Dimento Graven, on 23 April 2017 - 09:52 PM, said:
Oooohhhh poor baby. Did you get your feel feels hurt?
You are terrible at this. Why do you insist on showing everyone how very bad you are at this?
Taragato's data doesn't include the rate of unbalanced matches because he didn't record the results of every match.
How does one player have a higher WLR than an entire other team? Do you mean a higher WLR than the player on the other team with the highest WLR? What if that player is the only one that has a WLR higher than the other team but all his teammates have WLR lower than the lowest on the opposing force? What if you have two more players showing the same pattern for match score and damage? Is the match unbalanced? If so, which team has the skill advantage? How did you determine that?
What if player A (blue team) has the highest WLR of both teams and Player B (blue team) has the highest match score average of both teams and Player C (blue team) has the highest damage average of both teams. But, Player D (red team) has the second highest WLR and it is higher than B and C while Player E (red team) has the second highest match score and it is higher than A and C while Player F (red team) has the second highest average damage and it's higher than A and B.
Is the match unbalanced? Why or why not?
What if the highest WLR is only .01 higher than the second highest and the opposing force has three such players? Does the higher WLR count as one of your three?
It's probably failing elsewhere but because the matches weren't 'stomps'...
How much is enough? Define 'systematic manner'.
20% of the weaker teams STOMPED the stronger team. Does that sound like you accurately determined who the weaker team was?
EDIT: With the cherry picked data removed, the weaker team ended up STOMPING the stronger team 24% of the time.
No. Read very carefully. You can't draw any conclusions, right or wrong, with this data.
The conclusions you are drawing could very well turn out to be right, but you don't have any evidence to support that claim right now.
Listen you deranged fruitbat, I never claimed that the matchmaker is doing a good job of creating balanced teams. I don't have the data to make such a claim! Neither do you have the data to claim that it is doing a poor job.
Most people with even the most meager of math skills has long since understood what the problem with these analyses are. Now, I'm mostly here to continue to show how much of a clueless blowhard you are.
Nope, objectivity would be bad, I have to be more... well call it 'empathic' than anything. Being able to see the problem from the customer's point of view goes a long way to providing a solution the customer is 'happy' to accept.
And it's not scientific, it's 'practical and human' something science sometimes forgets. If I force the customer to bring me a thousand samples of whatever it is that's the problem, because... SCIENCE... well, FAIL.
No it's not science, but it pays the bills.
I'll just skip over the embedded anti-intellectualism and get to the point. Nowhere did I claim that science must be used at all times and in all situations. That's just you realizing you've lost the discussion and lashing out with straw men and red herrings.
Determining if the matchmaker is failing to make balanced teams for matches according to what we feel indicates a player's skill is a question that CAN be answered through statistical (scientific) analysis. However, that analysis requires data be collected in an unbiased manner and that as many extraneous factors as possible be accounted for.
Except if it's dust, there is no kaboom. There's just you running around with your tin foil hat screaming about the impending kaboom that isn't actually going to happen. Really, it's quite a sight to behold.
Just because a problem isn't perfectly defined doesn't mean it's imaginary.
And humans are very good at tricking themselves into seeing problems that aren't actually there. How many of your irate customers turn out to be completely mistaken in their beliefs about your products?
Science is the best tool we have for eliminating the biases from our humanness in order to identify what is really going on.
It's not perfect, but it's what we got.
Did it get better or worse when forensic science tools became available? Any comment on the 349 death row exonerations completed due to modern DNA science?
Irrelevant analogy remains irrelevant.
You want to claim that someone has measured the imbalance in matches but refuse to explain how you measure imbalance?
You are a maroon.
In other words, we can't say man is causing the Earth to heat up until we find a way for man to cool the planet down.
If not Exxon, you work for BP then?
Just stop. You just look, dumber and dumber every time you go to this well.
This is good to know, although I should reply with a snarky, "Define rapidly"...
Sorry, I didn't know I wasn't allowed to say that the current system wasn't functioning as intended without having a fully designed ready to implement replacement ready.
Is this a new forum rule that I missed or something?
Hyperbole is boring.
This is how bad you are at this. You don't even know what's actually going on.
Taragato originally included SOME 12-2 matches in his data set but after I explained the bias that introduces he went back and removed them.
Not only do you not understand statistics but your understanding of what Taragato did is completely backward to what actually happened!
That was not Taragato's definition of a stomp. If that's your definition, then you can't reference Taragato's data supporting any of your claims because he didn't collect data on what you call stomps.
Broken to get it posted.
You wouldn't, you don't think MM is broken at all, so any data that might show examples of a broken MM are subjected to unreasonable criticism.
