Requiemking, on 20 December 2016 - 09:37 AM, said:
Are you joking? The 1V can mount an MPL and 4 MGs with 3 double heatsinks and two tons of ammo with near max armor, while the 3V can mount twin MGs plus twin MPLs with a ton of ammo and the same heatsinks.
I'm simply trying to provide the necessary reality check to remind them that these are bad mechs that do nothing for the game and that all they are doing is getting in the way of making the game better.
The Clans need a 20-ton option for Commodity Warfare drop deck purposes. It's a weight point that needs to be filled. The fact that 20 tons is generally a less-than-good weight point is sort of irrelevant - the Sphere has Locusts they can use to frontload their drop decks with, the Clans need either a Fire Moth, a Piranha, or some sort of crazed PiranhaTech 20-tonner kitbash light to do the same thing.
Between the two, the Fire Moth has more* options and the niche of OMFDB speed, while the Piranha has one hilarious option and not much else. Nevertheless, the 20-tonner weight point for the Clans needs to exist. If you don't like that weight point? Don't use it. The light pilots will have fun with it either way since they haven't gotten a bone since...schitt I can't even
remember what the last light release was...
L3mming2, on 20 December 2016 - 09:41 AM, said:
it can take 6 clan spl... i run a LCT-1E whit 6 spl, i would kill for a faster LCT-1E whit more range and 50% more firepower...
That's mostly what I was saying. The Fire Moth has two options to the Piranha's one - beamspam, and mixed beamspam/missiles. I.e. the Prime and D fits. cSPL dagger rogue would almost certainly be the best use of the chassis, but the A, B, and C fits are all laughingstocks. You'd have to kitbash like a mofo to get workable pod set-ups, and that's assuming the pods don't conflict with each other. I don't have any TROs on hand to confirm possible hardpoint layouts with, so all I can go by is the Sarna stock fits. Which are...mostly butt. With the semi-exception of the Prime and the mostly-exception of the D.
So, in essence...I'm saying we all want the D. Hueh hueh hueh.
Gas Guzzler, on 20 December 2016 - 09:45 AM, said:
Keep in mind, that speed tweak won't exist by the time this light mech is released. It is entirely possible that PGI would just block off the speed skill tree for this guy.
People would scream, but frankly I'd consider that a bit of a plus. While it'd be tempting to sink 75 nodes into mobility for the Fire Moth, I just don't have that much meth, and being able to use the nodes on kooky stuff or a heavy emphasis on weapons instead would also help give the Fire Moth a niche. There's no point in durability upgrades for a 20-tonner, which could make this guy a natural platform for Weird Junk like RaDerp or Seismic that most folks aren't taking anymore, or whatever else Piranha decides to bake up.
Or just sinking 75 nodes into cSPLs and opening up AtlAsses all day erry day, I suppose.