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Reasons Why People Pilot Certain Mechs

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#1 Natred


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Posted 23 January 2017 - 08:10 AM

I enjoy piloting certain mechs. Why you may ask? For starters agility, maneuverability, weapon convergence are some primary buying points for me. Combat efficiency, the Mechs ability to get into situations where it can do damage and be ignored. How well it tracks moving targets is a big one for me. Every mech having a different engine, different torso twist speeds and acceleration certain mechs have that unique feel to them.

Everyone has their reasons behind piloting certain... certain Mechs reward smart decisions and some are more forgiving as other when mistakes are made.

I hope pgi continues to bring more unique Mechs to the game and allows for an environment for the superior pilot to eventually win.

#2 Mcgral18


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Posted 23 January 2017 - 08:19 AM

Generally, I use mechs because they're better

I'd love to use my Cute Fox again, but cute isn't enough in MWO. No Lights compete anymore
The Viper was an adequate Light, then they nerfed the firepower a fair percentage, which made it fairly viable. Vanilla MGs still aren't enough to be considered

H2Cs are fun, and are likely to remain neat, even after their twist range adjustment. They're powerful robots, without much of a peer at the poke game. They don't brawl well, though.

#3 B L O O D W I T C H


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Posted 23 January 2017 - 08:21 AM

For me it's the level of alcohol in my blood.
Widow with 4 AC5 is pretty much sober.
Hunchy 4P with 9 flamer means i'm close to wasted.

#4 Bombast


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Posted 23 January 2017 - 08:25 AM

Nostalgia, for the most part. I buy mechs I liked from previous Mechwarrior games, or Battletech, or from the lore, and if I can make them work in MWO, I play them. If I can't, I don't.

Which ones work... I guess whatever mechs are potato proof. Jagermechs, Catapults, Centurions, Urbanmechs are the ones I keep comping back to. I've finished leveling some other nostalgia mechs, but abandoned them once mastered. I've tried to make the Grasshopper and Zeus work, but failed to find amusement on both accounts.

#5 Bud Crue


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Posted 23 January 2017 - 08:32 AM


Looking at OP for question...nope.
A back handed jab at PGI? Nope.
Stat shaming? Nada.
A complaint about CW, balance, or something, anything? Nowhere.
Mockery of someone or something? Nothing.

Must therefore conclude that is is just a pleasant statement of preference, and should take it at face value.

Okay then.

Yes. I too like a variety of builds. I play what I have tonnage for in the group. But my preference is Quickdraws, and though PGI seems to have deluded themselves over the last year that they were OP, I still play them despite the nerfs. I have 12 unique builds I like em all. With that as my baseline I tend to play mechs that are similar in feel: fairly agile, ability to jump, and can take a decent hit. Alpha potential and DPS are a secondary concern after mobility. I like mechs like Catapults, the Black Jacks, Crabs, particularly the SL (I have 3 with unique builds), Panthers, etc. Running and gunning is a lot more fun when you can jump too, and I like the sense of agility and the ability to spread damage vertically. If a mech meets those critera, and is IS, I like it and probably run it. Really looking forward to the Phract 3D Armor quirks this patch.

#6 Myke Pantera


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Posted 23 January 2017 - 08:33 AM

I play the mechs I currently have to master.

With my limited amount of playing time, I never reached a state where all my mechs were mastered, so 95% of the time I play mechs that need to be leveled. That also means that only 5% of the time I play mechs at their full potential... I should really stop buying mechs. But. I. Can't. DAMN IT!

#7 B L O O D W I T C H


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Posted 23 January 2017 - 08:40 AM

View PostMyke Pantera, on 23 January 2017 - 08:33 AM, said:

I should really stop buying mechs. But. I. Can't. DAMN IT!

Posted Image

#8 MacClearly


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Posted 23 January 2017 - 09:00 AM

I think my favourite mech touches on everything you mentions. The Jester.

It's weapons convergence is sweet as well as it appeals to me aesthetically. It is fast, very agile, and has jump jets. The top two mounts are favourable for any mech to be successful in this game. Not a lot of us use them regularly enough for them to be noticed and people tend to not prioritize them. The rescale was too kind, though. Missile variants still lose their ears while my K2 and Jester it is now very rare. The chassis has a great deal of nostalgia for me due to past titles.

#9 xengk


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Posted 23 January 2017 - 09:25 AM

I pilot certain mech because it suit my play style of direct fire support/brawler.
Like the Blackjack, Vindicator, Catapult, Summoner, Hellbringer, Mad Dog, Awesome, Highlander.

#10 Y E O N N E


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Posted 23 January 2017 - 09:27 AM

Is it pretty? Yes? Then I will give it a go. Is it fun and pretty? I will play it a lot.

#11 Cold Darkness


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Posted 23 January 2017 - 09:49 AM

i pilot mechs because i like them. as simple as that.

#12 Bombast


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Posted 23 January 2017 - 09:53 AM

View PostCold Darkness, on 23 January 2017 - 09:49 AM, said:

i pilot mechs because i like them. as simple as that.

I think he's trying to ask why you like them.

#13 Old-dirty B


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Posted 23 January 2017 - 09:53 AM

I like to pilot mechs that offer a challenge and go against the meta - preferably annoy and/or suprise friend and foe.

Edited by B3R3ND, 23 January 2017 - 09:53 AM.

#14 jss78


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Posted 23 January 2017 - 10:22 AM

I basically occupy this weird halfway point between lore nerd and tryhard.

