Not long ago the players data became public via Leaderboard. It means that now we can examine how matchmaker really works - all we need to do is to compare the teams comparison and the players performance available in Leaderboard.
I made such an attempt and want to share results and my conclusions.
The method of the study.
1) I made the screenshots with the results of the game in the end of the match
2) Using Leaderboard I checked stats of every player who participated in the match (the stats of the current gaming season)
3) Then I calculated the average kill/death ratio, win/loss ratio and average matchscrore (MS) for the players of the victorious and defeated teams (of course, it was based not on the performance in this match, but in the whole season).
The scope of the study
I've analyzed 12 matches played in solo queue during 18-19 April, 2017.
The results
The study showed that in the overwhelming majority of cases the victorious team had an initial advantage. It consisted of players who had higher W\L, K\D and average MS. The opposing team had lower average W\L, K\D and MS.
In 6 matches the players of the team that gained victory had higher W\L, K\D and MS.
In 5 matches the players of the team that gained victory had higher performance among 2 of 3 stats (e.g. they had higher W\L and MS, but their K\D was lower).
In only 1 match the winners had lower average W\L, K\D and MS then the defeated team.

The conclusions
I've reinforced my impression that the outcome of the match is determined by the matchmaker. In fact matchmaker doesn't assemble the equal teams. It makes teams to be unequal. The one team is determined to win, the other - to lose.
Among 12 analyzed matches there was only one exception to this rule. In 90% of the matches the result could be easily predicted after examining of the players stats from Leaderboard.
The question is why matchmaker is programmed that way. Nobody expects the teams to be equal 100%. But the differences between the teams is sometimes striking.
For example in the match №1 the winners average K\D was 1.6, the losers - 0.92. W\L - 1.3 and 1.06, MS - 260 and 208 respectively.
In the match №2 the winners average K\D was 1.31, the losers - 0.91. W\L - 1.29 and 1.01, MS - 238 and 198 respectively.
This difference is really huge. Those 24 people could be mixed the other way to smooth it out, but instead matchmaker formed one "strong" and one "weak" team.
We can imagine some fantastic machine (that could be build by someone with programming skills) that can predict the result of the battle in the beginning of the match. The person takes screenshot of the participants, then this screenshot is scanned, the program redirects the names to the Leaderboard, calculates team's performance and give the result. In 90% (if not more) it would be correct.
I understand that 12 matches is not enough to make really representative sample and come to the firm conclusions. But I believe it shows the trend. I encourage other players, who want to spend time and effort, to make their own examine of the matchmaker.
The data that I used can be found here:
P.S. Found out that Tarogato with the help of his teammates made resembling study. He used over 100 matches data and his results were quite similar.
Tarogato's study is here:
Edited by drunkblackstar, 20 April 2017 - 01:09 AM.