Xorkrath, on 30 April 2017 - 06:30 AM, said:
1: A lot of things "help me survive" and/or "prevent damage to my mech", and not all of them are in the "armor" tree. In fact very few of them are. AMS is active external equipment, not body armor reinforcement and/or shock absorbers. And it's "defense" lends itself to anything in range, so all in all, thematically, it has more in common with ECM than it does with armor. Mech operations is a much better fit for it. You can make a point about other odd pre-reqs in other trees to get to AMS, but it's PGI that's decided that a tree with strange pre-reqs is mandatory
2: "Some variant of an IS mech" isn't helpful if your current variant doesn't carry it. And if you want to make an argument for Clans being able to switch OmniPods to take better armor nodes than the IS can, you're further imbalancing the dynamic there. The discussions on these forums all indicate they're trying to go in the opposite direction.
3: I twice now made the case for why AMS makes better sense elsewhere. One example, not exclusively, was the jump jet tree since they're both optional external equipment not available on all mechs. All you have to do is rename the tree, which you yourself just did in trying to justify a phalanx anti missile system being a part of the armor reinforcement tree. Don't think for a moment that slipped by me, "survival".
1: Taking this in reverse order
It is not mandatory. If you prefer at the first branch you can take <Shock Absorbance 1>
at the next branch you can choose to unlock <Armour hardening 1> instead of <AMS Override 2>
You say ", it has more in common with ECM than it does with armor. Mech operations is a much better fit for it. " ECM is in Sensors not Mech Operations where do you propose to move it too?
I will state here that I think AMS Override would fit best. Firstly in the Weapons Tree, secondly in the Survival tree and lastly in the Mech Operations tree.
2:OK I said almost all variants can mount AMS. I Now Expand Upon it and state
All Variants of IS and Clan BattleMechs Have at least one AMS Hard-point. Your Current Battlemech variant does Have an AMS hard-point!
I included the Omnimechs for completeness because they have to Chose too mount an OmniPod with an AMS hard-point. As such (and as far as I know) they would be forced to either
- A Take a AMS capable Omnipod
- B choose to take <Shock Absorbance 1>
- C Unlock a Node they can not Benefit from
I do not know if they can chose not to mount an AMS capable Omnipod and thus skip a node like you could in the first PTS when if you had a Missile
(for example) node in your path but no Missille Hard-points.
I would not like to see OmniMech Pilots have to Unlock a node they can not benefit from
(unless like in the first PTS such a node did not count against their 91 active nodes) as that would be unfairly encouraging OmniMech pilots to take AMS capable OmniPods so they can take full advantage of all the nodes they pay to unlock.
I firmly Believe OmniMech pilots should be free to chose their desired Omnipod Layouts with No penalties Or missed opportunities. Because they accept the limitations of fixed equipment s for the advantage of having flexible OmniPod layouts
3:I didn't name the tree Survival that was PGI
(I would have gone with Structural Tree)
We Obviously disagree
I think having players Unlock AMS Override nodes to get Vent Calibration, Heat Shielding, Lift Speed or Vectoring is utterly ridiculous.
Having players Unlock AMS Override in the Auxiliary (or Sensors) tree slightly less ridiculous
And unlocking AMS override in the Mech Operations Tree passable (But a hard sell as there are already two crucial skills in there at the moment already requiring a large investment in points for most mechs)
DangerousOne, on 29 April 2017 - 11:52 PM, said:
It's nice to see that you like your post

(Also there are some reasonable thoughts in there. But skill tree is still messy and forces you to do things you wouldn't do if you have full control over said tree)
I think I'll like my posting either. Cuz why not.
Yes this Skill Tree is one of the most messy/complex I have come across online or on paper and it is explicitly designed to make you take things you wouldn't consider if you had full control but if we had full control it would be some kind of linear design or smorgasbord array
Yeah I saw that someone had liked their own post and also thought why not!