Bud Crue, on 06 March 2017 - 09:57 AM, said:
With that as the history, what do you think there intentions are here? I can only note that their official posts are all consistent in the stated goal of reducing or eliminating quirks. Only Russ's tweets suggest some sort of "help" but that was from tweets in December and early January. As far as the "official" record is concerned PGI is silent on any supposed future re-buffing of the mechs they nerfed via the skills tree and PTS. Maybe they will fix this. But their stated goals and conduct since mechcon suggests that they have no intention of doing such a thing.
You presume it was doable before the new Skill system was in place and any Testing done. Stripping **** out is easy. Subsequently figuring out what and who (which exact Mechs) gets that "help" after the Skills system is in Test/Play may not be as easy. But if that wondrous theory, that a mere 15 minutes with the XML files would solve it all, still somehow prevails in your view, then I guess it is recommended to just keep railing against the man. That is also known to be very easy.