I'll modify my 'mechs, but I dislike modifying them so much they bear no resemblance to the original 'mech. But I don't enjoy running 'mechs which I cannot pull my weight in. Once I feel I'm not holding my team back, fun comes first.

In practice I tend to favour 'mechs which can be made to work without changing the entire concept. Stuff like Crabs (Endo/Ferro + add lots of DHS), Wolverines (XL/Endo/DHS + add more SRM launchers --> good brawler)

#15 Composite Armour


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Posted 23 January 2017 - 10:36 AM

I just mainly go with mechs due to the way they look.

Only really have Stalkers though, but got the Bushwacker pack and looking to get IS Marauder and Catapults down the line.

#16 JediPanther


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Posted 23 January 2017 - 10:37 AM

I like to pilot my mechs for a variety of reasons:

1. I know my mechs very well and what load outs work best for me. My Catapults and Jenners are my two most used mech chassis from my stats with nearly the top six mechs one variant or another of those two.

2. I like the mech a lot because of all the experience I have with it. New-ish players might see what I can do with them as super amazing.

3. The mech is one that is normally considered just a "meh" or "sub-optimal" by meta and try hards.

4. Sometimes it's just fun showing off with one of those mech like the clan (I) mech and paint scheme or the (p) phoenix or (Founders) and seeing how people react to one of them in a random drop.

#17 Appogee


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Posted 23 January 2017 - 10:40 AM

View PostMyke Pantera, on 23 January 2017 - 08:33 AM, said:

I play the mechs I currently have to master.

With my limited amount of playing time, I never reached a state where all my mechs were mastered, so 95% of the time I play mechs that need to be leveled. That also means that only 5% of the time I play mechs at their full potential... I should really stop buying mechs. But. I. Can't. DAMN IT!

You just described me, also.

In fact, by late last year, I had Mastered 80% of my 250 Mechs and Elited all the rest. So I thought this year I could just play meta Mechs and 'enjoy myself'.

But for some reason I bought a Phoenix Hawk and 3 Night Gyrs, and here I am levelling again... and waiting for the Huntsman to be available for CBills Posted Image

Edited by Appogee, 23 January 2017 - 10:42 AM.

#18 Natred


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Posted 23 January 2017 - 10:41 AM

Actually had some quality success with the Phoenix hawk, bought 3 variants working on mastering them. It's quite agile and is pretty fun mech. Last mech I bought was the black jack 1 and it's interesting as well, bit slow for the loadout i took yet still effective as a fire support mech.

Thanks for the comments, I'm excited to work on some inner sphere heavies next. Pretty much got all the clan Mechs I want at the moment. So now I started working on inner sphere ones.

I enjoy experimenting with builds and weapons.. seeing what works and synergy myself. When I first started playing I looked at meta Mechs but well after my first two months playing long forgot about it.

Edited by Natred, 23 January 2017 - 10:45 AM.

#19 Bishop Steiner


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Posted 23 January 2017 - 10:42 AM

View PostNatred, on 23 January 2017 - 08:10 AM, said:

I enjoy piloting certain mechs. Why you may ask? For starters agility, maneuverability, weapon convergence are some primary buying points for me. Combat efficiency, the Mechs ability to get into situations where it can do damage and be ignored. How well it tracks moving targets is a big one for me. Every mech having a different engine, different torso twist speeds and acceleration certain mechs have that unique feel to them.

Everyone has their reasons behind piloting certain... certain Mechs reward smart decisions and some are more forgiving as other when mistakes are made.

I hope pgi continues to bring more unique Mechs to the game and allows for an environment for the superior pilot to eventually win.

I freely admit, Meta and Superiority...have little to do with my choices.

Even back in Closed Beta... when Mediums Ballistics were Hard Mode, and the ONLY Medium given any love was the HBK-4SP (and to some lesser degree the 4P, though that fizzled a bit with engine caps...and didn't really return until DHS)....

I drove a CN9-AH. And boy were they ridiculed back then. But they were my go to Medium in TT, and so I made them work in MWO. To the point that guys like Wispsy or Pat Kell, would pretty much insist I drove CN9s because of my contributions in them.

Was probably the first guy to buy a YLW. Tried the ZombieCent meta out.... laughed at how bad they were compared to a well run proper XL Cent (hint, even today, CN9s roll damage quite well.... and having speed and firepower helps the team more than being a stick with 2 MLs does).

Point? I find what works for me, and what fits my very lore based outlook of the IP, and stick to it.

Folks want to hump the meta, and drive vanilla buttonmash gunbags? Hey, knock yourself out.

Me? Not going to happen.

I play because I have been caught up with this IP for 30 years. And I prefer it to at least tacitly resemble the Lore. And sadly, if I can't get a lore-ish build to work, I'll retire the robot before bastardizing it to AlphaWarrior Online standards (looking at you warhammer).

I tend to stink though with Assaults and Lights, as I need that blend of mobility and preferably PPFLD damage types. So with IS I prefer Mediums, with Clans, I prefer Heavies (since most not called Night Gyr actually move like IS Mediums

Edited by Bishop Steiner, 23 January 2017 - 10:45 AM.

#20 Natred


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Posted 23 January 2017 - 10:52 AM

I just wanted to point out as well that some Mechs work better for individual people and fit their playstyle. For example I really like the hellbringer and ebon jaguars and how they handle.. could not stand how the mad dogs and summoner feel. With medium Mechs I like the shadow cat and nova, yet could not make the stormcrow work for me at all.

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