This thread is a joke in another long line of jokes of the same vein.
The only thing to take away here, is whichever side the majority of proficient units drop with will come out on top. Does that mean clans aren't better than IS? No, it does not. It means that either side, given enough experienced pilots, will appear to be superior.
So, where does that leave us? Well first of all it leaves us with this cleverly veiled epeen thread. Ash, next time just save us the trouble and post a thread saying:
"Guys i think i am awesome". Along with obligatory high score screenshot.
If you dropped as pure pug, i would give it more credit. The fact is i only ever see you in drops with tier 1 units. While that is not a bad thing, and what people should be aiming for, please don't be so glib as to come in and then try and tell everyone what is or isn't OP.
The fact is, and i keep saying this, to the same deaf ears. This game is not only for tier 1 players. it is not only for optimal builds. It is a free to play game, on steam no less. Every man and his dog will play it, and won't be logging in to the forums beforehand to check what is or isn't considered acceptable by a sliver of the community that live on them, mainly elitist and condescending players.
They will log in and play and then express their opinions. Their opinions are no more or less valid than yours or mine. All i see here, is another list of dos or don'ts, the same do's or don'ts that we have been seeing for a couple of years. Nothing changes.
I accept your opinion and your viewpoint, but to me its just the same crap as always.
Clans are better than IS, anyone who knows anything about this game can see that. Tonnage changes are the only thing that really counters it, not equal tech.
And i play clan, and played clan at launch. Even at launch, when clans were woefully obscene, there was still people defending them and saying git gud. Literally, same shite, different year.
I am getting tired of seeing it now. Hopefully, new tech will refresh things, and they introduce some kind of CW matchmaker, so the newer players that still want to take part, don't have to endure the endless stream of aloof nerds that come up with new and constant ways to say they are better, despite being the minority, in what is essentially, a bigger version of QP these days.
So yeah, Ash, roll solo, without comms, as IS for a few weeks, then see how many scoresheets like that you get. That is a pure premade vs PUGfest score tally, no doubt at all about it. I honestly have no idea how anyone takes satisfaction from it. Its like glorifying beating a one legged man in an *** kicking contest. or closer to home, its like beating a team of T5 clanners, with a team of T1 IS, and then telling people that clan is not better. Its a laughable and weak stance, seen through by anyone with even a slight clue.
Edited by Reza Malin, 27 January 2017 - 07:37 AM.