What happened to this quiet little thread? I got to bed, get up, head to work, get home and BAM! Lots of responses here!
MechaBattler, on 01 April 2017 - 10:27 PM, said:
I'm thinking from a poor man's perspective. As someone who really has to weigh the purchase of mechs versus whole other games. The premium time was just an easy justification for doing so. Now I doubt I'll spring the cash for any of those mechs in any form. Shy of winning the lotto. At which point I would rather start my own game studio ;p
I can not blame you for your decision. Spending money on digital stuff is always a personal choice. I normally think long and hard before I spend money into a game (and MW:O has made me think a lot of times).
For me, it has nothing to do with premium time when I make a discussion. I have so much premium time store up from packs I've bought... that it's kinda depressing. (I probably could activate it and have months if not close to a year of premium!)
On things like this, I make my decision on if I think I would like the mech, and/or if I have nostalgia for the mech. The Crab was nostalgia and I figured I would like the mech. The Huntsmen was purely because the mech looked so cool and I already had 4-5 different build ideas for them. Linebacker was pure nostalgia, and I didn't get as much out of that one...
So, whatever it is that makes your choices. I know that there are often "too many good games, not enough time to play them all".
Toha Heavy Industries, on 02 April 2017 - 02:01 AM, said:
I was really agitated, i haven't bought a pack but i did bought a lot of MC for about 10 heros. I spent a lot more cash on MC then i would have needed to buy 3-4 basic packs (which would have given me several "loyality" rewards.
Instead i "only" got the potatoe blackjack.
That is something PGI really needs to look into next time. It can't be that 100$ MC is "meh" and 80$ packs is "omg, thank you for supporting the game!!".
I honestly felt like a 2nd rate customer.
I kinda saw the loyalty rewards as just free extra stuff, as a thank you for your support. It wasn't anything I planed on nor anticipated.
However, I do agree with you that some aspects of it seemed a little odd. You could purchase the basic and the Hero packs, but didn't count. But if you purchased the collector's packs, that counted. Even though each were almost the same values.
I wasn't going to complain about getting free stuff on top of stuff I wanted, but I'll agree that at the same time it didn't always seem fair...
Koniving, on 02 April 2017 - 04:41 AM, said:
2) PGI does not have a publisher, meaning not only do they need to make money to keep the lights on and the employees paid, but also to further the development of both multiplayer MWO and upcoming singleplayer MW5 Mercenaries. (The sales of which will again return to help develop MWO further). As it stands until MW5 Mercs is released, PGI is a development studio trying to survive on a single game. No studio has ever done that and cannot do it for long. As such you're going to see lots of mechpacks to try and get more purchases to help them keep going until they can at least get that second game into the field.
Do recall what happens every time PGI attempts to produce a new game though... People start complaining, saying stuff like "Your money you spend in MW:O will only support that game" or "PGI will abandon MW:O completely now". I agree that gaming companies do need to produce more than a single game, but some of the "bittervets" just wont let it happen. You know, the professionally dissatisfied crowd who seems to have stopped playing years ago, but continue to this day to give PGI bad ratings for things that are wrong in the game (and typically been fixed years ago).
Rogue Jedi, on 02 April 2017 - 04:51 AM, said:
the "gold Mech" origionaly was supposed to just be for a single gold Mech, IGP (the publisher at the time) eventuraly caved to bad press and put the Masakari (Warhawk) pack in there as well, but when the page was first released it was most certainly $500 for the gold Mech and an extra $240 for the Masakari pack if you wanted it.
in 2014/2015 PGI were increasing the value of the packs, now they are reducing them, and have reduced the value to less than the mid 2013 Phoenix pack, Resistance 2 was the best value pack with extra varients on the early adoptor bouns, $20 per tier, top tier ($80) if ordered before the cutoff giving 16 varients, 16 Mechs total, 4 each of 4 chassis, one of which was had unique cammo and a cbill bonus, 2 months premium time, 36 paints, 6 cammos unlocked for the Mechs purchased with the packs and 18 cockpit items.
Compaired to $80 spent on Civil war giving 12 Mechs, no premium time, no cbill boost varient.
I am currently out of work so unless I find a new job and get my first pay packet before the end of april I will not be preordering any Mechs from the civil war pack, if I was in work I would definately buy the Uziel and probably also the Mad Cat MK2, basic packs, but if they were offering premium time and a special varient with the standard pack and I was able to afford to do so I would have definately purchased all the Mechs, by reducing the value of the packs PGI are almost definately loosing sales they would have made otherwise, I do not know if those are countered by the people who are spending more.
sorry about the minor rant
I think it was wise of IGP (and PGI?) to include the full clan pack in the Gold mech purchase. It kinda... made sense?
I agree with your consensus here. I have noticed the drop in value as well. I don't like paying for an extra mech (of a variant I'm going to already get) that has the C-bill boost. I feel that should be basic with the pack, as the C-bill boosting mechs are typically why I purchase the packs myself.
Sorry to hear about your work situation. I wish you luck finding new and even better employment!
Lorcryst NySell, on 02 April 2017 - 01:10 PM, said:
That just means that I won't buy any Warhammer Age of Sigmar minis this month

Wait. People actually PLAY Age of Fail... I MEAN Age of Sigmar! Totally...
Sorry. I'm still a little bitter with GW for the stab in the back. Purchasing all those end times books and models, only to have it all thrown in my face with rules that had no point values and made most of my army irrelevant. Don't mind the additional game format, but they could have easily kept the two going together, or at least kept the square bases on the older kits instead of forcing them all to round (with the same exact model kits inside).
Sorry again. Small rant. Still a little sore from that...