OK I have read this a couple of time and my view is this
I think they have given something up here in terms of C bill and XP cost per mech from the ridiculous to the something more reasonable. however the mixed blessing is that if they want variety they need a forum which allows people to experiment with builds before committing since we are basically paying for changes which we are not sure that will work or basically it would promote the same cookie cutter builds that we actually see now only applied to the skill tree. The cost of changing needs to be much much less than you get in a game since I find you only really know if a build is working for you after around 5 to 10 games in solo queue especially for T5 T4 game play or else I am copying what works for others and it becomes cookie cutter.
Fire power
Pretty much universal shock at the fact that saying you are promoting diversity/minimising boating and then producing the first iteration which does the opposite. So I'd say a complete positive
I think that the investment in survival will always be worth it if you make it high then it would be a price worth paying because the buffs were enormous. Now if the aim is to making the TTK higher then adding a universal buff to armour is definitely the way to go
The real key here was that the figure on mobility pretty much were underwhelming in the main torso speed increase was 5% max so in many respects not a big pull compared to other thing in other areas
Mixing the tree pretty much says to me hiding the stuff you want behind stuff you don't
Jump Jets
So if you took the jump jets before they were amazing, I am not sure they were worth it but they were amazing it was scary how high some of the mechs could get giving it another buff does not make sense to me and if anything should be part of the mobility trees if you are being consistent
This is essentially heat management which is a basic need, Again like survival you would want all the cool down and heat capacity you could get. You either do it globally here or by the weapons. it made more sense to do it globally and use spare point for weapons nothing has changed that decision making process other than the cost.
I fear that the problem with the manner of the skill tree is pretty clear in sensors and the fact the structure has not changed . The branches for me made little sense in the context of what you need to survive in game. For example making people go through radar dep to get ECM smacks of uselessness to me.
Now I believe that because of the maps LRM boating means that radar dep is a must it is something that is taken fro granted try a game on polar highland without it in domination for example you'll find it very difficult to avoid being lurmed to death. With the velocity improvements to LRM missiles I think this is a game changer.
Now this will make more sense I can see why you would want to have bonuses for the consumables and I hope they disband the coolshot 6 since it makes no sense and allow any mix of consumables. however the principle remains the same. you may see less UAVs on the battlefield because in the end armour and firepower and mobility matter much more to almost mech class
My first reaction is not this again. the reality is PGI took the wrong year to start this game 3050 gave the Clans a distinct advantage and everything you do will to make the weapons the same or the engines the same will be pretty disastrous unless you make the weapons the same and the engines the same. try to make equivalence but difference has gone through so many iteration that it has to my mind taken away from the rest of the game. Had they taken a date from the 3060s you would have had a more evenly matched tech tree.
My personal point about the clans is that it would have been made to fight 10 v 12 and then they could have had their power advantage. You chose a side Clan versus IS by the choice of mech.
They appear to be chasing their tails on the idea of balance. what they should do is up the timeline to a point where the technology was comparable and that would make the balance issue go away with the new IS technology.
Rant Mode on.
The continuous buff/nerf takes away from doing things like better gameplay better maps and everything else that is needed. My personal bugbear is that it is better to change all brawl centric builds to ER-LL/LPL type build since in solo queue that is the best build for most maps, quirks or no quirks, modules or no modules it is straight up disappointing
Rant over
I think it will be interesting to see what PGI will do with mobility essentially in their hands now and what it would mean for mechs and builds, I think in the current meta the torso speeds are actually less important than plain position and repositioning so just outright acceleration,followed by speed followed by torso and arm movement. the game is more poke and trade than circle of death fights, one on ones rarely happen in many games even in brawls
I edited to fix sme grammar issues
Edited by tokumboh, 23 February 2017 - 05:52 AM.