (sanitized by PGI). Custom decals (within the CoC). Player created game modes (griffball anyone?)

People keep screaming for solaris. I just don't get it. It's a FFA mode of the same team death match we already have. What is different here? When PGI just relabels a tab "Solaris" and it's still just quickplay but with less players, will you be surprised? I don't want Solaris. Solaris won't open my wallet. I don't see any difference there.

People have been asking for CW/FW to have meaning, and imho it is worth attempting to save it. Everyone is behind the idea that planets should offer bonuses (discount on mech or weapon, etc). Planets turn over every 8 hours, which is way too fast. Planets flipping this quickly breaks any sense of immersion is it takes weeks to take a capital city, nevermind a planet. The 8 hour window mechanic needs to change. Absolutely no effort has been made to balance scouting (or even reward gathering intel). FW needs more game modes.

General UI/QoL issues abound. Keyboard shortcuts for menu's are lostech. Pilot skill tree is going to be part of the mechcon 'big reveal.' (I'm afraid for this). LBX/flamers/mg's are all in a horrible place and have been for a long time. Convergence. Lore and depth blurbs all over the place. Different brands of weapons in place of weapon modules. Direct control of weapon placement on the mech (the high slot problem). Persistent chat and chat lobbies. Texture and color modifiers for paint and camo's (geometric patterns/damaged/gloss/metallic/matte).

General polish: Airstrike aircraft don't make sound. A couple mechs still moonwalk. Inverse kinematics. Custom sound packs. More weather effects. Change time of day to remain static and make 24 different time conditions that you could start with.

Single player/Co-op campaign? Sure, but nobody at PGI should be allowed to write the story. Hire HBS.

AI controlled units for FW? Now that would be a huge help to breathing some life back into that mode.

Never, ever do a tournament like this again. Too many top players have been sequestered for way too long.

PGI, just grab a big fistfull of these and deliver. Once it starts to feel like enough, maybe the wallet will open.

#37 Nastyogre


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Posted 03 October 2016 - 12:12 PM

Honestly most of the things mentioned previously should all be in the game.

1st. Fix the balance issues. Figure out some way to make it so basically no mech is inherently better than another. Would some mechs be stronger, yes, bigger, more armor or a good mix of fire and armor is going to be the strongest mech. Some are just plain BETTER. Better hardpoints, Quacks that do ridiculous things, Pin point front loaded damage that encourages giant alphas. However PGI figures out to fix it, fine. But fix it. Take a holistic approach and fix the weapons, mechs problems. Will it ever be perfect? No. Could it be much, much better? Yes.

2nd. Put a price on the other content. Solaris. We need $500,000 to develop that. PVE campaign. $250,000. Multiplayer PVE another $200,000 or whatever. Game modes (stock, set variant modes, IS only, Clan only etc) $100,000 to develop. Physicals, Dynamic Robust faction warfare etc.

Then let us pony up and pay for what we want. Hit the goals. Bingo! Develop it.
The game balance issues have to be addressed first and the money they already have and the bit they get currently should be used to address this. Turn the game from minimally viable into something that could be substantial. Fix the platform then give us cool stuff.

#38 Simbacca


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Posted 03 October 2016 - 12:15 PM

View PostImperius, on 03 October 2016 - 11:54 AM, said:

Stand Alone Offline PVE with online features - We need new revenue streams other than mechs

PVE if done correctly could be sold as DLCs.

#39 Big Tin Man


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Posted 03 October 2016 - 12:15 PM

View PostNastyogre, on 03 October 2016 - 12:12 PM, said:

2nd. Put a price on the other content. Solaris. We need $500,000 to develop that. PVE campaign. $250,000. Multiplayer PVE another $200,000 or whatever. Game modes (stock, set variant modes, IS only, Clan only etc) $100,000 to develop. Physicals, Dynamic Robust faction warfare etc.

With PGI's record on timely delivery of content, would you actually pony up for this? I don't believe many people would. Lots of founders our there who feel a bit burnt on this subject.

#40 Mister Blastman


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Posted 03 October 2016 - 12:22 PM

Mechwarrior Living Legends style Capture and Control ticket-based gameplay with respawn points that can be selected by the individual player(based on what their team controls), with matches that can last up to an hour (and other players can enter and leave as they like). This would also require a server browser for this mode, which is fine. In addition, twelve maps to start this mode out plus the inclusion of tools and a submission service for player-designed maps.

If PGI does this... I'll be happy.

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