1453 R, on 10 March 2017 - 08:40 AM, said:
Gauss charge sequence is a behavior some people enjoy as much as other people denigrate. While the ultracomps could stand to be a little less ultracompy at all times, step down off their 'top-down balance 4EVAR' high horse, and admit that the game has to be playable for the portion of the playerbase not in the top one-tenth percent of the competitive leagues...you can't lay gauss charge on the ultracomps, and they're generally a good source of well-reasoned proposals that at least provoke thought.
Even if I really, really,
really need them to stop acting like the rest of us just flat-out don't exist
They tend to be vital for determining what is broke or not.
What they are less great at, in general, is actually discovering and suggesting fixes. Since the entire philosophy is simply to identify the 1% and use and abuse it. Mind you there are some Comp Players who are very very good at the research, breakdowns, etc. And there are some non comps who are just as good at it, even if they don't have the twitchy reflexes to play comp level.
But the majority of players, at any level realyl do just "follow the leader". Great reflexes on a disciplined team and the ability to read MetaMechs.com does not make one a balance genius, inherently, or even guarantee a heightened insight, thereof. As proven by the many downright awful ideas posted by some competitive players. Or the very agenda based ideas to benefit the 1% or maintain the status quo.
Getting the actual movers and shaker of all "skill levels" to work together? Then you start to see some useful results.
Edited by Bishop Steiner, 10 March 2017 - 10:43 AM.