Galenit, on 25 December 2016 - 09:22 AM, said:
There are counters, even more then for every other weapon, there is even a hardcounter against them:
Hardcounter - ECM
Damagemitigating - AMS
Crutch - Radar-Derp-Module
To bad there is no ams in the metamechs on the metamech-page where all the tryhards parrot builds.
Dont go out without it. if you dont know how to deal with lrms.
No AMS, no whine.

Seems we need a real lrm-armageddon again?
If you survived the last one, you dont even need the crutch.
How many ams are in your team in each wave,
if can choose your dropdeck for this map,
where you know that there will be lots of lrms?
Should i guess? Less then 4 for each wave ....
Ever tried to build a wave with 12 or more ams with overload and just rush the boats with your moving umbrella?
Eh, it's also funny how he cries "no counter" in QP...when it also means, no spotters, because neither "team" tends to help each other. To successful LRM anythign but Potatoes means doing your own dirty work, as your team mates will hold locks just long enough to waste over half your ammo.
Also..."literally anti-fun guns" means: You don't the game the way I WANT IT TO BE PLAYED!!!!
To which I say? Tough.