Roadmap For April, May, And Beyond
Posted 11 April 2017 - 07:56 AM
Oh God! They're gonna take away my limited missile tube numbers! Noooo!
I like them. Maybe not the "2" tube thing but beyond that I like them. It makes them feel different. Hell I'd like it if we got weapon variants on LRMs and SRMs where something like an LRM-20 could come in a 20 tube, 10 tube or 5 tube configuration. Or an SRM could come in an optional twin or triple tube configuration for SRMs. Hell for SRMs I wouldn't mind a single tube config, I miss the bullet SRMs from the Raven 3L's OLD but awesome left arm.
Posted 11 April 2017 - 08:15 AM
Posted 11 April 2017 - 08:19 AM
Yessss, it does...
Now, where are my servants? These grapes won't magically fall into my mouth, now, will they?
Posted 11 April 2017 - 08:45 AM
Posted 11 April 2017 - 08:48 AM
Seriously, I keep posting this because it is to everyone's benefit. Minimal effort required, makes immersive sense, showcases AMS, again IMMERSIVE solution, can be countered with some effort (no magic jesus boxing), did I mention immersive? And last and really kind of least, provides some interesting cinematic options for content creators (assuming they still exist for this game).
Edited by Trev Firestorm, 11 April 2017 - 08:53 AM.
Posted 11 April 2017 - 08:54 AM
what Engine Desyncing is is decoupling Engine size and Mech Agility. It'll actually cause a resurgence in the use of lighter members of a weight class because they'll be more agile than heavier members of the same weight class. sure, the larger engine'll still make you faster, but you won't be as nimble in bigger mechs. more of a tradeoff. It's pretty much meant to cause a bit of a resurgence or growth in popularity for some of the lighter mechs of each Weight class, for instance, 80-85 ton assaults or 60-65 ton heavies, rather than the current ridiculous commoness of 100 and 75 tonners we currently have.
Trev Firestorm, on 11 April 2017 - 08:48 AM, said:
also.... this is why you never be a one-trick pony. I personally NEVER use just one weapon system, unless it happens to be an energy boat. even a single small laser put somewhere is useful when you got nothing else left.
Posted 11 April 2017 - 08:54 AM
Posted 11 April 2017 - 09:01 AM
Koniving, on 11 April 2017 - 07:56 AM, said:
Oh God! They're gonna take away my limited missile tube numbers! Noooo!
I like them. Maybe not the "2" tube thing but beyond that I like them. It makes them feel different. Hell I'd like it if we got weapon variants on LRMs and SRMs where something like an LRM-20 could come in a 20 tube, 10 tube or 5 tube configuration. Or an SRM could come in an optional twin or triple tube configuration for SRMs. Hell for SRMs I wouldn't mind a single tube config, I miss the bullet SRMs from the Raven 3L's OLD but awesome left arm.
No missile change is as tragic as the loss of the Centurion's beautiful missile doors (replaced by ugly out of place grey boxes of gross) [catapult used to be worse]. That said, hope you don't end up with super ugly ones.
Posted 11 April 2017 - 09:02 AM
chucklesMuch, on 10 April 2017 - 06:31 PM, said:
AnHell86, on 10 April 2017 - 10:30 PM, said:
Do you happen to mean something like the proposal outlined in "New Map: Metropolitan Ruins" (https://mwomercs.com/forums/topic/221827-new-map-metropolitan-ruins/)???

@ Roadmap Thread --- Almost everything here looks nice... Which is actually good news for once.

The only thing leaving me to worry is the New Skill Tree, as it previously appeared that PGI has no idea how to give Non-Meta-Casuals enough to help them balance properly against those Meta-Freaks. I'll listen and watch, as my situation doesn't allow me to get in on the PTS sessions. However, if things try to go horrific and wrong again, there's no question that I'll be there with proper feedback for PGI to make use of.

Also in the meanwhile, I'll be looking forward to more 'Personal Challenge Events' to earn from. Being able to rack up additional

While we're at it, anything to be said on Better Rewards for actually performing the Objectives in Game Modes like Scouting and Assault? There are literally too many people refusing to help the team on Assault, and therefore themselves, because they think they're wasting time to not just kill the last Mech and move on. Could we perhaps have a massive increase in bonuses for actually capping the Enemy MFB in Assault, and some penalties (with a storyline of the Enemy's MFB rolling away) for not doing so? Further, could we please have some better Match Score given for actually performing the Gathering Intel Objective through stealth in Scouting? As it stands right now, the Gathering Team is not properly rewarded for doing what a mission of that kind really entails. They're supposed to AVOID the Defending Team, Gather Intel, and then Escape as unharmed as possible, and it's NEVER supposed to devolve into a brawl in the early parts of the round. The players who are making up the Defending Team at the time SHOULD have to chase after the Gathering Team, trying to catch them all round long, but the lack of Match Score Reward is working completely against this. It's like some, including myself, have said before... "This is NOT 'BrawlWarrior'... THIS IS 'MECHWARRIOR ONLINE'!!!"

Oh, and one spare question... Why are the Tips for the New Skill Trees already present when they have NOT been released into the Live Game Server Environment yet? I really find this confusing.

