BLOOD WOLF, on 06 November 2016 - 09:24 PM, said:
your gonna be obstinate against anything I saw even when I am trying to agree with you.
No, I just don't believe the conclusions you draw from the leaps in logic. You may be agreeing with parts of what I say... but then there's the WTF moments that comes with that.
They did have a "vision".I don't know what your arbitrary definition of vision is but I bet every person here has a different version and I don't really care.
Back when that video exist, there could have been a vision. That was 2013. This is 2016. It became much more obvious since the departure of IGP that there was no vision outside of seeing how many more mechpacks can be sold. It's hard to sell those mechpacks if the game doesn't progress further.... and it really hasn't... especially with each CW phase.
The frame work was there, all listed in what he presented. First was unit life, okay that's simple, next was front warfare, okay, and the last was planet assault and i am condensing it, but that is the jist if you watch the presentation.
What is "unit life"? Seriously, define it.
Roster management is a fundamental part of any game. That's mandatory. That's not "unit life".
One would argue that people were looking for "roles"... as in loyalists would have in impact or benefit in their own way... Mercs would not be the controlling "faction" but rather a supporting group that would assist in the faction's goals.
It has never been developed that way, and it barely evolved beyond what the community already did... find a reason to fight other factions and/or ally with them. None of this was developed by PGI at all.
Heck, there was supposed to be a purpose of loyalists... let alone "Freelancers". You want to know what they really are? They are simply database bits that are meaningless in the grand scheme of things. Let's call that spade a spade.
What exactly is "front warfare"? I would say this would be something akin to NBT in a way... where there are multiple staging areas in an assault. What do we have in CW? We have "designated slices" that have a "designated map". That's it. Then we have "Invasion" and then "Counter Attack"... where the latter is strictly a deathmatch with respawns and former degenerating to that for farming purposes. There's virtually no variety in that. There's no escort or location capture (something like Conquest, except NOT Conquest). There's not even a "Steal the Beacon" (something from MW4, probably Mercs) or steal some objective for a period of time. We're not even talking about anything super complicated, but adding new gamemodes apparently is a yearly thing apparently. "Scouting" mode is barely that, but hey, if we stick enough Streaks on a Stormcrow... that'll be "fair" to the "scouts".
those were the key aspects of what they wanted FW or rather the game at the time to be like. If you listen closely they intended for todays pug matches to be a part of that FW struggle.
Sure... we'll get that next year at the earliest. Even then, how do one justify Phase 2? That was soooo productive to have people waiting for "nothing new" to happen (outside of doubling down on Ghost Drops, which was eventually dropped later in Phase 3). I don't see "Ghost Drops" being a plus ever in FW's existence.
you agree with me that the execution is as important but you want to add some extra element of "why people are upset"
you are the one that is failing to understand development, and must be so naive to think that every idea presented was going to stay.
To sum it up, you are saying I am correct as the intricate parts of FW are missing but I missed the point that they lacked a "vision" to which i say bullocks. You are just being snide and condescending. To repeat to you and anyone crowdfunding anything is buyer beware, that is why I don't crowdfund or pre-order anything. Except for Battltech and you think they are not going to scrap some things from the initial design? Star craft II did that, Rome II did that, Battlefield and battlefront both did that. Almost all games do that. Except when you put money in a game and its not everything that remained in the end result was the same as presented. All of a sudden the world has to make an exception for the poor players on the MWO forums who backed the game?I say get off it, because you make no sense, and stop wasting other peoples time. prattling on the forums for years now repeating the same line with the few people you got left to share that story.
I never said everything would or should be implemented. It would be naive at best. However, the fundamental core parts never got beyond that... it stayed barebones for long periods of time (with a Long Tom in Phase 3 that eradicated any remnants of those of us that gave a damn). The gamemode never expanded beyond anything. That's like saying moving from 10% to 15% is a great move... after multiple years of development. That's INSANE. We're not dissecting the human genome here... we're just expecting development to progress and bugs get addressed in a timely manner (as long as the end result is an improvement). None of that is to be had here.
Of course YOU ARE ON YOUR OWN RISK when giving money to any development team. That's a risk people have to take. The problem is that when promises aren't realistically delivered, it's almost like asking for a loan, and then not paying people back... people WILL eventually hold you to your word and they will do things to bring attention to the matter. You will be sleeping in the bed that you made for yourself. People do spread the word... good or bad (and bad news tends to spread much faster than anything else).
There is no vision. It's blatantly obvious. If it wasn't the Town Halls (controlled by the in-house PGI media that is NGNG), its in their actions. Why is everything dropped at a moments notice for supply caches? Noone asked for that. Whatever, PGI wants to do what PGI wants. Who asked for the minimap to be changed? Yet, Russ in his own words had the gall to tell us "you're going to have to accept it" and then once that thing dropped, the backlash was REAL. No effort needed on my part to convince anyone... everyone was repeating exactly was that explained. Sure the hotfix happened, but it shouldn't even have come to that in the first place.
If you think actions or inaction doesn't speak louder than words, them you're deaf to reality. We can go through chapter and verse what PGI did and did not do. It's not enjoyable... mostly because they are deaf to criticism. It's not hard to be constructive to PGI.. it's their inaction or inability to react or even be properly proactive to the things that they have been doing is what gives them the dubious distinction of "setting the bar lower" over time. Outside of artwork and mechpacks, there's nothing of consequence being delivered unless people massively whine over it.... if it's not the awful original UI 2.0, it's being unable to understand how bad some of their gamemodes are (Domination sucks on some maps by design, let alone Alpine spawns on some modes). Things that need a lot of TLC don't get it... and we're here effectively beta test things that never should have been released in the first place (Long Tom).
So, I simply disagree with the "they are a small company-dev team" viewpoint. There are small developers that do a lot more work and execute better... and yet we are saddled with complacency and excuses all the time. At some point, something's got to give, and it's certainly not to the players benefit long term.