Deathlike, on 15 January 2017 - 05:17 PM, said:
Personally, there is a bad tendency when using UAC5s to just keep staring at the target (just for the purpose of keeping shots on target for sustain) while forgetting about personal exposure.
I'm not saying the UAC5 build is bad, it's just what tends to happen for that kind of dakka.
I agree, but at least a pair of UAC/5 has threatening out-put during a stare where a pair of AC/5 do not. That makes it a little more forgiving since enemies will have more incentive to back off or, if nothing else, our fresh meat player will at least have done more damage before his or her untimely demise.
Still, I would much rather see the new-player build be more of a poke 'Mech than a DPS 'Mech because DPS play is actually the more nuanced of the two. Any dingus knows to fire his guns at a target and hide when he can't fire for a considerable amount of time, but when you can still fire you are always tempted to linger.
Bud Crue, on 15 January 2017 - 05:22 PM, said:
Agreed, to an extent. I think a Champ Hammer build should be about giving heavy speed, and heavy weapons...the heavy mech experience is the goal. Your original build is ideal for that, but I think lighter weapons that give a bit more range at the cost of the alpha might be more new user friendly. I'm a only a couple of eyes above full potato and I know that they will rush in and they want to start shooting as soon as they see a red. So a bit of range I think may be better serving them than a concentrated short range alpha. Just my 2 cents.
There is that, true. The alternative is the
Inner Sphere Standard Laser arrangement, and that will technically satisfy both our requirements, but I confess that I think the Champion should be built on the base variant of the chassis unless the base model is a complete PoS. The WHM-6R is a beautifully effective machine and offers a greater variety of working build options than the WHM-6D, which is basically a one-trick pony, and I think a new player spending money would get far greater bang for their buck with the WHM-6R.