PFC Carsten, on 18 October 2016 - 12:24 AM, said:
Sorry to sound a bit sour, but two things really bother me since they're not magic to fix or to correct:
1.) Really no fix for Alpine Domination zone location after now well over six (6!!) months? This HAS to be a joke. PGI, do you even play your own game?
2.) Map overhauls... seeing other peoples stats of map votes as well as my own (what's got voted in the end, not my own vote): The overhauled maps seem not to resonate well with the player base. As long as they're available it's almost always HPG Manifold, Canyon Network and even though it's pretty hot, Tourmaline. The overhauled maps (esp. Forest, Caustic and River City) do not seem to be much liked. Maybe there's too much clutter, too little visibility. Because Grim, Frozen and to an extend Viridian (which was stuffed from the beginning) are not as low as votes go.
Maybe look at your internal stats on what gets voted and adapt your approach to overhauls a bit?
1.) YES - I mean not the playing but the changed position.
2.) I also wonder what PGI aims when overhauling maps. Granted its hard to know what the people will do when designing a map, but really - what is the aim?
The old Frozen City was one of the most voted for maps. That has decreased immensily. River City similar (with the difference that it was not that loved from start.)
When you look at both maps the change is basically that you got bigger maps with a more boring start. Okay, maybe there is a need to it, lets ignore that.
But the biggest change is the type of fight you had and have now.
Old Frozen City was a prime example of a map suitable for light flank rushes or even sneaking assaults. It was also great for brawler while being valid for long range shots and even still having a place for LRMers in most cases. That was because the map was small so you could move in a shooting position without being completely alone in case you got attacked.
The same applies to canyon, the most voted map, and mostly for HPG too (less manouver options for shooting).
The new Frozen City is either "run to the edge and cross the canyon and run into their ball (or look at each other after trading positions)" or "snipe each other to death".
River City was also a map where you had several options. Less so after the change to 12vs12 because the cave no longer was a thread if you used only 2 or 3 mechs, but it was not possibly to use more because of the increased enemy firepower that made a bad timed or exposed flank a sure way to get stomped.
Now its just a big "go to this position and shoot" where the only option is which side of the hill has the action.
In PGIs case I would just try to flatten the antenna hill in River City and put a LOT more cover in Frozen Citys canyon, so that people can walk through it without getting shot and Lurmed from 9 mechs.
Or when trying to find a principle: Try to change the maps so that you have not one big map where you fight for one point, but a big map consisting of several connected small battlefields that have both high cover and long ranges. (I hope the new Therma is made this way with their 4 places for battle).
Basically make attacks (both frontal and flanking lights) on enemy positions easier. As it has happened with the bog, which has still problems but the change with the additional ramp helped measurably.
Edited by LennStar, 18 October 2016 - 02:19 AM.