~Mr. D. V. "I'm sure there's plenty of things that I could link to, but I'm half-asleep from pain right now." Devnull
[Edit by Post's Author for some Missed Wording.]
Edited by D V Devnull, 11 April 2017 - 09:06 AM.
Posted 11 April 2017 - 09:06 AM
Arkhangel, on 11 April 2017 - 08:54 AM, said:
This is not specifically about boating, but I'm thinking about the situation where a beat to hell mech is the last one standing with only ssrm left... Sure it benefits one trick pony boats as well but how does it make sense that a mech with some weapons still intact absolutely under no circumstances can complete the mission no matter how much time is left? Also why resort to ****** jesus boxing when a better solution already exists in-game from the start?
Posted 11 April 2017 - 09:12 AM
Command Wheel and Battlegrid Command improvements are good, but it's just... so very late. I expected this many months ago, especially since the first release was both really bad and really far from what the players were requesting. "Thank you." "Negative" "Sorry" and not a whole lot of useful commands.
Yes, it's good that this stuff will finally make it into the game. But it's just so very late. The rate of new content being added is absolutely glacial.
I see no reason to start playing MWO again until May, at the earliest. Oh well. It's all good, I've got stuff to do.
Edited by Alistair Winter, 11 April 2017 - 09:37 AM.
Posted 11 April 2017 - 09:19 AM
Please AVOID "babying" those who whine while refusing to use AMS and/or ECM, as well as those who refuse to move into cover when there's LRMs flying at them. They made the conscious choice to stay out there, and therefore fully deserve the consequences of that action, no matter what they want you (PGI) to think. Causing any Nerf at all to LRM users at this point will only advantage those who Meta in Energy and/or Ballistics, and hurt your (PGI's) ability to insert New Civil War Tech Weapons like the MRM, ATM, and otherwise.

~Mr. D. V. "I hate when I almost forget something critical and useful..." Devnull
Posted 11 April 2017 - 09:21 AM
Gas Guzzler, on 11 April 2017 - 07:17 AM, said:
I told you guys! Not going to get a mech pack until close to the Civil War release I reckon, unless you count the new Wave 2-3 variants and IIC heros mech packs.
Yeah you were right. I don't count the quote on quote "hero" mech packs to be new mechs in the game. Wonder if Alex or whoever PGI's modeler is going on some kind of long term vacation. Funny, because I recalled them saying that completely new mechs don't prohibit development progress to the game. If new mechs are defined by PGI as reskinned current mechs, then color me blind.
Posted 11 April 2017 - 09:26 AM
Posted 11 April 2017 - 09:45 AM
Alistair Winter, on 11 April 2017 - 09:39 AM, said:
I can sense the irony in that.
I mean, if you complain about non-mech content, it's apparently the player's fault for asking it.
If you need more time, why was that time wasted in FP Phase 3 in the Long Tom (and keeping it much longer than its expiration date)?
I mean, it's easier to deflect your problems when you are the source of it. So, until one side gives in, it's going to be a never ending cycle of fail, repeat, fail.
None of the stuff on this list is that interesting, not that some of it isn't needed (like new maps, apparently new TT was ~9 months ago and Grim Plexus was ~16 months ago or something), but kinda was longed for many moons before. At this rate, Crimson Strait is the island the Islanders received due to Escort.
Edited by Deathlike, 11 April 2017 - 09:49 AM.
Posted 11 April 2017 - 10:03 AM
by the way, do you guys know about how some of your hills clip so we can see through them and not shoot the enemy, and when you get closer to the hill the hill clips into place and we can no longer see through that part of the hill?
any chance u will fix that? i know i know, you guys got a LOT on your plate as it is, just throwing that out there.
by the way, i will take a look at the skill tree on the pts and play around with several mechs and use them in the training simulator to see how i like them compared to what mechs i have now. i mean, considering almost no one bothers to go into pts at the times im logged in to drop in quickplay, so i will try to give you the best possible feedback i can, as i really like most of what you did already, even if i couldnt outright afford to reskill every mech with that iteration of the skill tree, i would have just not dusted off some mechs for a while, especially with the new tech coming out.
i hope you leave some quirks on each chassis so that after you put all the skill nodes in you can for that mech it will basically be about the same as where it is now or you can gimp the mech in another area to make it shine in a different area. just a thought..
Posted 11 April 2017 - 10:09 AM
Daisu Saikoro, on 11 April 2017 - 07:17 AM, said:
This is all you have to say? That's it? And our community is letting you get away with it? It's sick and a travesty to know that in the next few months we still aren't getting anything new and the only real concrete information is in the "looking ahead" section with "New Maps!"
So what, next year we might get one? Absolutely uncool PGI. Just so very much super uncool. Weren't all the new assets supposed to allow you to put out at least a few new maps in how long has it been since we've had a completely new map?
PGI. I love Mechwarrior. Love this game. Love that you're still working on it but this one particular area I call shenanigans!
Just be happy we are getting new maps at all. So long as voting is a thing creating new maps is a waste of time because after a week or two of being released they will disappear in favor of the same 3-4 maps we see 90% of the time now.
Posted 11 April 2017 - 10:25 AM
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