Van Hoven, on 22 December 2016 - 04:22 AM, said:
As was pointed out, damage transfer is a thing, a ridicoulus one if you consider that some mechs like MAD, MAD IIC and Stalker benefit from it much more then others. Also, your target had yellow center armor and internals, with around 100 armor points and 50 internals its not that impossible that you needed at least 100 damage to kill it off, without damage transfer reductions taken into account.
Also that video... whats the point of it really? 3uac2 50 ton build cant win a stare off against a kdk3? the other mechs hardly got an alpha in. I'm not saying the kdk-3 isnt a very strong mech, but that video is hardly proof of it being OP.
The Really interesting thing in the tunnel video is that 4 inner sphere mechs were in that brawl one with a tactical advantage (hidden jager trip ac5) and when the engagement was done . the only mechs left standing were 3 clan mechs.
2 kdks and a madiic
rifleman down
jager down
and a orion i belive also down.
not one survived it.
which brings me back to my initial point that inner sphere mechs can not afford facetime with the newer clan mechs kdk and madiic.
it has come to a point in the game now where a majority of the IS mechs just can not compete in direct engagements.
they can not with stand the damages being dished out these days nor can they provide adequate direct engagement fire power to shut down threats quickly. because if they could.
that enemy kdk opportunity window to shred the rifleman would have been a whole lot narrower.
same for the enemy jager he spent a whole lot of time trying to down his targets as well, leading to his demise.
that entire skirmish lasted just a lil over 1 min 30 seconds. 4 dead inner sphere mechs. the 4 all died within 1 minute.
what did it take to bring down the clan mechs ?
to kill the enemy kdk it took the following: madiic, kdk, vindicator
to kill the freindly kdk it took the following: enemy kdk, jager, grid iron, and enforcer
to kill the freindly mad iic it took the following: enemy kdk, jager, grid iron, and enforcer
thats what im demonstrating here .
As i have stated this is not just a one time thing it is what i have been noticing more and more.
inner sphere survivability has been greatly reduced to the point that it almost requires 3 mechs to take down a kdk or madiic
and if those 3 are innersphere you can almost guarantee there will only be one left standing after the engagement.
its almost self evident when you play older inner sphere mechs .
Edited by nitra, 22 December 2016 - 05:53 PM.