Listen you syphilitic camel, I NEVER CLAIMED THAT THE MATCHMAKER IS NOT BROKEN! You just assumed I said that because I seem to be in opposition to your position. That would be the human cognitive bias I keep warning you about. Your perception of what I've said doesn't match at all what I've actually said.
Go ahead. Check to see if I ever made that claim.
A small player pool will not allow your idea of a "fixed" matchmaker to create balanced matches in a timely matter either.
It most certainly is NOT separated (the word you are looking for is independent). How much the PSR moves depends on the final match score. Match score depends on damage done and whether the pilot won or lost the match.
PSR is a derived metric.
A system where there was no "win bias" a player winning 10 matches with receiving the highest possible PSR bump, then losing 10 matches receiving the highest possible PSR penalty should have a net gain of zero.
In the current system, as documented by PGI, that won't happen.
Because it's possible to lose more matches than win, and still go up in rank, PSR won't work for creating balanced teams in a match.
The second does not necessarily follow from the first. You are assuming it's true but you have still failed to provide any actual evidence that it is true.
You don't like my definition, provide one of your own. If it's good, and less than 3 pages long and doesn't include several large matrices, I might even accept it.
You are the one claiming that matches are unbalanced and yet you can't give an objective definition of what that means? That's your problem to solve, not mine. I'm not making any claims as to balanced or unbalanced.
BTW: That anti-intellectualism you suffer from seems to be flaring up again. I'd suggest you see a doctor for some ointment but you would only reject it "'cause of all that fancy schoolin' the doctor got up to."
No where in that statement did I put any words in his mouth. I'm not sure where you got that...
What makes this statement all the more delicious for me is that my interaction with Taragato is just up thread for everyone to see.
No, you've just the numbers were gathered incorrectly, aren't complete, and therefore any conclusions based on them are wrong.
"All right chorus, once more with feeling!"
The fact that you can't tell the difference between being demonstrably wrong and lacking evidence of being right is your own ignorant cross to bear.
71 matches is a lot? Let me check my dictionary . . . nope. Can't seem to find a single dictionary that defines a lot as 71 things. Perhaps you can link me to the dictionary you used? Oh, wait. Not all 71 of those matches were actually unbalanced according to his criteria . . . Hmmmmm "a lot" is starting to sound like it's not a very big number at all. I wonder if there is a more precise means for determining a minimum number of samples necessary in order to be able to express our confidence in our conclusions in the form of a probability of being in error . . . . If only there were some way . . .
Naaaaahhhhh. That sounds to much like some sort of fancy book learnin' and you don' want no part of that hooey!
Ahem. Those "overall lower stats teams" STOMPED the higher stats teams. They didn't just win. They STOMPED!
Nope. Nope. Nope.
Taragato did not record how often higher stats team won. He did not record how often lower stats team won. Taragato did not record the results of just wins and losses, he only collected data from STOMPS. Since the data is for STOMPS only, you can't draw any conclusions about any of the other matches he played in.
Accusation? His original data was cherry picked. Once it was explained to him, he realized that it was cherry picked and to his credit admitted it and removed the cherry picked data from his analysis.
Hardly. Mostly I'm sitting here, laughing my fanny off.
He's a really nice guy, isn't he?
Back to insisting there be a ready solution before we can point out that there's a problem...
So I wasn't up to date on PGI's new starting point for new players. Sue me.
So you feel it's okay to go around making declarative statements about the states of things for which you don't even know the basics of?
No. Not pompous at all.
No. It just means you are a pompous blowhard.
Harp on? I made one reference to it. You've said far more about it in your response than me.
And I'm not going to let your anti-intellectualism deter me from pointing out that you have absolutely no evidence to back up your claims.
As I recall from the data (and I admit it's been a while since I looked) once the percentage difference in avg. match score gets beyond 10% it's a near certainty the team with the average higher match score will win.
Not sure it still shows that with the cherry picked data removed and with nearly 40% of the data gone your statistical confidence in such a statement just fell through the floor.
BTW: With the cherry picked data removed, the weaker team ends up STOMPING the stronger team 24% of the time. Is a system that fails to pick the stronger team 24% of the time really that good at identifying skill?
Once or twice a week now, in the stomps I've participated in, I've always seen one or two do outstanding damage and kills on winning team.
We disagree.
Hence the call to advertise to get more players in the game, and the statement WAY up there (or in the other post, can't remember now) that low population is probably the at the root of all this.
A "fixed" matchmaker will still have to assemble matches out of the small player pool we have now.
The PSR system should have more drastic penalties for losing.
So, do you want a new matchmaker or do you want to overhaul how PSR is calculated? Those are two separate things.
Edited by vandalhooch, 24 April 2017 - 10:02 PM.