Wildstreak, on 16 April 2017 - 07:05 AM, said:
You cannot compare Omnis to non-Omnis, that is a bogus argument. Non-Omnis cannot mix hardpoints from different variants else every Awesome would be a pure Energy build, every Zeus would have the 3M RA, etc. Non-Omnis can have their issues as seen in the past but not hardpoint mixing.
If IS Omnis were available and based on what their Heros offered, the same argument WOULD happen as happening here.
You also have to consider the Mech itself. The Scat really doesn't need more Ballistic options, it has plenty thanks to the P variants with more weapons to choose from in upcoming new tech. It currently has 3 Missile maximum and really does not need more, Missile launchers cost tonnage more than Energy. What it could use is a bit more Energy options for something other than the 2ERPPC snipers. Scats would get more benefit from the C variant than an H with 2 Torso Missiles.
I think the issue with the Scat is what does it need, not how P2W the Hero is.
I always called it the ShplatCat.

yes OmniMechs are not battleMechs, id say battle Mechs are Far Superior,
OmniMechs can change their hard Points, but they pay the Price for it with not being able to Change Fixed Equipment,
BattleMechs Enjoy Full TT MechFactory Ccustomization, such as would take years to do in Lore,
but OmniMechs dont even have their TT Construction Rules, they have far less than they should have,
a BL-KNT with Balistic arms, gives it a difrent flavor and benefit other BL-KNTs dont have,
Andi Nagasia, on 14 April 2017 - 12:17 PM, said:
then again what about IS Heros,
as the LCT Hero gives ECM,
as the JR7 Hero gives Missiles,
as the CDA Hero gives Missiles,
as the PHX Hero gives Missiles,
as the QKD Hero gives Ballistics,
as the ARC Hero gives ECM,
and with the New IS Heros
as the WLF Hero gives ECM,
as the CRB Hero gives Ballistics,
as the ENF Hero gives ECM,
as the GHR Hero gives Ballistics,
as the BL-KNT Hero gives Ballistics,
should we all Demand C-Bill Versons of these IS heros,
we are talking about Options non MC mechs are Privy too,
as you said BattleMech arnt OmniMechs, but both are Mechs,
i feel it cuts both ways, but we dont see People crying out for this to happen,
but me asking for the Hero to get its 2M RT back,
and +1M be added to the LT of the H(2M LT) as a balancing factor,
yes the SHC needs a non Cannon Variant with more Energy, but thats not what we are discussing here,
what we are discussing is the SHC Hero being barely more than an over glorified Chapion with pretty camo,
i think they would have kept the SHC Heros 2M RT, and like the IFR & HBR made a non cannon Variant to fix it,
but instead we got the SHC-H and the hero was then balanced off that lesser SHC Variant, which i disagree with,
also what type of Quirks would be needed to make a Mech with 2 hard Points viable for the 8/8 Set?