Requiemking, on 20 December 2016 - 08:01 AM, said:
You can already do that with the Locust 1V and the 3V. On Clan side we have the Kit Fox, the Shadow Cat, ect.. The Piranha is just a troll mech that does nothing new and has no reason to be in game aside from being a Clan Diamond Shark mech.
Hardly a troll mech. And hardly a mech that does nothing new - no other mech in the game to reasonably boat more than 6 machine guns. Also, the Piranha has all-energy variants that PGI could adapt quite easily. A Clan 20-ton light is something completely new. Also, it would have more podspace than the Fire Moth, and be able to boat more than 6 lasers if it really wanted to.
Variant name
Hardpoint location and amount (stock equipment)
CT energy (cERSL)
LA energy (cERML)
RA energy cERML)
+ 12 ballistic, 6 in each side torso. (12x cMG)
CT energy (cHSL)
LA energy (cHML)
RA energy (cHML)
+ 12 energy, 6 in each side torso (12x cERMicro)
PNA-A (theoretical PGI variant, based on PNA-2)
CT energy (cERSL)
LA energy (cERML)
RA energy (cERML)
+ 6 energy, 3 in each side torso (6x cERSL)
LA energy (cERML)
RA energy (cERML)
5 LT energy (cMicroPulse + 4x cERMicro)
5 RT energy (cMicroPulse + 4x cERMicro)
PNA-B (theoretical PGI variant, based on PNA-3
LA energy (cERSL)
RA enegy (cERSL)
4 LT energy (cSPL + 2x cERSL)
4 RT energy (cSPL + 2x cERSL)
kinda pointless, because it's just like the PNA-1, except with some light machine guns and machine gun arrays. Redundant for MWO.