Clan Heroes Ii Preorder
Posted 06 April 2017 - 01:03 AM
If you buy a Collector’s Pack, you mostly get a CB-boosted variant of a Mech you can buy for CBs half a year later.
The only difference would be that there you know it from the beginning.
Here, with the Heroes, if anyone spent real money for the only reason of having an ingame advantage over people playing for free, and no interest in whatever the Heroes are about else, I wouldn’t feel even a little sorry for him. Well, I would, but not in the kind one could expect first.
Posted 06 April 2017 - 02:10 AM
W E N D I G O, on 06 April 2017 - 01:47 AM, said:
So you think Summoner Side torso shoulder energy weapons is a good thing? enjoy your real money mechs and 5% of current population to play with if game continues down this path you will only have other people with the same pay to win hardpoints to play against and 1 hour quick play queue times.
You pay to get to play the stuff for MONTHS before anyone else gets to use it, its been, 12 ??? months since that pay to win summoner shoulder came out and the whole mechs been nerfed because of it instead of neg quirking that shoulder for PPC's. It should be the same as mech packs, you get to get it for cbills 4 months later.
Posted 06 April 2017 - 04:39 AM
Edited by Nimnul, 06 April 2017 - 04:41 AM.
Posted 06 April 2017 - 04:51 AM
R79TCom1 Night Lanner, on 04 April 2017 - 04:24 PM, said:
I was thinking that too (and you are free to change it), but remembering my Latin from school:
"Virago" - a woman who demonstrates exemplary and heroic qualities.
This fits her to a "T", so I can't be too upset with the name.
Posted 06 April 2017 - 05:47 AM
CK16, on 04 April 2017 - 06:56 PM, said:
Think you might have forgotten this (from Falcon Guard):
"Star Captain Joanna, who had never won her Bloodname, who now was among the aging warriors, could not know that among so many soldiers, she was the ideal Clan warrior. Clan military theorists as far back as Nicholas Kerensky himself would have admired her total dedication. On a battlefield she carried in no weight that could not in some way be used in the combat. Even her hatred, deep as it ran, was useful to the objectives of warfare. And in the entire Jade Falcon Clan few warriors could build up a killing growl like Joanna."
And these facts:
She's in 5 different novels. If not for her training, the Jade Falcons would NOT have obtained a draw on Tukayyid. She trained both Aiden and Diana so they could win their Bloodname. She killed Natasha Kerensky, the Wolf Khan, in single combat earning her own lines in the Remembrance.
Joanna is far more heroic than a huge majority of clan pilots, and even though she never won her Bloodname, she has accomplished far more than many 'Bloodnamed' mechwarriors.....
While I would have been happy with any of the mechs associated with her (Hellbringer, Maddog or Summoner). I am glad they chose the first mech we ever saw her in.
Posted 06 April 2017 - 06:00 AM
Edited by Sephrus Shanadar, 06 April 2017 - 06:01 AM.
Posted 06 April 2017 - 06:26 AM
Posted 06 April 2017 - 07:19 AM
W E N D I G O, on 05 April 2017 - 10:41 PM, said:
Yea, like the Ilya Muromets. Such a nice paint job you can give Mechs with those three ballistics... good thing it is an IS chassis. That excludes it from any critical reasoning obviously.
It will be the only Heavy mech capable of bringing 3 RAC5s
Needs an XL (not LFE, only 5 tons of ammo there) and will bring ~ 9 tons of ammo
By the way, my suggestion would make all Hero mechs (and pods) available for Cbills.
Only, without any Cbill bonus, and subject to the same wait time any other GrabDeal is subjected to
New Heroes can stand to be viable without causing (too much) of a commotion
It's amazing what some critical thinking can do.
Posted 06 April 2017 - 07:31 AM
W E N D I G O, on 05 April 2017 - 11:03 PM, said:
Mission accomplished.
@PGI if you do this for Wave 1 Heroes I hope you give refunds for faithful buyers of these? Well, I just assumed you would stick to your buisness model which you did for several years. There was nowhere a note to be found that these would ever be available for CBills.
I want my money back if it comes to this. You think I pay this much for a single texture skin?
3 questions.
1st - Are you saying Clan Battlemechs are all P2W then, if the IS ones are?
2nd - Where does it say "All OmniPods on OmniMech Hero 'mechs will remain exclusive" ?
3rd - Why do you feel entitled to a refund for something that you have used and was received exactly as advertised?
Posted 06 April 2017 - 08:09 AM
W E N D I G O, on 06 April 2017 - 06:56 AM, said:
Because people payed real money for what you would get for free. It's like giving out free camo unlocks now that some people bought them. Camo is as much p2w as these pod additions. On some occasions your camo might get you an advantage, but usually not. You just look different. Same for those pods. Nothing gamebreaking or metachanging. Not at all.
No, ppl are buying a mech with special camo, cbill bonus, loadout and a mech bay. It honestly should not matter if the pods become generally available to the general pop for free UNLESS there was some kind of advantage in these pods vs the pods that are generally available. You are buying this hero mech just like any other hero mech. Any other arguement makes your Non PTW point of view moot.
Posted 06 April 2017 - 09:20 AM
Posted 06 April 2017 - 09:26 AM
Hornviech, on 06 April 2017 - 09:20 AM, said:
Only the camo is done at this stage, the hard points have not been modelled. Same as with the first Clan Heroes and the Resistance Heroes store pages.
