Star Commander Horse, on 13 January 2017 - 08:15 AM, said:
I've played the SRM brawler builds and they are ...not that great imho. (I'm using the builds)
That's because you probably play solo queue where brawling just isn't optimal to begin with. In a more coordinated environment like comp or group queue, you can force the brawl and that is where it shines (especially if you use the loyalty pods to get flamers) because of how tough it is (which more than makes up for the lack of good missile convergence).
There are 2 typical brawl heavies, the Splat Summoner and Splat Timber Wolf and both you see in comp.
Star Commander Horse, on 13 January 2017 - 08:15 AM, said:
Because my personal experience, as a fairly "new" poptart/sniper, is that it's pretty much all I can see the Summoner do: in other words, a "one trick pony."
I just want to point something out; most mechs are one trick ponies, that doesn't mean they can't be overly powerful. The measure of a mech isn't "how many roles can it do", the measure of a mech is more contextual than that: "how powerful is the mech at a role and how relevant is that role within the meta"
CapperDeluxe, on 13 January 2017 - 08:20 AM, said:
Phase 1: Spot enemy poptart Summoner
Phase 2: Avoid long range engagements, destroy it up close (because 2 ERPPCs are crappy up close)
Phase 3: Profit
Here is the Summoner's response:
Summoner said:
Phase 1: Spot enemy body
Phase 2: Avoid short range engagements, destroy everything at range.
Phase 3: Profit
See, I can oversimplify things too!
Mystere, on 13 January 2017 - 08:12 AM, said:
Well then, show me the math?
What math? I can't really give you a quantification for how strong the high mounts have made the Summoner. I can only tell you from experience that the mech is much harder to counter than the poptart Timby, Night Gyr, or HBK-IIC, and considering those are seen as the strongest mechs of their class (and for that role as well) and not even they are able to keep up with the Summoner at the same role, something tells me that there is something wrong with that picture.
Edited by Quicksilver Kalasa, 13 January 2017 - 08:44 AM.