W E N D I G O, on 31 March 2017 - 11:16 AM, said:
Simply a flawed argumentation flavored with personal bias is all. Only had to read until "exchange sidetorso with JJs on TBR and then you can put in two more DHS..." Where? Into those two now free critslots? Although four free slots would be needed? Bulls. Like the rest of this quote of yours. And the quirks? Talk about the whole picture... hah, or just look at it.
First, you should have read the whole thing and followed the link like I suggested.
Second, the TBR was not slot-locked, it was weight-locked. Losing the JJs allows for two more DHS easily. If you wanted to shave off more from the right arm, you could probably get another one in without even doing that.
TBR-C with S RT
TBR-C without S RT (I chose a Warrant ST in case I wanted to bump the TC to fifth cERML, but you can also pick a different one and get the fifth laser in the arm and shuffle some armor around as you see fit)
Third, the quirks were touched on at the bottom. The point of that comparison is to show why there are quirks at all, however inconsistent they may be. But, hey, you want quirks? Okay. BL-7-KNT-L has the best ones: 15% energy range, 5% heat generation. Let's also keep the modules in, yeah? Range for both laser types. Assume mastery, as well.
Here's the BL-7-KNT:
58 damage at 338 meters for 38.95 heat. It has a heat cap of 76.20, dissipation of 3.85 HPS. One shot puts it at 51.1% capacity, and it will dissipate 12.5 heat in the 3.25 seconds it takes the LPL to cycle again, leaving you with 34.7% still in the sinks. It would take 10.1 seconds to dissipate to 0%. The damage rate over the beam duration is 64.4 DPS.
Here's the TBR:
61 damage at 445 meters for 50 heat. It has a heat cap of 88.80, dissipation of 5.06 HPS. One shot puts it at 56.3% capacity, and it will dissipate 16.4 heat in the 3.25 seconds it takes the cLPL to cycle again, leaving you with 37.8% in the sinks. It would take 9.9 seconds to dissipate to 0%. The damage rate over the beam duration is 53.04 DPS.
I would consider this fairly well-balanced; the IS 'Mech trades some range for tighter punch within its bracket and it gets a slight edge in heat to help it overcome the damage it received on approach. Laser vomit and SRM bombing are two build archetypes where I concede that the IS are essentially even with the Clans. Fantastic! But look at what it takes: PGI essentially turning the isMedLas into an isERMedLas and turning the isLPL into something decidedly not an isLPL in order to achieve this. This is bad, because:
1.) Not every IS 'Mech is buffed to this magnitude and this quality. Many, many worse 'Mechs have weaker quirks or quirks that don't actually work with the weapons and other equipment they can feasibly bring. It's inconsistent.
2.) Some of the quirk types are so widespread, it makes you wonder why PGI didn't just buff the gun
3.) Quirks are causing the current equipment to encroach on what the new equipment is supposed to do or, conversely, creating a situation where the new equipment makes current stuff obsolete. There shouldn't be obsolete equipment in the game, what's the point of that?
This problem is not unique to the Inner Sphere, many Clan 'Mechs have similar issues, but it is significantly more severe on the yellow side of the line.
Edward Hazen, on 31 March 2017 - 10:15 AM, said:
You are and many others are overly emotional and like to try to produce numbers to back up your claims, but you fail to take into account the "big picture". There are many variables that effect the performance of both Clan and IS lasers, just doing a straight comparison of damage will always support your argument that Clan lasers do more damage and should be nerfed which is a flawed argument. I do not have time to do the math, taking into account burn time, movement, heat dissipation, environmental effects etc.
I just got here, insufficient time for me to get emotional about this particular debate. I also think I get the big picture far better than any of you lot do, and that you are simply saying I don't "get it" because it's an indefensible statement. I can't ever show you I get it, you've already made up your mind. It is, in fact, my literal job to get the big picture of things though, so I think that you are simply blowing hot air precisely because you are not willing to do the math yourself. Don't have the time? You've been in this thread often enough:
make the time.
That said, I already did the math for you above; that was pulled straight from the game's information.Those are actual builds that have been used at high level play in the past. Environmental effects are flat percentage changes to heat dissipation and capacity, so it's not like either side makes out better there and it would be meaningless to work through that, though I will point out that IS 'Mechs cannot put DHS in the legs so the fringe case of standing in water really only benefits the Clans unless you are a Locust and completely submerge your 'Mech (huehuehuehue).
But go ahead. Tell me a build comparison you want to see, and I'll do it up for you quirks and all, since you are
so busy making posts to do the math yourself. Or show me a scenario. Who knows, you might surprise me and I learn something. I like surprises.