W E N D I G O, on 06 April 2017 - 09:22 AM, said:
Advertised was "only available for MC".
That's not what I asked you. I asked where it said the OmniPods were stated as being exclusively (for money or MC).
Otherwise, since you *can't* but any Hero for anything other than money or MC, you're complaining... why, exactly?
Posted 06 April 2017 - 09:34 AM
W E N D I G O, on 06 April 2017 - 09:27 AM, said:
Actually, if you re-read my postcritically, I got no problem with PGI making all pods available for Cbills to everyone. But I want my cash back for the Clan Heroes of Wave 1 back, plus the cash I spent for Hero upgrades for every Clan Omni I bought.
That's what gets me mad.
Imo those pods are nowhere near p2w, never where any heroes, be it Clan or Sphere. But they were advertised as MC only. There were official posts about pods being limited to them coming with bought Hero Mechs. Can't just do a 180 because some people unbury the p2w debate for whatever reason and beat the dead horse.
Citation needed.
Posted 06 April 2017 - 09:42 AM
Really not sure where this "offer" is being aimed at tbh . . . . .
Posted 06 April 2017 - 10:11 AM
CadoAzazel, on 06 April 2017 - 02:10 AM, said:
You pay to get to play the stuff for MONTHS before anyone else gets to use it, its been, 12 ??? months since that pay to win summoner shoulder came out and the whole mechs been nerfed because of it instead of neg quirking that shoulder for PPC's. It should be the same as mech packs, you get to get it for cbills 4 months later.
You know, you keep going on and on about the Summoner with the Loyalty hardpoints. Do you realize that those WILL be available eventually for c-bills or MC which you can win during events? So, if you do not want to pay for them then you can wait and get them for free. Also, as fearsome as the Summoner with the Loyalty side pods is, the Night Gyr is even more fearsome and it is free if you grind the C-Bills.
PGI is in the business of making games. To continue to do so they must make money. If you make stuff and give it away immediately then no one will buy it. No money, no business, no game. You do not have to pay to support the game if you do not want to but if no one pays then you do not have a game either. Do you see why there is a need for PGI to make you wait before they give you all the good stuff for free?
If any of these omni-pods turned one of these Mechs into the best Mech in its weight class then I would be right there with the mob yelling "Pay to Win". But the fact is, none of them make the Mechs that much better and the Mechs that had that potential, such as the Arctic Cheetah, got no help from the Hero pods. No one is forced to play any of these chassis and in every case there is a better alternative that is free.
Pay to optimize? Sure. OK. Pay to Win? Not until they make a pay only hero that is better than the best Kodiak, Marauder IIC Night Gyr, TimberWolf, Warhammer, Battlemaster, Grasshopper, Griffin, Huntsman, Hunchback IIC, Arctic Cheetah and Locust. You want to win more? Play those.
Posted 06 April 2017 - 10:31 AM
Sephrus Shanadar, on 06 April 2017 - 08:09 AM, said:
Speaking for myself, I do not buy the heroes for camo or the Mech Bay. I have more Mech bays than I will use and I will cover the camo with my own paint scheme which I use on almost all my Mechs. I buy the heroes for the C-Bill bonus, because I want all the variants of some chassis and/or because the Hero offers something unique in terms of load-out.
This time, I per-ordered two. The Hellbringer, I got because I would buy any Hellbringer and it offers a C-Bill bonus. The Mad Dog, I bought because it offers a C-bill bonus and it has ballistics in the LT and RT which is different and I like mixing ballistics and lasers. I will keep the Hellbringer no matter what but if the MDD is changed and loses the Ballistics then I will get a refund on that one.
The Arctic Cheetah is the most powerful Light Mech in the game. The hero offers nothing new for it. Is anyone going to bother buying that?
PGI is in a tough spot. Offer anything new and it is deemed P2W by the "wallet is closed" crowd. Offer nothing new and they will not sell enough to make it worth producing. Make it and give it away too soon and almost no one buys for cash which threatens the continued existence of the company and the game. Make available for MC or make the wait to get free too long and the P2W accusations start flying again. Nerf them so they offer nothing beneficial and they lose sales because a C-Bill bonus is not reason enough to buy.
I know what I would do. Lets see what they do.
Edited by Rampage, 06 April 2017 - 10:32 AM.
Posted 06 April 2017 - 10:36 AM
W E N D I G O, on 06 April 2017 - 09:44 AM, said:
Thanks, I'll have a looksee.
I think I'm used to people on forums saying everything they think is a fact, so chill your beans.
Posted 06 April 2017 - 10:40 AM
W E N D I G O, on 06 April 2017 - 09:44 AM, said:
Right, read them. So, to clarify.
Hero OmniPods cannot be purchased separately from the Hero 'Mech. To acquire Hero OmniPods for use with other variants of that chassis, you must own an instance of the Hero 'Mech to remove and use its OmniPods elsewhere.
So I get what you're saying, but no. If they release an OnmiPod with the same configuration, that it still not the Hero OmniPod.
So I see your argument, I just think it's weak, because most "Hero OmniPods" are replicas of normal ones anyway. If they were all unique? You'd have a leg to stand on. As is? Not so much.
Posted 06 April 2017 - 10:51 AM
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