FLG 01, on 31 March 2017 - 11:51 AM, said:
But it is actually what I like about the Hauptmann. It does not try so hard to be this super-advanced Mech, it is just straight-forward Lyran simplicity (or simple-mindedness...): all martial, no art.
And I kind of get that, just have found the actual depiction s(IMO) to be kind of lazy looking, compared to say, the first gen Clan Invasion Omnis, that had that kind of aesthetic, but seemed like they actually took time to design them with more thought than an early 80s Cartoon Transformer. (aka just verying sized boxes taped together).
But hey, if they add it, I won't oppose, just won't buy (not like I haven't skipped other mechs, lol). Just as many of the mechs I love don't appeal to a lot of people. It's all good. I just can't pretend not to hate the ones I actually hate.
Metus regem, on 31 March 2017 - 11:57 AM, said:
I find myself really drawn to the
Gauntlet for later Omnis personally...
She can pull 139km/h (13 hexes) thanks to MASC and a supercharger in the prime configuration or 108km/h in all others thanks to MASC....
LFF armour
She's a better Bushwacker
Should have just been called the BSW-Omni, tbh. I think I am a little anti because it felt a little "lazy" design wise. But I'm picky that way.
That said, as much as the setting leaves me MEH, there are designs I do like in it. Lament and Hellstar, for instance. Gunsmith, for another.