UnofficialOperator, on 26 October 2016 - 05:18 PM, said:
Look at so many people replying with so much flawed logic is why I wasn't bothered to reply past 2 days. Really waste time and proves my point again and again:
It is not flawed simply because you disagree with it.
UnofficialOperator, on 26 October 2016 - 05:18 PM, said:
@Zergling, again anecdotal evidence and proves my point further why bad logic prevails here. I've only played assaults as a returning player 3 months ago. Anyone spending massive amounts of time on only a weight class would get good enough. I've only played other weight classes for events. If I spend time building up only a light weight chassis i.e ach or firestarter, it will also show a high outlier result. Does anyone remember a very famous elite pilot with high WLR and KDR in firestarter? Should we nerf that too? It proves my point that we should use everyone's KDK data and weight the performance as a 100 tonner and not based on anecdotal evidence from vocal elitist players.
Actually, it demonstrates amply that you are an average player being boosted far above your skill level because of an overpowered mech.
If you want prove that your assault weight class stats are not because of the KDK-3, then show your stats in other mechs, as El Bandito and others have done.
UnofficialOperator, on 26 October 2016 - 05:18 PM, said:
Look at @Mcgral18 & @Mawai comparing an outlier KDK vs an LRM Archer? How illogical and embarrassing is that? Look at the weight class... It really shows that good computer game players who are good at placing mouse pointer to target are not necessarily the best/most logical at balancing a game. At least compare apples to oranges. Not sure how you guys going to do that with the data that everyone doesn't have 
They aren't the posters comparing it, genius. It was Dee Eight that bought that up. You are literally casting judgement based on something another poster said.
UnofficialOperator, on 26 October 2016 - 05:18 PM, said:
PS: And its really funny how so many have dodged the points I made. No one can see the disparity in OP's original picture showing 3 KDKs but 2 dealing 300 damage?
That's because you don't have a point. It is completely moronic to judge a mech based on the performance of random players seen in a single battle.
UnofficialOperator, on 26 October 2016 - 05:18 PM, said:
And also should we nerf light mechs now? 50 WLR and related KDR is really OP and ridiculous. Nerf all light mechs now.
You are selecting a single data point to support your argument, a fallacy termed 'cherry picking'.
It is not worth refutation as a result.
If you want people to positively respond to your posts, you need to make intelligent arguments.
Edited by Zergling, 26 October 2016 - 06:26 PM.