1453 R, on 04 January 2017 - 11:27 AM, said:
Thank you, Moebius.
it's good to know that not everyone out there is on Twiafu's bandwagon and can see the difficulties inherent in getting a smoothly running group together. It's great when it happens, but Piranha's in-game tools are dismayingly crude, Teamspeak is a giant-turn-off for a lot of folks, and a majority of units are not even the slightest remote bit as open-minded and inclusive as they say they are.
It's not that hard to have a smooth running group. It's just that people have to be willing to accept working together as the standard above all else.
Yes, the MWO in game implementation of a lot of things suck. That goes w/o saying.
Teamspeak is not an evil thing people make it out to you. We can't force you to speak (let alone listen). It's your obligation if you wish to invest the time and effort to use it. However, not using it is akin to watching something burn down, and not making the call to report it happening. When you don't say something in game (in whatever method you choose), it's hard to positively affect the outcome/results of that missing info. I know some people have social anxiety and all, but at some point you have to realize that doing nothing (not communicating/using TS) results in nothing happening.
Some of it is Piranha problems, a lot of the rest is human-nature problems, but that doesn't mean they aren't problems. A few brave souls have attempted to solve some of them with various Pug Lyfe initiatives, but third-party hubs are inherently exclusionary no matter how welcoming the people on them may be simply because if someone was really into downloading a bunch of external programs and specifically searching for/reaching out to a team to play with, they'd find one of those MilSpec teams rampaging in group queue as it is.
If you're saying TS hubs are like finding the elite units and stuff... you're exaggerating this to the nth degree. People want to win at least have a better chance of it... at the very minimum try to enjoy the company of their peers. That's what TS hubs are. They aren't always meta-tryhards looking to roflstomp everything they come across. It's generally more people that want to find others to a group game... whether it be FP or QP in groups. That's it.
It's not exclusionary, unless you like excluding yourself from these things.
That's why folks pushed so hard for in-game VoIP, only for us to get a version that sounds like a fifties-era ham radio in a snowstorm. Nicely immersive BattleTech-y GarboTech, in a sense, but bad for all this TEEM FYTE stuff people keep lashing us over. LFG is a joke, in-game VoIP is distractingly bad and filled with ******* as often as not...is it any wonder people feel like there's no recourse between "random Puglandia bucket of schlubs" and "heavily drilled MilSpec team with hundreds of hours of training behind them"?
AFAIK, PGI's TS settings are inferior to the ones commonly used in TS hubs and there have been suggestions to improve that... to no avail.
VOIP on its own was never a full solution. I've always said this. The problem is that the tools that was the commo rose is still in its infancy (functional, but could be infinitely better).
I've said nothing over VOIP in PUG matches (outside of our own TS) but I do listen and do try to communicate typing stuff... but honestly it doesn't matter if
everyone else doesn't listen to what is being spoken or typed. Communication is a two way street, but if people don't do the listening, it doesn't matter what is said (even if it is the simplest of things). It's no different from real life TBH.
I get the whole "you get out what you put in" argument. Yes, I do. I'm not going to claim I'm entitled to victories or whatever, as some idiots keep going on about. I'm saying it's bad for everyone involved that the divide is "wacky-hijinx solo Puglandia queue" and "bring-your-BDUs Groupocalypse Valley-of-Death queue". The MilSpec teams waste their time fighting folks who either won't or can't put in those hundreds of hours. Maybe they have jobs. Maybe they're parents. Maybe they're parents with jobs. Maybe they just have other stuff to do. But for whatever reason they can't do a damn thing against MilSpec guys, they get frustrated and disenfranchised trying, and the MilSpec get bored and irritated (theoretically. According to them) having to spend all their time clubbing seals instead of having Proper Man Fights with other MilSpec teams.
You do realize that the upper tier/comp play groups are the
minority? It's been said and repeated as a negative too (which is hilarious). So, since we are the minority (and frankly I can't fight that notion given what I've seen as of late), then the reality is that
almost every match is a seal clubbing match by definition. If people don't get better, they become the seals.
Mind you, I don't expect everyone to have no job and play this game incessantly, but there are some basic skills that I still see people not using (like "R" to target) and this is way more common than it should be. Still, this is what happens all the time. I
should have a reasonable expectation that people know how to do that... but again.. comp players are the minority, and I see enough of this all the time. Sorry, I don't buy the notion that the comp players don't want to fight each other (or avoid them, not that it doesn't happen - but it's not just commonplace because there's not many of them to distribute for drops).
Do a ranked queue if that's what fixes it. Do a weighted group queue emphasizing small group stacks. Do f***ing something. Because I shouldn't have to treat spending a night running MWO with a buddy as a chore I'm occasionally obligated to do despite its onerousness. Any time in which that's a thing that happens is a time in which Piranha has managed to fail in their duties somewhere.
Carrying is a thing. That is the nature of small premades. I keep suggesting things to improve the NPE, but again... falls on PGI's deaf ears. I don't know what to tell you or provide any solution (if it hasn't been suggested already), but like the whole thread... it does require people to listen to what the other says before
communication is working properly... and this includes PGI as a whole (particularly at the top).