Dakota1000, on 10 January 2017 - 06:43 PM, said:
I've been noticing that exact thing, King crabs are very often piloted by newer players buying their first assault or something it seems. I really don't know what pulls them all to it, maybe its the name, maybe its the crab part, maybe its some funny joke. Most serious players who did good in the King Crab using ballistic builds moved onto better mechs as they came out such as the Mauler and Kodiak, same with Dire Wolf Pilots moving to the Kodiak, leaving only the poor players who don't play often enough to grind cbills or the people who aren't competitive in those slow old clunkers.
The King Crab is a 100 ton assault that is rather cheap really. I would guess price being more of an influence than anything, especially with the costs of Clan mechs.
antiwarus, on 11 January 2017 - 06:05 AM, said:
Im not sacrificing my '1 hit from an ac20 and Im dead' mech to guard someone over half my speed.
Im more then happy to guard 80+, not ******** slow shitmechs
My Atlas DDC runs ~58.2 KPH... ECM, pretty good loadout+armor. I don't consider myself a dumb player, like less than 300 damage is a ****** game, I've done over a 1,000 damage with this DDC. But I'd be a burden... Here's the thing, if an assault pilot, even running at 54 KPH would just get their asses moving as soon as they drop, they wouldn't be a burden for you, even if you had to slow down some and actually stick with them.
It'd be one thing for the faster mech pilots to say they're not going to wait and give a damn about the slower mech pilots if those slower mech pilots are dicking around. But if they're moving as soon as they drop, don't have some ridiculous loadout causing them to run less than 50 KPH or there about... They're an asset to the team and they're doing their part. Why not just a little bit of assistance if needed? Because I can't remember the last time I had issues being hit from behind from being slow when I made the effort to get going in my assault.
Edited by xTrident, 11 January 2017 - 07:29 AM.