Gas Guzzler, on 13 January 2017 - 03:35 PM, said:
So rather than give them what might not be so great anymore in a few months, we want to give them what is not good now, and won't be good in the future either? How does giving them bad builds teach them game mechanics any better than giving them good builds?
No, you give them builds that *
work* and that are *
good enough*
You need to look at it from the perspective that people who have NEVER EVER EVER EVER touched this game before EVER can jump in and do "good enough" right away, because these are the mechs that they *will* be using in QP and FW until they have enough C-Bills to buy their own mechs.
To a lesser degree, these mechs should be "good enough" such that someone who is experienced can do reasonably well with them in the event that they try to jump in FW and find that they don't have the right mechs on-hand (tonnage, faction, whatever) and are then forced to rely on trials.
That means you want something mediocre...very middle of the road. Not trash, but not great either. Something that just, well, works.
Look, the fact of the matter is that far too many meta mechs require knowledge and experience of the game as a whole to be effective. They also almost always assume that the pilot has Mastered said mech as well.
This is why when putting builds together one must consider the target audience and primary user of this mech. That means, it should be a build that you find fun, enjoyable and is easy enough to wrap one's head around quickly.
Carl Vickers, on 13 January 2017 - 04:16 PM, said:
You can only build for the current meta, can someone please predict for me what the meta will be in 6-12 months? Thats why you build for the current meta.
And this is another great point. I watch people point and laugh at "those noobs bringing trials" to a match (FW, group or whatever), completely forgetting that many of the Trial/Champion mechs were designed by this very community...based on the meta and what was "good" at that time. Those times have changed and those builds aren't as good as they once were.
Edited by AnimeFreak40K, 13 January 2017 - 04:25 PM.