Posted 26 November 2016 - 12:16 PM
Post travel after-action report:
I'm back from my Thanksgiving interstate travel. It took quite some effort to get a match in every day, but I managed it. The new day rolling at 0000 GMT helped, as it allowed an almost 48 hour period where you could be away from a computer and still not miss a day, yet still also get all your driving/flying/hitchhiking/whatever done during normal travel hours AND not lose any sleep.
No wifi recognizable by my laptop at the first night's hotel. (The 48 hours helped here). Spotty wifi at the destination hotel caused bad lag/yo-yoing/occasional disconnects, but 100 points doesn't have to be pretty. The backup plan was to ask to install MWO on a PC at my sister's house, but oh, no! The patch would take longer than the time I had left in the day. Enter my wifi-impaired laptop and an ethernet cable I always bring with it. Their router is in one of their bathrooms, and the cable isn't exactly long, so I did my one match for that day sitting on the toilet, which gave a new meaning to the statement 'our team got wiped.' For the remaining days, the hotel wifi worked, if grudgingly. The return trip took just one solid day of driving. End result: zero missed days.
Bottom line: hardly anybody who really wanted to complete this event should have found it impossible. Even if you don't have a laptop, most everyone you'd be visiting (even my 85 year old mother) has a PC somewhere.